prophecy revelation for jpappl

Part of reality, yes.
Not explanations for...
Which was my stated point.

I don't understand you, you are right. My point is you say science offers explanations of reality, but it doesn't really, it answers very few important elements.

Would your life be greatly affected for the worse if you had no knowledge of science?
I don't understand you, you are right. My point is you say science offers explanations of reality, but it doesn't really, it answers very few important elements.
Science doesn't really offer explanations of reality?
Where would we be without what we've had so far?
Sitting round a fire wishing the snow would go?
Watching our family and friends die at 40 years old?
Knowing no more of the world than we could see in a few day's walk/ horse ride?

Would your life be greatly affected for the worse if you had no knowledge of science?
Most definitely.
I'd be unemployable in my current profession for a start.
I think it's the surface that is important.

Like when your a kid you don't want to eat your veg, but you eventually reap the rewards, being healthier. The easiest or more natural thing to do is to eat a big mac, because it's tastier but obviously bad for you.

Certain things can change your emotions I think but it's rare you can actually change them permanently. A leopard never changes its spots but actions speak louder than words.

That's my problem with many religious people, their kindness and happiness is fake and forced. They pretend to be good or pious (or straight) when they are really not. Can't God tell the difference?
Science doesn't really offer explanations of reality?
Where would we be without what we've had so far?
Sitting round a fire wishing the snow would go?
Watching our family and friends die at 40 years old?
Knowing no more of the world than we could see in a few day's walk/ horse ride?

It's not about how not having science would affect your life, I asked if having no knowledge of science would change your life(hypothetically speaking)?

Most definitely.
I'd be unemployable in my current profession for a start.

Fair enough, I can't argue with this :)
That's my problem with many religious people, their kindness and happiness is fake and forced. They pretend to be good or pious (or straight) when they are really not. Can't God tell the difference?

True, false people basically, but they tend to produce bad fruit in the end. And as Jesus said "Judge a person based on the fruit they produce" Something like that.

And yes, god knows a mans heart.
It's not about how not having science would affect your life, I asked if having no knowledge of science would change your life(hypothetically speaking)?
In such a case I could end up as a deluded crackpot believer in ghosts, telepathy, UFOs, fortune-telling and other impossible fantasies.
Like so many people who remain steadfastly ignorant of science.
In short: a woo woo.
In such a case I could end up as a deluded crackpot believer in ghosts, telepathy, UFOs, fortune-telling and other impossible fantasies.
Like so many people who remain steadfastly ignorant of science.
In short: a woo woo.

Maybe you're are the deluded one by putting all your eggs in one basket, a basket that is based purely on theories.
Maybe you're are the deluded one by putting all your eggs in one basket
As opposed to things that don't give (real) answers?

a basket that is based purely on theories.
And maybe you don't know what the word "theory" means in a scientific context. It's not as nebulous as you seem to believe.
As opposed to things that don't give (real) answers?

There is no such thing as a fact in science, it's honest like that. So your understanding of reality is a theory, and not a scientific theory at that.

And maybe you don't know what the word "theory" means in a scientific context. It's not as nebulous as you seem to believe.

Are you a 16year old intellectual snob? I wonder why you visit the religion forum, because it isn't to learn, must be a ego trip.
There is no such thing as a fact in science, it's honest like that.
Which I've already agreed is true.

So your understanding of reality is a theory, and not a scientific theory at that.
Wrong again.
Theory (in a scientific context) means more than you seem to believe it does.

Are you a 16year old intellectual snob? I wonder why you visit the religion forum, because it isn't to learn, must be a ego trip.
Wrong again.
On every point.
You: So is science. There are no facts in science.
Me: No facts, granted.
Oops, getting used to being wrong yet?

Wrong again.
How so?
You seem to be under the impression that "theory" means a fairly nebulous concept (much as the word is used in every day life: in science a theory is far stronger than that).

Prove to me you are here for another reason...
Prove it how?
Come to that, why are you here?
You: So is science. There are no facts in science.
Me: No facts, granted.
Oops, getting used to being wrong yet?


How so?
You seem to be under the impression that "theory" means a fairly nebulous concept (much as the word is used in every day life: in science a theory is far stronger than that).

What give you that idea? Just because I said theory and not scientific theory you seem to assume it has less relevance.

Prove it how?
Come to that, why are you here?

To learn mainly, I can't quote all the posts that prove this. Why are you here? Give me one post as evidence.
What give you that idea? Just because I said theory and not scientific theory you seem to assume it has less relevance.
"a basket that is based purely on theories."
"So your understanding of reality is a theory, and not a scientific theory at that."
Seem to indicate to me that you consider "theory" to be a fairly unsubstantial thing.

To learn mainly, I can't quote all the posts that prove this.
You can't prove it.

Why are you here? Give me one post as evidence.
I can demonstrate it: the questions I ask to obtain a deeper understanding, hmmm?
Or maybe where I point out misconceptions and wait for clarification/ resolution?
Why are you here? Give me one post as evidence.

Some people visit forums to witness.

If was going to use a post to identify the reason Dave or Adstar or Lori7 were here, then I would have to say witness on behalf of their religion.
If one used my posts to conclude why I was here, then I say I'm here to contest the nonsense so that witnesses don't go unopposed.
"a basket that is based purely on theories."
"So your understanding of reality is a theory, and not a scientific theory at that."
Seem to indicate to me that you consider "theory" to be a fairly unsubstantial thing.

I can see how you concluded what you did, but what I said isn't any less true is it?

You can't prove it.

If you knew me personally you would know that I don't lie intentionally, but since you probably think I do lie then no I can't prove it, but I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I can demonstrate it: the questions I ask to obtain a deeper understanding, hmmm?

I suppose my questions mean less?

Or maybe where I point out misconceptions and wait for clarification/ resolution?

This seems true.
Some people visit forums to witness.

If was going to use a post to identify the reason Dave or Adstar or Lori7 were here, then I would have to say witness on behalf of their religion.

I don't have a religion, and I am not here to witness.