concepts do not exist ie they have no physicality - they are just idea in the mind
Thank you for piling on the proof that God does not exist...
I was watching stuff on the first world war and I could not help but think if there was a God who gave us free will you would think seeing the absolute horror and senseless loss of life and the horrible life changing injuries a God of any capacity, morality or decency would have taken the free will gift back ...
Surely that is more proof that there is no God who gives a fig about human suffering...oh thats right suffering is an illusion..
These religious folk its like they have had part of their brain fried preventing rational long will humanity fall for this superstitious crap...
I like cage one fight the fighters second was his brother...during the rounds the brother gives excellent advice to the fighter.."Just trust the lord he will show you what to do"...well the lord stood by and let this guy get the crap punched out of him.
What stupidity.
Why would a God favour one fighter over another...the sheer arrogance of these dingbats is unbelievable...
Then they talk down to people like us who dont get sucked in saying we would not understand...arogance and ignorance in an untidy confused bundle.
I have been reading proverbs in the bible ...if the fire starts again I have some really funny and absurd passages that I guess your average theist would have to call idioticly stupid...but used in reply would be so funny.
They want religion I can find a religious answer for anything.
There is much on fools...judgemental twits.
Fight fire with fire (biblical quotes of nonsense) will be next and it will be hilarious.
However I am going bush for a couple of weeks of astronomy so can you keep an eye on things an keep those who want concepts to be real reminded that thinking about something will not make it become real.
Praying=talking to something that is not there without realising you have problems with delussion that cause you to substitute ancient unsupported superstition for reality.