Proof for ETI: Part 2

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all that time I worked with PhD astronomers, engineers, and even met the odd astronaut, I was never shown what the funny handshake was, or how to find the clubhouse.

Try it on someone else.
crazymikey said:

I am not going to play, "Mines bigger than yours"

Nope, you aren'tsaying anything, you keep dodging the question. SO WHAT WAS YOUR DEGREE?

Now, some stranger on the internet, who cannot form logical arguments, has some of the worst comprehension of science on the forum, and the best he's shown of his scientific knowledge, is a high school formula

I stated that formula, because you made a really elementary scientific error, saying something would 'fall' before you have even encountered gravity! I understand science pretty well, enough to pull you up on yours. You're just making ad-homs, calling my scientific ability and experience, whilst offering NOTHING to back up your claimed superiority, other than you think superior because you believe. That is circular logic, and flawed. You must try harder.

- err, forgive me for being dubious. It's quite obvious you're bullshitting. I mean where is the evidence that you are who you say you are?

And you saying nothing about your credentials means you are to be trusted MORE? That's hilarious!

You could be a delusioned 14 year old kid, whose just recently been taught the uniform laws of motion in physics, and is trying to impress people online, by parroting one of them. In fact, from the way you have presented yourself, I don't think that's too far from reality.

Try adding more than 20 years age and experience to that figure. But the same description could fit you, by the way. You are the wide eyed gullible who believes in the unfounded. That's far more the trait of a 14 year old than any I'm displaying.

So, what was your degree again, and are you a christian?
phlogistician said:
Nope, you aren'tsaying anything, you keep dodging the question. SO WHAT WAS YOUR DEGREE?

I'm not foolish like you Phlo, that I would claim to have such and such qualfications on a public forum.

I stated that formula, because you made a really elementary scientific error, saying something would 'fall' before you have even encountered gravity! I understand science pretty well, enough to pull you up on yours. You're just making ad-homs, calling my scientific ability and experience, whilst offering NOTHING to back up your claimed superiority, other than you think superior because you believe. That is circular logic, and flawed. You must try harder.

LoL, you still hung up on that. Have you noticed, you're the only one to mentally ejaculate over that? Everyone else got it. It does not make sense to you, that gravity was initially not present in the first model - and yet you claim to have a degree in Physics :D Riiiight.

And you saying nothing about your credentials means you are to be trusted MORE? That's hilarious!

Man, you are too funny! I don't see others here bragging about their qualfications, does that mean no one is credible. In fact, that you would be foolish and stupid enough, to brag about qualfications on a public forum, itself makes you lose credibility. Unless if you can support it.

Try adding more than 20 years age and experience to that figure. But the same description could fit you, by the way. You are the wide eyed gullible who believes in the unfounded. That's far more the trait of a 14 year old than any I'm displaying.

Oh another claim. Now you're 34 years old, with a degree in Physics and IT, who has met government officials and astronauts, and knows what secret clearence codes should be called - yet spends his time on a public forum, nitpicking and abusing others, does not understand science, or it's history, brags to people on the internet about his "degrees" and quotes high school formulas --- Riiiight. Hey, I'll believe - just prove it to me ;)
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Crazymikey obviously has no credentials - he gave us a full description of himself already:

...a delusioned 14 year old kid, whose just recently been taught the uniform laws of motion in physics, and is trying to impress people online, by parroting one of them. In fact, from the way you have presented yourself, I don't think that's too far from reality.
I'm calling Crazy Mikey out as a Troll. A Troll with a fair amount of Stamina, but definitely a Troll.

Only a Troll would consistently avoid answering a direct question, such as 'what degree have you got' and 'are you a christian'.

Mikey is hiding behind uncertainty, seemingly thinking that he is more credible by not stating his qualifications. He misses the point however, that if he is skeptical of claims I make wrt my credentials and job history, because they are posted here, why should anything he posts, or links to on another web page, be more credible?

He's just making a rather poor attempt to discredit me as I've shown him up. he made a schoolboy error, got called on it, and now makes sweeping statements, electing himself spokesperson for the rest of Sciforums, saying 'Everyone else got it', when in actual fact, there was NO support for his hypothetical situation given!

As to the doubt that I've met astronauts, and govt officials, why would this seem so wild? Astronauts don't know people, don't they? Govt officials and researchers don't have friends (in fact, I'm expecting one round for dinner in about two hours, he's an old schoolfriend actually, I've known him since I was nine years old.)

Maybe these people seem out of reach to him, because he moves in mundane circles. Maybe he's never worked anywhere that an astronaut might visit. Maybe he doesn't have the qualifications to get to work with sensitive data. Maybe he has a criminal record and will never be allowed, who knows what he does, who cares, really, I know what I've done, and that's all that matters. He is a Troll, and I'm a debunker, and he's been debunked.

Of course, he could inject some credibility by answering my questions.

a, what's your degree?
b, are you a christian?
:D Phlo, you seem hurt? All I asked you, was proof for the credentials and status you claim to have?

It does matter not who, or what I am. I am not the one claming anything. You have made a claim that is so obviously bullshit, and cannot even support it. Now as you have made the claim, you now must substantiate it.

So on the contrary sir, I can call you out as a troll. On the following grounds:

1: Abusing others for little reason
2: Nitpicking at peoples use of English or terms to undermine them
3: Displaying an absolute lack of lateral thinking
4: Outrightful denial/dismissal of others arguments
5: Lying about credentials

You sir, are at the bottom of the barrel.
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Proof for ETI: Part 3 - Official

Proof for ETI: Part 3 - Official

To answer your question: Yes, I declared that further evidence and proofs were unnecessary, in light of the excessive deconstructive comments, and pointless personality wars. The topics, though started in good faith, to stimulate intellectual discussion of the matter, have ended up becoming war zones; with constant rounds of ammunition firing from both sides.

This only serves to side-track the topic. I therefore have started another installment of this topic, in hope, that we can start, afresh, and discuss this sensibly and honestly. I hope, that the moderators will ensure that takes place.

I will recap all the arguments made in favour of ETI:

1: Disclosure project:
2: Probability of life
3: Physical evidence of ETI
4: Skeptical arguments
5: ETI UFO's
6: Past ETI: Famous cases
7: Past ETI: Artwork
8: Modern cases: Cordell Hull 1939
9: Modern cases: UFO crash of Missouri 1941
10: Modern cases: Air Raid at massive UFO over Los angeles 1942
11: Modern cases: Roswell 1947
12: Skeptical arguments 2
13: Quantum leap in terrestrial technology: Reverse engineering ETI technologies
14: Philip Schneiders 1995 Lecture and death
15: Colonel Philip J. Corso, U.S.A's testimony

In summation: the evidence presented has been more than compelling. Now, I ask, that we discuss, each case, preferablly one by one in a serious and constructive manner.

Meanwhile, I present you with the 16th argment in favour of ETI:


In 2001, highly classified, secret files were released to the public, revealing many earth-shattering secrets: In 1980, in Rendlesham forest, glowing UFO's of metallic appearence, pulsulating red on the top, and blow light on the underside, were sighted, flying in formations for hours, by many RAF and USAF officers, as well as police officers and civillians, also causing the animals in the forest to run about in a frenzy. The sites at which they were sighted were examined, to reveal 3 depressions in the ground. They were later examined for radiation levels, revealing radiation 10 times higher than normal.

First-hand witnesses, Colonel Gordon Williams claims to have communicated directly with the alien entities on board the UFO's when he saw them in the forest. Larry Warren (then 19), a USAF Security Specialist, claimed that the government had immediately covered-up the information and confiscated tape recordings, video recordings and photographs taken by the witnesses.

You can read these files yourself. They are huge, but well worth the read. The files were released due to 20 years of investigation by government ministers and researchers in unveiling the cover-up. I hope to see US of A follow soon too.

This really is HARD evidence of the existence of ETI. Do you believe now?
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There are 2 really really convincing ufo documentaries I have seen. One was 'ufo; best evidence ever caught on tape' but I can't remember the neame of the other one.
The feeling of it was like 'finally we have irrefutable proof that extraterrestrials have visited earth, how do we deal with this?' and as I was watching it I was like "wow I wonder what the skeptics will have to say for themselves now" but that was the last I heard of it:confused:
I guarantee no skeptic could remain a skeptic after seeing these 2 documentaries.
Seriously, I'm a rational human being, but there is just mountains of overwhelming evidence. Its more irrational to be a skeptic at this point. And I don't like being irrational which is the only reason I am not a skeptic.
A pdf of a photocopy of a testimonial is not hard evidence. If you actually had hard evidence even the skeptics would believe.

I haven't been visiting here long but I think this thread will play out like the others..
Mikey presents 'evidence'.
Some critical thinkers take it apart and totally discredit it.
Mikey responds with insults because he is being attacked.
Mikey complains about the insults in the thread.
Some believers back Mikey up.
Mikey announces that he has proven the existence of visiting ET and that he has made fools of the skeptics.
Mikey starts Proof for ETI 4.

I understand that this post is not particularly constructive but my frustration has been building over these threads.
Then you will not last long here - grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy yourself!

:D Peace.
When one takes into account all that has been discovered about UFO’s and ETI’s it is a wonder at why some so vehemently deny their existence. Even that some actually lie and twist their words to cause such doubt as to the very great potential of humans.

Regret, remorse, compassion, and other human qualities seem to be drastically lacking in all that I have read of ETI’s. Reminds me of some of the posters here.

I think Mikey has done an admirable job of putting all this together and should be commended for the work. Also that the “opposition” that he is discovering has made him aware of the many other pieces of this interesting puzzle.
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Dr Lou Natic: That is splendid, and I whole heartedly agree with what you have said. Thank you for your honest comments.

Shaman: You are right, it is not constructive, not even in the least. It also extremely biased and poorly thought; my posting become insults; people who favour ETI, become the believers; while the "skeptics" become the critical thinkers. If you wish to remain credible, I suggest you refrain from such childish generalizations. Then again, you only have 13 posts, and many have been in the ETI threads you claim to be frustarated off :)

Goofyfish: I wanted to seperate this topic from the clutter of insults here. Anyway, if you feel it was best to merge the topics, then I will not argue with you.

Craterchains: Thank you for the vote of confidence, friend. Yes, in total that is around 50+ pages of evidence in favour of ETI.

As no one has chosen a case to be discussed yet. I will choose one myself to discuss:

Modern cases: Air Raid at massive UFO over Los angeles 1942:


Mod edit: No. Provide a link to the previous material; it is not necessary to repost it.


Now, let's engage the discussion.
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As no one has chosen a case to be discussed yet.

You are under the assumption that you're the first person here to discuss these cases. You're not. They have been discussed ad nuaseum with the same results - no credible evidence whatsoever.

Rehashing the same nonsense over and over is pointless.
Q: If you wish to contribute, please put forward your argument against the case in question.
Has any one else got the idea that the fish is desperately trying to control the information that ETI is real, and they that are here on earth, are here because it is Prison Planet for them. They are not going to admit that though. Fish deleted a SNIDE comment that Q made, now it deletes part of the thread material from my posts? Time to get a bit of information about this scaly wag I think. The MATRIX of Prison Planet earth; figure it all out and BINGO you get to leave, IF you are not a “meek” human. Times are changing. This is The Beginning, NOT the end as some may think.

But those bad ET's that got their butts kicked and tossed down to the very planet where they wanted so desperately to make us humans look bad now have to endure humanity for the next thousand years. Tuff break, losers. While we humans attend to our tan lines and develop our bun’s of steel, those beaten and displaced ETI here on earth will have to “stay below” underground or get their butt’s kicked some more.
Has any one else got the idea that the fish is desperately trying to control the information that ETI is real

Yes, I can see it happening before my eyes. He has been spinelessly deleting and editing our posts, while hiding in the wilderness like a coward. It's obvious, he's trying to control the information.

I think I've had my fill of this pseudo forum. Not only are most of the members here, idiots, but even the very institution that runs this forum.
WOW....take some time off from posting, come back and fishy has re-decorated the forum....amazing!!

Excellent post Norval!!
Welcome to the real world Mikey where you can identify the truth by the responses. You really think that you are posting with just humans still? Now here is some evidence that I bet you never thought you would find? A few months ago Fieryice and I started these forum explorations to see if we could develop methodology and discover if ETI were indeed at forums.

Now what do you think Mikey?
Hey Mikey!

If you're going to go, then go - stop hanging around spouting melodramatic goobledygook.

I'm sure there are loads of delusional fanatics such as yourself elsewhere who would welcome you with open arms.
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