Pope declares self immortal

You know, Satan in the garden of Eden told Eve that she would not die and Jesus himself told us to fear Him who can destroy both body and soul. Man does not have an immortal soul. If he did then he would truely be as God and could not die. Something is wrong here.
Yes, the Pope never said such a thing. I think I explained this well in other posts, but when the Pope proclaims a doctrine ex-cathedra, there is a parade, it's on the TV, and the priests would mention it; rarely does a Pope declare doctrines ex-cathedra.

All good apologetic writing of this issue that I've read is that the Greek grammar neccessitates the use of the Petros here. The actual sentence that Jesus said, nonetheless, would have to be in Aramaic. In that case, the Aramaic word would be Cephas, this is the name that Paul uses, and the the argument is made null.

Jesus also said to call no man "father" (papa - pope). We do not need to confess our sins to another sinner like ourselves. We can go directly to God.
While Catholics believe and teach that one should pray directly to God, praying with others is more beneficial. Nevertheless, it's written that Jesus breathed on to his disciples, and said "receive the Holy Spirit" and then, "whoever sins you forgive are forgiven."

Yes the Bible says to confess our faults one to another, but notice that it does not say sins.
Yes, it says this at the end of James. Some translations will use sins. I think your making a minor distinction. All of our faults are sins against God. That which is not a sin is not a fault.

Celebacy of priest
Roman Catholics teach that the Celebracy of priest is a practice, not a doctrine, which means that the Church could revoke the restrictions on celebracy. Moreever, there are easter orthodox churches in communion with the Church which have married priests.

turning the bread into the body of Jesus are just some of the example of great liberty and not being scriptural.
Well, do you believe when Jesus said upon breaking the bread, "this is my body" that the bread that Jesus broke was his body?
whatsupyall "Thats the same thing about the Pope, if the Pope is "evil" and the devil in the flesh, why then will he speak boldly against abortion, euthanasia, contraception, asking all relgious to respect one another"

because abortion isnt evil
because euthenasia isnt evil!!
because contraception isnt evil!!!!
All of these, reduce the swollen population, by removing or preventing people who either have no reason to live, or will break a family apart and possibly reduce them to begging or starvation.
as for respecting all religions, God is allowed an ineffable plan that we can't comprehend, why isn't satan??
Alain, I dont believe that you've been properly introduced to Satan and his overseers, so perhaps you should end your speculation. Attempting to gain too much knowledge of Satan is one of Satan's traps. But who exactly determines who has the reason to live? I know that not even myself can give a reason to live besides life itself. What makes you so certain that God does not allow people to beg in order for those who have food to feed them? There were nuns, after all, who would live on alms in order for the city to do acts of charity.
Alain, I dont believe that you've been properly introduced to Satan and his overseers, so perhaps you should end your speculation.

Have you Okinrus? Yes, everyone's read the books, the novels, and seen The Omen :bugeye:
Have you Okinrus? Yes, everyone's read the books, the novels, and seen The Omen
I've never seen the Omen. As for being properly introduced to Satan, that was a joke. But anyway, my point is that calling Pope John Satan in the flesh is a little bit premature.
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My cousin is the reporter who gets his head sliced off by a sheet of glass thanks to the daemon child. It was regarded as the "best decapitation on film" back in those days :)
okinrus "Attempting to gain too much knowledge of Satan is one of Satan's traps"
how do you know that, unless you went and got knowledge of him?
im not trying to say the pope is evil, if anyone thought i was. just that whatsupyall's proof was slightly dodgy
My cousin is the reporter who gets his head sliced off by a sheet of glass thanks to the daemon child. It was regarded as the "best decapitation on film" back in those days
I'll have to remember to go see it.

okinrus "Attempting to gain too much knowledge of Satan is one of Satan's traps"how do you know that, unless you went and got knowledge of him?
No, not really. In fact, it's not his knowledge; he knows nothing; but it's God's. Since all mankind gained the knowledge of good and evil through Adam and Eve, only a cursory glance at how this knowledge effected mankind is necessary.

im not trying to say the pope is evil, if anyone thought i was. just that whatsupyall's proof was slightly dodgy
Yes... His assumptions, though, are what most fundamentalist Christians believe, so it's not altogether invalid.