prophecy revelation for jpappl

spidergoat said:
At least God gave Jesus some miracles so that people would believe him. Do you think this message was only for you? Is there anything about them that could confirm their truth to another person?
Do you think I pissed her off ? :shrug:
So you never met them in real life, in the flesh, so to speak ?
Do you think that they will confirm your story when asked ?

I was thinking along these lines as well. Contact them and ask them etc. But in the end, she could or would just say they were lying.

So nothing changes.
Do you think I pissed her off ? :shrug:

You didn't piss me off hon, I had to leave work.

Btw, I'm also depicted by the naked chick with the jesus blindfold on in the vid for nin "closer". Youtube it, I'd give you a link but I'm texting on my phone.
You didn't piss me off hon, I had to leave work.

Btw, I'm also depicted by the naked chick with the jesus blindfold on in the vid for nin "closer". Youtube it, I'd give you a link but I'm texting on my phone.

Could you please answer all my posts ? :D :p
Is it the producers intent to have the actors play you ?

I'm sure the artist tells the producer whatever they want to get the directors and producers do what they want.

I doubt if they say...well see, there's this chick in ohio, and me and my lost boy rockstar vampire friends, who are ushering in the kingdom of christ in the last days...

Though the producer might say hey that's a cool idea for a vid!

A lot of music and videos about this were made before it ever happened. Somehow they've known for a long time, or at least some have. I think they dream it. I don't know. And no, I didn't listen to any of those bands prior to it happening except a few songs on the radio.
I'm sure the artist tells the producer whatever they want to get the directors and producers do what they want.

I doubt if they say...well see, there's this chick in ohio, and me and my lost boy rockstar vampire friends, who are ushering in the kingdom of christ in the last days...

Though the producer might say hey that's a cool idea for a vid!

A lot of music and videos about this were made before it ever happened. Somehow they've known for a long time, or at least some have. I think they dream it. I don't know. And no, I didn't listen to any of those bands prior to it happening except a few songs on the radio.
So that's a yes.
So that's a yes.


Youtube up a band called "priestess" and a vid for "lay down". That ones about it too and is really good. I did meet and chat with the guitar and bass players in that band. They were hanging out at the merch stand while I was buying. They were cool. That band kicks ass. Check them out.

Don't let this drive you up the wall again, remember your fiance and concentrate on him, fuck the rest of the world.
Whatever 'him" may be? Lots to pick from when including past histories of deities. I think about the one called Thor.
Or even act like him apparently.

I care for certain individuals, not the whole planet, and not people like you.

I don't know you, maybe you're a good guy but you come across as the usual arrogant know it all.

Why should I give a fuck about you?

But you are either with him or not, and you are not.

This is what religion does, it divides people into us and them. Into a "saved" in group and everyone else, which is why it can easily be used to justify extremes of behavior against the outcasts.
This is what religion does, it divides people into us and them. Into a "saved" in group and everyone else, which is why it can easily be used to justify extremes of behavior against the outcasts.

There is nothing "saved" about it, it's disgusting the whole business. Jesus brought light to the world and you still question his credentials.

It is about world peace, read about him sometime, in the gospels and not the book of thomas.

Since we're in the mood for youtube, here is one for you personally:


Maybe you are one of the men with good will I don't know you personally.