No, I didn't. Your crazy-straw logic might have made you think I did - but I did not.
I assumed you would not stray from the subject of "deep water pressure".
Then why did you make a comparison to it?
I have only talked about high pressure flow. That's the entire foundation of my system description. Using the ocean's deep water pressure.
Let's get away from what you imagine and use math.
Now you're talking. How efficient could this system be. I don't have a clue. I'll rely on your knowledge of the science.
Let's say one of these systems has been installed in 500 meters of water. The tank has a volume of 100 cubic meters. The turbine has an efficiency of 80% when used as a water turbine and an efficiency of 80% when used as a pump.
No, let's not restrict ourselves too much. Let's assume the tanks (in series) have a combined sufficient volume to generate 4, 8, 12 hours of electricity at a given depth. I'm sure that can be calculated as part of the system's utility. The rest of the time can be used for pumping the system out and prepare it for the next cycle?
How much energy will you get when you let the tank fill?
How much energy will you need to pump the tank out?
Can you do the math? I can't, I have never studied hydraulics.
As a secondary question. Even if the system has a net loss, but offers an instantaneous night time supply of electricity to supplement say, a solar system which goes dormant at night. But then during the day the surface grid is used to supplement the electricity needed for pumping. i.e. any net loss of the system is offset by its special utility at night?
The system itself does not need to store electricity for pumping. That energy can come from the surface grid, when there is plenty of other renewable electricity available.
As I said, I doubt that the system can be used as a constant supply of electricity. It has an inherently limited periodic utility, but may be useful for special applications?
If someone can do the maths, that would answer all those questions and may even render the entire proposition moot at the onset....