Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

It's quite simple: as with much else in the Bible, there are contradictory statements -

God has to ask.

Oops, he asked again...

And again...

(just some examples).

Does one not ask ones children what they are doing even if one already knows the answer? We make rhetorical statements all the time, why can't God?
Originally Posted by Arioch
@NM --

Ever read Genesis? God had to ask Adam and Eve why they were wearing clothes, an omniscient god wouldn't have had to do so.

There is still free will though. To ask is to get their feelings and impressions on the matter. Omniscience would indicate knowing the outcome though.

Man (humans) being made in his image should have free will, as long as they can get along.

Jesus showed us how to live with the Sermon on the Mount.

Showed us how to die.

Showed us what comes after.

That is a Trinity.

Just like man, woman and child is a
Trinity because without there is no life.
There is still free will though.
Unsupported supposition.

Omniscience would indicate knowing the outcome though.
If omniscience exists there cannot be free will.

Man (humans) being made in his image should have free will, as long as they can get along.

Jesus showed us how to live with the Sermon on the Mount.

Showed us how to die.

Showed us what comes after.

That is a Trinity.

Just like man, woman and child is a
Trinity because without there is no life.
And now you're just spouting more supposition...
Then support it.
With something more than unsubstantiated guesses.

It is supported. Just look it up. You can say the same (unsupported) about anything then. The only thing really supported, that is directly impacted on humans, is life and death.

You can say "the sun throws light" (in layman's terms), now support why...why does the sun throw light? And that is what you know...that is what you call light. Someone somewhere else may not call it "light".

If you made that statement to them they will say it is "unsupported".
It is supported. Just look it up.
And again you fail to proved the claimed support.
Look what up, where?

You can say "the sun throws light" (in layman's terms), now support why...why does the sun throw light? And that is what you know...that is what you call light. Someone somewhere else may not call it "light".

If you made that statement to them they will say it is "unsupported".
Blah blah. Inane drivel.

YOU have made claims. Please support them.
Look what up where? Wat i said, on the internet.
In other words you're simply spouting rubbish. Again.

You really dont know the difference between agreeing with something and supporting something...sheesh.
You made specific claims:
Originally Posted by Ellie
There is still free will though.
Man (humans) being made in his image should have free will, as long as they can get along.

Jesus showed us how to live with the Sermon on the Mount.

Showed us how to die.

Showed us what comes after.

That is a Trinity.

Just like man, woman and child is a
Trinity because without there is no life.

Neither of which you have supported.
I did not spout rubbish.

Tell you right now, the way you think we would have never advanced as a civilization. You lack vision.
In other words you're simply spouting rubbish. Again.

You made specific claims:

Neither of which you have supported.

Dude, you are faultfinder, the bible specifically says your are cursed, and not to listen to your fancy words.

Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.
I did not spout rubbish.
Yet you can't support your claims.
And, for reference, you do, and have, spouted rubbish. Such as your repeated claim that there is as much evidence for Jesus' existence as there is for evolution.

Tell you right now, the way you think we would have never advanced as a civilization. You lack vision.
As evidenced by the fact some of my work is in use everyday in numerous countries round the world.
Dude, you are faultfinder, the bible specifically says your are cursed, and not to listen to your fancy words.
The bible is contradictory (as are you: you persist in referencing it while at the same stating it's bullshit).

Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.
Yeah, blah blah blah. Again.
@NM --

have you read the bible all the way through? (how do you know 'Nowhere does the bible even come close to saying'?) i notice you did not bring any verses to back up your opinion.

Yes, I have read the bible the whole way through, multiple times, using multiple translations. And the story I cited is so well known that I didn't think that verse and chapter were really necessary. Everyone in the US(and virtually everyone elsewhere as well) knows the story of Adam and Eve, why should the verse it happened in make any damn difference?

This is an example of you moving the goalposts.

and i already know you would not accept any alternate perspective regarding this, so why should i answer?

Not when the text explicitly disagrees with it no. If you can cite something from the bible that supports the whole omniscience thing then by all means do it, but you know as well as I do that there is no such verse in the bible.

@Knowledge --

Just because he "knows" the outcome doesn't mean it will happen.

Actually that's exactly what it means. If the outcome is already known then that, by definition, means that the outcome will proceed that way.

You are getting progressivly worse.

No, you're getting progressively less and less coherent. Your posts keep making less and less sense.

@Chiller --

I don't know why you insist the biblical or Abrahamic God isn't omniscient.

Because there's no reason to think that it is and because the abrahamic religions really like postulating free will.

@Ellie --

There is still free will though.

This isn't supported by any sort of evidence, in fact the latest discoveries from neurology indicate otherwise. We've discovered that movement decisions, such as whether or not to move your arm, are made about half a second before you become aware of the decision. In fact by the time you become aware of any such decision the movement is already underway.

Man (humans) being made in his image should have free will, as long as they can get along.

Well, if man is made in the image of god(though I think that it's most likely the other way around) and god has free will then god isn't omniscient. QED.

Jesus showed us how to live with the Sermon on the Mount.

Showed us how to die.

Showed us what comes after.

This is what you believe, but it's far from a demonstrable fact. Sure, the Sermon on the Mount had some good shit in it, that much is true, but Jesus didn't just preach good shit, he came up with some downright evil ideas too. Such as the idea of eternal torture, which first showed up in the NT.

As for "what comes after", you first need to show that there is an after to speak of. Until you do that this is nothing but deep fried bullshit and chips.

Just like man, woman and child is a
Trinity because without there is no life.

This just shows that you don't know anything about biology. Ever heard of parthenogenesis? Did you know that there are entire species which survive by parthenogenesis? Did you know that sexual intercourse didn't develop until very late in the evolutionary game?

In fact, to say what you did involves either deliberately ignoring all of this or being ignorant of all of this. Either way...
Thing is, could not one sum up the entire argument and seal it with an even simpler one- we are beyond God? How can we know that which is eternal and all knowing, yet wishes for us to love Him willingly as opposed to simply making us love Him.

What do we know of His plan that we think ourselves able to judge Him? Have we not proven time and again how petty and limited our vision is (powered flight, space flight, other life, et al)

Just food for thought.