Proof there is a God

And all that profundity proves there is a God?
It does prove a lack of human civility.

There is no proof of God, there never has been and there never will be.

OTOH, my arguments (poorly as they may be stated) are backed by a large portion of the scientific community, especially those who deal with Cosmology and Mathematics.

So, blow it out YOUR ass (you know who you are).
There is no proof of God, there never has been and there never will be.
I'm an atheist, but even I am not prepared to assert that there never will be proof of God.

If, tomorrow, a mile tall guy in a robe, sporting a white beard and a staff parted the clouds and, with a snap of his fingers, turned night into day, I would consider that compelling evidence of God.
I'm an atheist, but even I am not prepared to assert that there never will be proof of God.

If, tomorrow, a mile tall guy in a robe, sporting a white beard and a staff parted the clouds and, with a snap of his fingers, turned night into day, I would consider that compelling evidence of God.
It's been 14.7 billion years of tomorrows without any evidence of such extraordinary powers performed by an individual not long enough for you? I am absolutely convinced that there is no God as described in the Bible. You believe Moses parted the sea?

I would accept Mathematics as the abstract *guiding* principles. We have plenty proof of the mathematical nature of the universe. We are constantly discovering new universal mathematical functions and interactions, so we know THEY do exist. Any news on God's miracles lately?

If there were a God, then there would be all the other lesser gods and demons and angels. Is there any proof of those. Possession, exorcisms, prayer, blood sacrifice. All that would become possible. Read Genesis and then we can do away with science. It's all explained in 31 declarations. What more do we need? Proof? Of course not. We're talking about God. Who needs proof? All you need is belief and faith. God luck with that. 3000 years of holy wars.

Has anyone here ever heard of going to war over the concepts of gravity?
Are you prepared to make a case? I won't waste my time. I like natural patterns, they tell me something.
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Which can be reduced to "Mathematics is mathematics".
That seems fairly obvious, no?
The reality is that human mathematics are symbolic representations of natural phenomena.

It is obviously a useful tool, especially when used for situations that cannot be tested easily, such as landing on the Moon.
Exactly, but it was not the mathematics that put us on the moon, it was the application of mathematics. Do you see the difference?
But it is only a tool. It's not worthy of worship.
It does not require worship, even as there are some learned individuals who believe they deserve worship.
Spanners, are more useful than mathematics.
You can't build a space ship without spanners, so the UFO construction crews have spanners.
Therefore they have hands to hold the spanners.
And they have to see what they are doing and think about it.
How handy *applied mathematics* are! Abstract mathematics, which symbolize the mathematical functions of the universe, were responsible for the precise measurements your "spanner" makes to begin with.

You are not arguing with me, but with some of the greatest minds currently working in cosmology and mathematics as well as some renowned chemists. No sign of God, because there is no "sentience that created and maintains the universal functions.

The OP question asks (declares) "Proof of God", which seems to ask for some evidence of the existence of God except as a figments of the imagination from the earliest barely intelligent
Hominid ancestors.
Evidence? Anyone ? Anywhere? Of any faith or religion, or science. If not then there is no "Proof of God". Is that not a scientific disqualification?

Clear enough?
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I worship the American screwdriver

What a real screwdriver fails at the last few turns you can rely on the American screwdriver to finish the job:) :)
Until someone comes and uses your screwdriver as a prying tool and bends it.

The mathematics of driving a screw straight, requires a straight screw driver. It's elementary.
I like natural patterns, they tell me something.

Yes, do tell. the mayhem is all around you and pretend it isn't. that is also insanity.

please explain in mathematics what happened and how the universe is so wonderful, streamlined and trustworthy when the ones who told the church the earth was not the center of the universe were convicted of heresy, treason and burned alive at the stake. Yes, please do explain this wonderful pattern of how mathematics is so beautiful.

Next, you'll be explaining how beautiful it is mathematically when someone's hands ball up in a fist and motion back and forth to pummel someone else in the face as well as the complex mathematical intricacy of it all. or how about explain how beautiful it is in mathematics for a baby to be raped to death etc.

people like you are profoundly ignorant, absolutely ignore everything else to focus on only what you want to see/know/consistent to you and then have the nerve to say you understand reality and all you understand is just a piece.