Prophet Mohammed Consummated 9-year old "Wife"

IOW, it is doubtful he was a homosexual.
What next Michaelangelo wasn't homosexual either?

Gay people kept their sex life secret back then for fear of their life.
Think about the Middle East, jam packed with gay guys but everyone keeps it secret.

Well you can think whatever you want but people of notoriety do not have private lives. You say some gay people keep it secret but that is because no one is looking into it or cares to. Believe me if Leonardo had male lovers one of them would have talked so since that has never happened and this is a new theory i cannot just take your word for it. And you also think that so many artists are gay but many are and many are not. Sexual preference has no bearing on artistic ability and Leonardo was no ordinary artist.
this is only the case because we don't stress the importance of education. Lets not forget the same argument was made about the unnatural state of the USA and the necessity of an aristocratic trained class. Hogwash!

anyway, I'd rather take my chances in a democracy than in a autocracy - wouldn't you agree?

What is your idea of polygamy and female equality? Do you think it has an effect or doesn't? If so a positive or negative one?

Oh, and about Mohammad marrying Aisha as a familiar alliance with his buddy. I think this is ANOTHER POOR EXAMPLE TO SET. It treats women as a commodity to be passed between men for their benefit. I'd say as an apologist that argument doesn't float.
this is only the case because we don't stress the importance of education. Lets not forget the same argument was made about the unnatural state of the USA and the necessity of an aristocratic trained class. Hogwash!

anyway, I'd rather take my chances in a democracy than in a autocracy - wouldn't you agree?
depends who's in the "demo" and who's in the "auto".
What is your idea of polygamy and female equality? Do you think it has an effect or doesn't? If so a positive or negative one?
not sure what you mean by effect (effect on who/what?). Then maybe I could venture into the pro's and cons
It's sad how quickly things descended following the Prophet's death. Nobody could match his ability to unify people. Of course, I must give credit to Omar - he was, without a doubt, the strongest Caliph, and would have never allowed for the whole Uthman/Ali/Aisha situation to unravel. Do you agree with Aisha's decision to wage war with Ali? I mean, it wasn't devastatingly detrimental, but I still think it may have been an overreaction.

I wonder what the result would have been if Ali had not won.
Also, since Ali won that war, at what point and how did the Sunni-Shia split happen?

edit: of course, the Battle of Karbala

After Ali's army defeated Aisha's forces at the Battle of the Camel in 656, she apologized to Ali and was allowed to return to her home in Madinah where she withdrew from public life.

However, Ali was not able to overcome the forces of Mu'awiya Ummayad, Uthman's cousin and governor of Damascus, who also refused to recognize him until Uthman's killers had been apprehended. At the Battle of Suffin Mu'awiya's soldiers stuck verses of the Quran onto the ends of their spears with the result that Ali's pious supporters refused to fight them. Ali was forced to seek a compromise with Mu'awiya, but this so shocked some of his die-hard supporters who regarded it as a betrayal that he was struck down by one of his own men in 661.

Mu'awiya declared himself caliph. Ali's elder son Hassan accepted a pension in return for not pursuing his claim to the caliphate. He died within a year, allegedly poisoned. Ali's younger son Hussein agreed to put his claim to the caliphate on hold until Mu'awiya's death. However, when Mu'awiya finally died in 680, his son Yazid usurped the caliphate. Hussein led an army against Yazid but, hopelessly outnumbered, he and his men were slaughtered at the Battle of Karbala (in modern day Iraq). Hussein's infant son, Ali, survived so the line continued. Yazid formed the hereditary Ummayad dynasty. The division between the Shia and what came to be known as the Sunni was set.

The source of this quote in your post would be helpful :

"Ali was forced to seek a compromise with Mu'awiya, but this so shocked some of his die-hard supporters who regarded it as a betrayal that he was struck down by one of his own men in 661."

The same people who refused to fight Muawiya's men because of his trick - sticking quran pages on spears - and forced Ali to make compromise accuse Ali for the compromise. They (Khwarij) followed radical islam akin to current day salafi/wahabi style and declared both Ali and Muawiya enemies. They are anything but not certainly friends of Ali. It was Ali who had the guts to put down Khwarij uprising for that he paid his life while praying alone in mosque.

Sunni are somewhat skeptical about Ali for he is the subject of praise by somewhat emotional shias. This is not Ali's mistake. Of all the caliphs and companions Ali was more polite and righteous stand apart on his own merit than supprot of shia of Ali.
Its from wikipedia. All I know is that Ali thought he had a right to the Caliphate only because he was related to the prophet. Rather arrogant of him, in my opinion, especially when he was willing to go to war to defend this "right".

I don't have any emotional position on Ali, I just think he should not have wrought The First Fitna.
Its from wikipedia. All I know is that Ali thought he had a right to the Caliphate only because he was related to the prophet. Rather arrogant of him, in my opinion, especially when he was willing to go to war to defend this "right".

I don't have any emotional position on Ali, I just think he should not have wrought The First Fitna.

From what I remember from the history Ali, read from a sunni site years back, i will find out the site, Ali was least interested in power or right to rule. When Mohammed died, the same day Abu Bakr, with help of Umar, was declared Caliph. Grief striken Ali and Fatima were beside the body of Md at that time.

Muwaviya's father, Abu Sufian - a very powerful qureshi chief, who had been the arch enemy of Md and Ali once, lent his support for Ali, but Ali refused.
Ali could have easily overcome his oppositions with his legendary bravery and friends had he opted to do so.
Its never mentioned whether Jesus was married at all. Some think that he may have been married to Mary Magdeline.
M*W: I was headed in the direction of believing that Jesus and MM were married and had children, but after reading a substantial number of books on the subject, I believe neither Jesus nor MM existed and they are represented by myth or metaphor. Continuing my research into this subject, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus represents the sun and MM represents Virgo. All religions are man made from the legends ancient humans created about the night skies.
Only a few mentions of Moses being married, only to one woman.
M*W: Moses (perhaps yet another myth or metaphor, may not have existed at all. However, it is clear he had at least three wives: Nefertiti, Zipporah and his own daughter Merytaten whose mother was Nefertiti. Incestuous marriages were not uncommon.

Abraham was another one. He was married to his half-sister Sarah, he took care of Hagar and Ishmael throughout his entire life and she was considered a legitimate wife (or concubine, which in those days was a legitimate heir), and he remarried another woman after Sarah's death.

If you wish, I can give you citations, but most of the information I have was taken from:

Ahmed Osman, Moses and Akhenaten, 2002.

The others, I don't know. So yeah, polygamy is for a culture that wants to subjugate woman.
M*W: True, but unfortunately that has been the history of the female slave.
Well she's back telling everyone who existed and who didnt, because she read a few books as if no one else has. From someone who supposedly was a fundamentalist Christian die hard Catholic to now being supposedly fundamentalist Atheist. If you ask me your just very impressionable, dont read any books on cults MW because your a prime candidate for joining one.

"Well Jesus didnt exist and MM didnt exist and this one was really the moon but Moses may have existed but i have a feeling he was really Mars" LMFAO...

Tell us more prophet MW.
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Polygamy is a logical strategy for some cultures, how is it an example of not having foresight?

From the Ross Institute's web-site on cult studies:

Polygamy Hurts in the Pocket

Monagamous marriages are preferred in better educated cultures.

Praque -- A husband with several wives and many children usually spends his money on quantity rather than quality, and therefore his children receive a mediocre or even poor education. This, in turn, lowers the education level of those societies in which polygamy is a common practice.

That is the conclusion of three Hebrew University professors in a report called "The Mystery of Monogamy". It is based on a study conducted in the African country of Ivory Coast.

Having more than one wife was a widespread practice in pre-Christian and pre-Islamic societies. Nowadays, it still exists mainly in Thailand, sub-Saharan Africa, and in some other Islamic countries.

Gould said the study on polygamy showed that the correlation between polygamy and Islam is not as strong as the linkage between polygamy and the level of economic development.

Gould said there are various ways to eliminate polygamy - from simply forbidding it to creating better economic conditions for men and women.

"One thing is to ban it," he said, "and the other is to provide incentives to people to invest more per child but in fewer children. So that can help reduce demand for polygamy and then help the economies to grow."

Gould said governments in poorer countries need to subsidize education. If there is a firmer link between a country's wealth and its human capital, governments will encourage men to devote themselves to finding a single, educated woman and fathering only a few children - rather than having several wives and many children.

The study makes pretty good sense to me.

It looks like you find a lot of polygamy down in the poverty zone.
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That doesn't mean it's bad, it's more suited to certain cultures, like I said.

Polygamy is best suited for poor-uneducated primitive-cultures and polygamous marriage helps them stay in that condition. The Hebrews University study showed that.

Just take a look at polygamy in america and you'll see the same thing. It's a social failure, and a home for the dead-beat father>

This information came from the Salt Lake Tribune regarding the social failures associated with polygamy:

Hildale and Colorado City at a Glance:

Polygamists in the twin towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Ariz., have low incomes, calling into question whether they can support their large numbers of children without taxpayer assistance.

Hildale, Utah

Median age..................13.1 Youngest in state.......26.8 Youngest in nation
Persons per household....8.55 Largest in state..........3.13 Largest in nation
Avg household income*.......$21,822.............................$41,316
Per capita income..........$3,772.Lowest in state..............$14,492
% of families in poverty.........32.4%..............................11.4%

*Average household adjusted gross income from federal tax returnsSource: Utah Tax Commission 1995, US Census, Utah and ArizonaDepartments of Education.

Colorado City, Arizona

.........................................Colorado City...............Arizona
Median age.................,..12.5 Youngest in state.........32.2
Persons per household.........7.97 Largest in state........2.62
Avg household income*............$19,663....................$35,426
Per capita income.....................$2,319....................$13,461
% of families in poverty...............61%........................11.4%

*Average household adjusted gross income from federal tax returns Source: Utah Tax Commission 1995, US Census, Utah and Arizona Departments of Education.

“Today there are more than 5,000 residents, nearly all of them believers in polygamy.

Polygamy is a baby farm where old men that can't control their Y chromosome take multiple teenage brides and get them pregnant. Then they leave the tab at the Welfare Department.

It seems like a supposedly educated community like Sciforums could grasp this simple concept and get a handle on the data. :shrug:
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The idea that Polygamy causes poverty might fit the data, but correlation doesn't always indicate causation. They could have invented Polygamy because they were poor, and a family could pool their resources in larger groups. Women get along with each other better than men, so having multiple men in a family group would be problematic, and they are also mothers. Mothers are inherently better at childcare, they can nurse. You would have to discount other reasonable explanations before we could accept your premise.

Additionally, you are dealing with people, not physical laws, what could work for one people might not work for others. People live in all sorts of conditions, different social, political, economic, environmental, genetic conditions. It would be very difficult to make a definitive statement about a strategy of social organization. That's like proving Democrats are better than Republicans.
Well from what i have seen, women need to be trained or conditioned to adapt to their husband having a few wives. B the same token we dont see Wolygamy, which is the practice of women having many husbands so right there that is just sign of male domination. which who knows what is what anymore.
SG, say what you want, but the data says polygamy is a socio-economic failure in america. It serves no useful purpose here, except to sign up more teen-mothers on welfare. In america, it's a ticket to the ghetto. Just look at the data.

The idea that Polygamy causes poverty might fit the data, but correlation doesn't always indicate causation. They could have invented Polygamy because they were poor, and a family could pool their resources in larger groups. Women get along with each other better than men, so having multiple men in a family group would be problematic, and they are also mothers. Mothers are inherently better at childcare, they can nurse. You would have to discount other reasonable explanations before we could accept your premise.

Additionally, you are dealing with people, not physical laws, what could work for one people might not work for others. People live in all sorts of conditions, different social, political, economic, environmental, genetic conditions. It would be very difficult to make a definitive statement about a strategy of social organization. That's like proving Democrats are better than Republicans.
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