prophecy revelation for jpappl

God has communicated with me in a variety of ways, seemingly having everything at his disposal and beyond the constraints of time.

Sometimes its like a series of coincedences that mean something to me. Sometimes its been through literature, music, movies, other people, or even nature. Sometimes its like an idea or a revelation that seemingly comes from nowhere.

Those have nothing to do with gods.

Sometimes its been through overt spiritual interactions or phenomenon.


And sometimes its a very clear and extremely concise voice that I perceive in my mind.

No, you generate it in your mind, it's called schizophrenia.

So yes, its telepathic, or seemingly like that. I don't know how its achieved. But that is why I told enmos I knew he was lying when he claimed that the voice he heard was male. He's already confirmed that he was lying to try to make a point btw. You can't tell the gender because there is no vocal quality to listen to. There is inflection and intensity and personality or characteristics, but nothing audible.

Enmos may have been lying about talking with god, but you certainly aren't in any position to call him a liar, based on your delusions.

before I could convey a complete sentence in my mind, I would already have a response. So the response began to be conveyed at the very moment I conceived my question or statement. I did not have time to construct it or express it in words (you know, like you do when you talk to yourself or recite conversations in your mind) before it was answered.

That's because it all comes from inside your head. It's YOU.
Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Like sex, you may never of experienced that but it does happen.

There is evidence of sex. I missed that post Q quoted before, but what Lori says is really just her 'hearing' voices.
I'm more convinced now than ever that it's some sort of mental condition she had. Or rather, this is the best concrete clue yet.
Sounds like it's just thoughts then!

I think it's more than thoughts. It is all of the thoughts, the self imposed pressure to find reasons, answers and solutions to the madness that she sees in the world and an attempt to make sense of it all.

If you notice all of her answers and discussion seems to evolve around the idea that humans are tainted, their blood is full of sin and it needs to be cleansed so that we can live in a better, perfect world.

Add all of the above and then:

All of this internal pressure comes out at some point in a moment of perceived clarity, like an epiphany it comes alive.

Because of the nature of this process it seems out of body and is not the normal thought process. It seems like the answers have come from somewhere else outside of you.

This is what I have reasoned is happening to Lori.
I think it's more than thoughts. It is all of the thoughts, the self imposed pressure to find reasons, answers and solutions to the madness that she sees in the world and an attempt to make sense of it all.

If you notice all of her answers and discussion seems to evolve around the idea that humans are tainted, their blood is full of sin and it needs to be cleansed so that we can live in a better, perfect world.

Add all of the above and then:

All of this internal pressure comes out at some point in a moment of perceived clarity, like an epiphany it comes alive.

Because of the nature of this process it seems out of body and is not the normal thought process. It seems like the answers have come from somewhere else outside of you.

This is what I have reasoned is happening to Lori.
Do you know what that condition is called clinically ?

You have no understanding so you label it with something that suits you(which you have little understanding of as you admit).

Just like creationists, when they can't explain why there is a rainbow, they say "God did it".
when they can't explain why there is a rainbow, they say "God did it".

but... the rainbow is there because of gods promise not to flood the earth again
You have no understanding so you label it with something that suits you(which you have little understanding of as you admit).

Just like creationists, when they can't explain why there is a rainbow, they say "God did it".

Conditions like that exist and are well known in psychiatry.
Why would you except an explanation there is no evidence for whatsoever when it can be explained by something already known as fact?
You are like a Creationist.

I'm not going to just take her word for it, she needs to come up with supporting evidence.
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Conditions like that exist and are well know in psychiatry.
Why would you except an explanation there is no evidence for whatsoever when it can be explained by something already know as fact?
You are like a Creationist.

I'm not going to just take her word for it, she needs to come up with supporting evidence.

Do you think it's coffee that you're drinking when you order a cup? How?

Evidence isn't needed when you have experienced it before.

And if Lori wasn't a danger to herself or others, and she could look after herself during this experience then there is no mental health condition.
Do you know what that condition is called clinically ?

I don't.

But something like this has happened to me before about 20 years ago.

The difference is that I never looked at it as god or anyone putting thoughts in my head, but I was thinking heavily about the state of where we are going in the world and trying to solve problems for the world in my head. I had been reading books and thinking about it for about 2 years, driving myself and others crazy. It climaxed at a point where I had an anxiety attack and realized that I needed to take the world off my shoulders for a bit.

The odd thing is, the trigger for the attack was a song about the things I was thinking about, half way through the song it all came crashing in on me. Sound familiar.

It was very weird and not comfortable physically, I was affected physically and I could see people becoming suicidal at that point. Because you feel like there is no hope.

Welcome to reality right ? LOL.

Lori has claimed she has had them as well, but also that they are different. Maybe, or maybe these are just further and greater tricks her mind is playing.
Do you think it's coffee that you're drinking when you order a cup? How?

Evidence isn't needed when you have experienced it before.
I didn't experience it. That's the whole point.

And if Lori wasn't a danger to herself or others, and she could look after herself during this experience then there is no mental health condition.
And I'm not saying that she has a condition right now, just that she had one then.
I don't.

But something like this has happened to me before about 20 years ago.

The difference is that I never looked at it as god or anyone putting thoughts in my head, but I was thinking heavily about the state of where we are going in the world and trying to solve problems for the world in my head. I had been reading books and thinking about it for about 2 years, driving myself and others crazy. It climaxed at a point where I had an anxiety attack and realized that I needed to take the world off my shoulders for a bit.

The odd thing is, the trigger for the attack was a song about the things I was thinking about, half way through the song it all came crashing in on me. Sound familiar.

It was very weird and not comfortable physically, I was affected physically and I could see people becoming suicidal at that point. Because you feel like there is no hope.

Welcome to reality right ? LOL.

Lori has claimed she has had them as well, but also that they are different. Maybe, or maybe these are just further and greater tricks her mind is playing.

Ok, but I can't know what either of you experienced. It would be good to find a condition that fits all the symptoms perfectly.
Could it be related to severe depression?