Post a new slang word/phrase

[ flok-suh-naw-suh-nahy-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-key-shuh n ]

The estimation of something as valueless
[ flok-suh-naw-suh-nahy-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-key-shuh n ]

The estimation of something as valueless
Like some of the post in other threads of the forum

Yes you can include some of my post in the mix

Awwwww.....did I duplicate you?? I'm sorry, just stumbled across the word and posted it.

No no no

I was referring to the meaning

Some of the post in many threads are floccinaucinihilipilification including some of mine

One day

This phrase is used when you are being sarcastic, as to your wishful thinking. It can also be used in place of ''sigh.''

Sure, let's quit our jobs right now, and backpack through Europe. One day....
Super jealous. :)
Those were innocent times. Easy to hitchhike .

Lol, I remember hitching a ride in a VW beetle and the guy drove 10 km in 3rd gear, until I told him. I forgot the slang word he used, but it wasn't pretty.

Though he was happy I saved him a lot of gas.....:)
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''milk in first''

When you habitually pour milk/cream into your coffee first, before you pour the coffee. I can't say I've ever done that. :smile:
Few times come across "scientifically speaking" before going down the stupidity hole

I propose we speak


when the subject has nothing to do with science

it is not very new but it is fairly new
much the same as saying "really" in reply to something or noting something to define it as having more significance
it will likely not take as a common catch phrase. i suspect probably because of the hard sounding consonant.
softer sounding words catch on a lot more or words relating to sex.

boom chick-a-wow-wow