Post-Diluvian Nephilim?

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days – and also afterwards – when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them
This is a compound statement, consisting of three separated statements, that prove my point.

Moreover from that abundance of confused logic, the copy of that first document also says that
in China there existed giants with horns and clad in furs. However it does not say they were bipeds.

We could say that on the American continent there were giants with horns and clad in fur.
All we need do is look at the American buffalo. We still have giants in the ocean, called whales.
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This is a compound statement, consisting of three separated statements, that prove my point.

Moreover from that abundance of confused logic, the copy of that first document also says that
in China there existed giants with horns and clad in furs. However it does not say they were bipeds.

We could say that on the American continent there were giants with horns and clad in fur.
All we need do is look at the American buffalo. We still have giants in the ocean, called whales.

The verses from the Bible are saying that there were giants on the Earth in different time periods and that their origins were the Sons of God (Angels) having children with the Daughters of Man (human women). The Book of Enoch makes it very clear that the Nephilim were a hybrid race of fallen angels and human women (maybe they didn't have female angels at the time?). Since the Bible speaks of Giants being on Earth after the flood and clearly states that all of God's creation outside of Noah's Ark died the
post-diluvian giants must have descended from Noah's bloodline. Anak is noted as being the patriarch of a race of giants who were descendants of the Nephilim. Now what is the truth origin of the myth? From a Biblical perspective some theologians have suggested that the fallen angels (demons) were attempting to taint the bloodline of humans in order to prevent Jesus Christ from having a sinless nature.

This article for example poses that theory:

From a more scientific perspective I personally think this was probably just an explanation for really tall people. Imagine that everyone in your village was under 6 feet tall and then one day someone grew up to be as big and tall as Shaquille O'Neal, Paul Wight or Hong-man Choi. How do you explain an anomaly like that especially if their father's aren't very tall? You invent a theory about them descending from supernatural beings who blended the human bloodline. Maybe some of these men develop bad attitudes from being ostracized for being so tall and large and they become known for violent tempers and being fierce warriors. Now you have a stereotype for the angry giant based on real events that gets warped in to a supernatural explanation of the giants being demigods who are known as Nephilim. The myth of them being 14 feet tall is simply an exaggeration.

I think this is entirely plausible. There are certainly large animals out there but I don't know any buffalo that wield axes. Maybe the horns were simply a headdress or helmet of a rival tribe that made its way in to Chinese folklore as a characteristic of their breed of giants. That could also just be their imagination. I saw an episode ancient Aliens once where it was suggested that humans were created from genetic experiments by aliens mixing the DNA of different species to create the perfect servant for the work they needed to be done to fuel their ships and the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that depict beings with the characteristics of different animals or humans with animal heads were evidence of these experiments. I just shrug at that and think, "Maybe that was the artist's imagination" e.g. "Wouldn't it be cool to have the body of a lion?" or "What if a creature had the body of a hippo and a crocodile" then the artist drew it for fun and it became a custom to draw these imaginary beings over time. Likewise maybe Bigfoot was just a bear standing on its hind legs in the woods and from a distance it looked like a giant ape creature that became a myth. The book I bought is full of creatures that people couldn't possibly have believed were true unless they were on some type of drugs or lost their minds.

Nephilim could have just been an explanation for really big and tall people and storytellers got carried away with their imagination.

Edit: I completely screwed up my calculation with ells. I divided when I should have multiplied. So according to The Book of Enoch the Nephilim were actually more like 4, 500 feet tall if we assume that 1 ell = 18 inches. There's no way anyone in their right mind thought beings like this ever existed. Unless Wikipedia is wrong on ells (I see some sources giving the same figure) we're talking about giants of a whole other magnitude than 14 feet. Making ordinary men look like grasshoppers in their sight makes a lot more sense with giants that tall.
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Sorry that was a reading error by me, but consider this

So if the average height of those people was 6ft, 4in. then it stands to reason that some individuals may have been much taller and some much shorter.

Manute Bol, a famous African basketball player (athlete) was 7ft 7in. Seems that this is getting close to being a giant as compared to a member of a pygmy tribe.
You're still just making things up based on a poor understanding of human physiology.
You're still just making things up based on a poor understanding of human physiology.
Can you be more specific? I know little of human physiology. But other than in mythology can you explain how evolution can create true giants, let alone hundreds of ft tall. In my search for evidence, I only found this
Alleged fossil evidence[edit]
Through the centuries, certain archaeologists have searched for fossil evidence of a race of giants. Alleged evidence includes:
  • The Giant of Castelnau: Estimated at 11 feet 6 inches (3.5 m) tall. Discovered by the anthropologist Georges Vacher de Lapouge at the Bronze Age cemetery of Castelnau-le-Lez, France in the winter of 1890.[22][23][24]
  • 1894 press accounts mentioned a discovery of bones of human giants unearthed at a prehistoric cemetery at Montpellier, France. Skulls "28, 31, and 32 inches in circumference" were reported alongside other bones of gigantic proportions which indicated they belonged to a race of men "between 10 and 15 feet in height." The bones were reportedly sent to the Paris Academy for further study.[25][26]
  • The remains of the Si-Te-Cah or Sai'i, a legendary tribe of red-haired cannibalistic giants, which were allegedly found in 1911 by guano miners in Nevada's Lovelock Cave.[13] However, the size and nature of the fossil remains has been disputed by Adrienne Mayor in the book, Fossil Legends of the First Americans.
I also found a rather extensive list of giant animals. And if we found bones of dinosaurs and hybrid, why should we not find fossils of giant human hybrids. Seems convenient to the perpetuation of giants in mythology.
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Do you understand why they say "alleged"?
  1. (of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality:
  1. should that convince me they existed? How many of them were there one, a hundred? have we even found any weapons which would be proportional to a giant?
If God killed off everyone but Noah's family and the seven pairs of all animals in the flood, how did the Nephilim come back later (in Isaiah, for example)?

One understanding is that the wives of Noah's sons, weren't genetically pure.

So photographic frauds aren't new, and those "giants" from the 1800s are a good example of this. You do understand that nobody ever produced the actual skeletons of giant humans for a proper scientific examination, don't you?
So photographic frauds aren't new, and those "giants" from the 1800s are a good example of this. You do understand that nobody ever produced the actual skeletons of giant humans for a proper scientific examination, don't you?

Oh they did , look at the news paper clipings at the time . There were many , many from different parts of the US .

The " proper " at that time was to send to the Smithonian , which they did but never heard from them again .
Oh they did , look at the news paper clipings at the time . There were many , many from different parts of the US .

The " proper " at that time was to send to the Smithonian , which they did but never heard from them again .
The Smitty probably hurt themselves laughing.