Post a new slang word/phrase

Chuck Berry (Not one of his best but what a guy )

You have to be careful with the way you address the ladies of the night.The first time I went to one I confided in her that it was my first time with a "pute" and got roundly abused for addressing her that way .I forget the term she required.

In fact I was lucky to get her because the very first ones I approached turned me down in disgust (my appearance no doubt)

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Ifound this at another forum

bubblify - put yourself in a isolated bubble

Bubblified - someone unable to extract themselves from their isolated bubble

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination.
Are you quite sure?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination."

Typos are not usually as accurate
Lit - when something is very exciting or enjoyable.

Flexing - showing off
Wegsing - playing dumb-asking a question when you know the answer :)

ex "Why won't they let in the Republican observers to watch the vote count?"
Rivering - Asking question - given accurate factual correct answer - asking same question in slightly altered fashion

One I heard on the net last night, cannot remember where:

Getting one's bowels in an uproar. It means to get over-emotional.
I've invented a couple of words when the need for them became rather great......

I can't guarantee that they will catch on though.....

No, that's a folk etymology. Orang hutan is simply Malay for "man (of the) forest."

I worked at forestry for over two decades so would that make me an Orang hutan????

Some other posters here on the forum might just have some fun with that idea......???

I remember using a really good one a few days ago but I will have to go back to work to see if it will come back into my memory again.....

Prostephy... (pardon my spelling)......... that is a prophecy where the source is highly questionable...... possibly even from the "dark side" of the force. This word ties in rather nicely with Applied Multiverse Theory.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination.
Often acquired by jumping and landing on your head.
Often acquired by jumping and landing on your head.

I've landed some really big trees on my head on occasion...........

one of the dumbest times was.......... I don't even want to think about it........

Jumping to an occlusion.

....... I jumped to the occlusion that it was OK for me to cut off a little hardwood... I think a maple......

that was bent over from the weight of several other trees being on top of it....... (I was felling trees for a processor/ havester).......
and of course the tree snapped up and caught me in the mouth........

I suppose I could plead guilty and figure out some what to put this over into the Physics and Math forum here.... because that maple was roughly five or six inches on the butt...... and it sure gave me a good whallop! (oops wallop)


  1. strike or hit (someone or something) very hard.
    "they walloped the back of his head with a stick"
No... this was actually the front of my head that got walloped.... which makes the whole thing even more embarrassing....