Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

Well great, now just tell your buddies running this country to the ground, and back to the dark ages, to keep their religion at home and church, and away from government policy! ;)

Last I checked there was a separation between the Church and the State. Though if that is violeted somehow - me talking with my 'buddies who run the country' surely won't help much.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
if your cinderella book gave normative descriptions (ie gave prescriptions of process and methodology that enable coming to the point of direct perception) perhaps there could be a similarity

direct perception, being the point that you become completely delusional,
its not clear how you establish direct perception is synonymous for delusion
well theirs people out there who fantasize that their star trek captains, they must have direct perception with star trek, but I dont think they qualify as delusional as they dont let it dominate their lifes.
its not clear how a serious discussion of the perceptions of theism can be addressed in connection to star trek, since the star trek one obviously doesn't innvolve any direct perception
however I think all fiction has a methodology, and process, else how would you make sense of it.
to say 'some people get it wrong therefore all people get it wrong' is absurd, and its hardly a principle one would utilize to evaluate scientifc claims, what to speak of the theistic
but whether it makes you delusional, is questionable you have to believe it beyond any doubt first, Ie: have blind faith in it.
and without inductive knowledge, or faith, being one of the initial foundations for scientific inquiry, you have a very marginal body of info to work with in the name of science
(in other words if one is only prepared to accept as 'knowledge' what is immediately perceptable its a very limiting methodology, since on ewould be bereft of the opportunity to apply higher education/training etc)
The point is - that the 'christian god' will exist as long as people believe in it. if they believe in god, then it will exist and be real to them. Even though it may not be real to the OP.

On another note, I think it's a little sad that people feel the compulsion to pick on Christians so much - they have just as much of a right to believe in what they want as you do with what you want. Can't we just leave it at that?
On another note, I think it's a little sad that people feel the compulsion to pick on Christians so much - they have just as much of a right to believe in what they want as you do with what you want. Can't we just leave it at that?

Basically when a theist comes here, he's/she's got issues, needs clarifications, as this is a science forum with a subforum on theology/religion.

So theist have to educate themselves about their beliefs, or is basically trying to get converts here to their way of thinking. FAT CHANCE at that, most theist that stick around here for a spell, either end up leaving the forum, or become an atheist/agnostic. Of course this does not happen quite often, but I've been long enough here to have seen it happen. ;)

Did you know, that Christmas is a pagan holiday? It was adopted by early Christianity, and christmas has existed on earth way before any jesus ever showed it's mythical existence here on earth.

Have a nice read! BTW if you are not here to learn, then why the hell are you here?
I think they are here because they actually believe they are making in-roads with their fricking irreducible complexity and supernatural quantum mechanics pseudoscience.
I think they are here because they actually believe they are making in-roads with their fricking irreducible complexity and supernatural quantum mechanics pseudoscience.

Got that right!

Why not advertise their pseudoscience BS in a religious forum? were everyone agrees with them! AS for Sciforums is a science forum with a subforum on theism/religion. Only to give chance to those who think that they can present credible evidence of their creed. However apparently no one ever has, though the subforum stays here do to it's popularity, also good way to re-educate some theists. It has happened. SouthStar was once "defender of the faith" now he's an atheist! ;)

So the forum eventually does serve a purpose! it brings zealot theist to think critical of their creed. Even Lg has to re-invent his pseudotheologycrap!
The point is - that the 'christian god' will exist as long as people believe in it. if they believe in god, then it will exist and be real to them. Even though it may not be real to the OP.

On another note, I think it's a little sad that people feel the compulsion to pick on Christians so much - they have just as much of a right to believe in what they want as you do with what you want. Can't we just leave it at that?

M*W: Yes, they have a right to believe in what they want to believe in. It's when they come to sciforums, a scientific forum, and demand that they hear voices in their heads, and they've seen miracles, etc. They never offer any evidence for their beliefs. Talk about being judgmental! Because they hear god's voice in their heads, they tell us how condemned the rest of us are! When the rest of us try to explain to them this is illogical, they just tear into us, however silly and immature they may be, and they are completely unable to discuss anything in a reasonable manner.

It's not the christians I want to pick on, it's their ignorance that I want to destroy.
M*W: Yes, they have a right to believe in what they want to believe in. It's when they come to sciforums, a scientific forum, and demand that they hear voices in their heads, and they've seen miracles, etc. They never offer any evidence for their beliefs ....

... they are completely unable to discuss anything in a reasonable manner....

...It's not the christians I want to pick on, it's their ignorance that I want to destroy.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?
Godless, your agenda aside, would it hurt to be a little nicer?

WTF do you mean, i've calmed down quite a bit, just ask LightGigantic.

I've not called you! any swear names, like; idiot, brainless, head stuck up your ass, or even said your typing stupidity! I only asked what the hell is a theist doing in a scientific forum/subforum of religion, if not to LEARN or find ways to find converts to their way of thinking! ;)

BTW all the swears above were just for an example, they are not meant for any theist here who believe in their rhetorical non-sequirtus mumble jumble, jada,jada,jada, nonsense! Ok! :cool:
That raises an interesting question. Why shouldn't a theist be allowed in a subforum designated 'religion'. Wouldn't things be a little boring if you guys had no one to debate with?
Learning how to deal with half wits like you! Calm, anger management! CALM! anger management! LOL...Plus I was not always an atheist, thanks to scites like this, Barnes and Noble, and a bit of common sense, I learnt to think for myself, and not quote some ancient dogmatic tribal bs rhetoric writen by ignorat fools who mostly followed astrology-theology BS! ;)

BTW I'm still learning!
That raises an interesting question. Why shouldn't a theist be allowed in a subforum designated 'religion'. Wouldn't things be a little boring if you guys had no one to debate with?

I never claimed they shouldn't be allowed!

I only asked, kind of rudely what the heck are you doing here? if not to learn, preach, or try to convert?
Learning how to deal with half wits like you! Calm, anger management! CALM! anger management! LOL...Plus I was not always an atheist, thanks to scites like this, Barnes and Noble, and a bit of common sense, I learnt to think for myself, and not quote some ancient dogmatic tribal bs rhetoric writen by ignorat fools who mostly followed astrology-theology BS! ;)

BTW I'm still learning!

I think you shouldn't post without following the directions of your prescription medication

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"Originally posted by Godless"
I only asked what the hell is a theist doing in a scientific forum/subforum of religion, if not to LEARN or find ways to find converts to their way of thinking!

Kendall-So because I believe in god in your mind I should not be interested or understand science.
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I only asked what the hell is a theist doing in a scientific forum/subforum of religion, if not to LEARN or find ways to find converts to their way of thinking! .
Did you phrase that correctly? If you didnt I would tend to agree.:)

So becouse I believe in god in your mind I should not be interested or understand science.

No of course not, but you should distinguish between science and the pseudo fecal matter that borrows the science name