Prophet Yahweh UFO Video

Qorl, please seek treatment. It's for your own good. There is no point in continuing to have these voices and delusions in your head, they are obviously hurting you.
Mr Anonymous said:
Qorl isn't actualy english. Given the fact he's having to translate everything both ways, actually his english skills are pretty damn good...

Don't you think it's hilarious that a madman with English as a second language is easier to understand that duendy? ;-)
phlogistician said:
Don't you think it's hilarious that a madman with English as a second language is easier to understand that duendy? ;-)
you mean 'easier to understand that duendy'...yeahhh, THAT makes sense, raaas claaat (suks teeth)
Qorl said:

Humans are robots, just look at politicians or scientists or any who else. They believe in one thing like robots. Just like I do in myself or you in you. If Goddess have no power, there is a male God who controls everything.
yes. i see em as robots. but they ae not REALLY robots. they act the waythey do cause what they believe--and have been indoctrinated in, since kids

as for wat you going through. you are obviously in conflict. and as i see it you have gotten suked intothe patriarchal mythology big time.
you see thats what it did. thge patriarchal mythology has it tha there is this 'eye of God' like some fukin CCTV camera in the sky. busy watchin our every move with a judgin eye.......this 'eye' is ofcourse the male who made tis crap up. and tis belief becomes YOU. you are that 'eye' watching you. so its like the fukin mythic roots of pranoia--literally meaning 'beside yourself'

you need to wash tis crap away. i would suggest reading some Alan Watts. this amazing dude really helped me. i took psychedelics when very young, and had great experiences, but being no support after, i struggled to integrate the experience. well it was find a book by Aaln Watts which realy really put things togther for me
Ricky Houy said:
Please tell me about "Gods Technology" I'm so curious to know of such a thing. I imagine he has tons of aliens at his disposal at any given moment. Oh no, I bet he has people like you go onto online forums and speak the rhetoric of the divine UFOs. The prophet of Yahweh will call upon his mighty army of UFOs "Hallelujah". For God is so infinite in power he needs UFOs.

Did you ever take into consideration that god does not have ANY need for air craft? Well, nevermind. I'm sure he has a tough time talking to the world as it is. I mean of course he used to speak through bushes. Whatever happened to good ol' fashioned talking bushes? Probably died when God discovered his inifinite use for UFOs.
Well, I'm sure he is telling you at this very moment that revelations will began with a sudden flash of light. Something seen form the north, east, south, and west. Then Jesus will appear to walk out of a UFO on a white horse, followed by his army of Jews dressed in all white. Because we all know God loves his new found UFOs. I wonder why he didn't use these before? I mean he is ominecent correct? Perhaps he knows we will learn of his new found word through the Prophet Yahweh, and his UFOs.

But then again, he could be speaking through you. Possibly through his infinite wisdom he knows that you are the best messenger to use anothers actions to further your proof. After all every other prophet has done so. :bugeye: If god really speaks to you he would give us a sign of such actions. He would not in any case give you the internet and tell you to preach the gosphel.

But, then again what do I know about the Bibles technology. I figure a prophet of God would not be such an, how should I say this.... imbecile. I'm sure every prophet of the Lord will jump to such conclusions as to say some one does not have any knowledge of something. I mean Jesus did it all the time.... :bugeye:

You could never have the Lord speak to you because you jump to conclusions upon another human being so narcissistically. But, then again what do I know? I"m just a ragamuffin. Some one who will never know of God and his infinite need for technology.

Man you live in a MATRIX. We are not batteries as it shown in he movie bet everything else is the same. MATRIX man.
phlogistician said:
Don't you think it's hilarious that a madman with English as a second language is easier to understand that duendy? ;-)
Third language.
duendy said:
yes. i see em as robots. but they ae not REALLY robots. they act the waythey do cause what they believe--and have been indoctrinated in, since kids

as for wat you going through. you are obviously in conflict. and as i see it you have gotten suked intothe patriarchal mythology big time.
you see thats what it did. thge patriarchal mythology has it tha there is this 'eye of God' like some fukin CCTV camera in the sky. busy watchin our every move with a judgin eye.......this 'eye' is ofcourse the male who made tis crap up. and tis belief becomes YOU. you are that 'eye' watching you. so its like the fukin mythic roots of pranoia--literally meaning 'beside yourself'

you need to wash tis crap away. i would suggest reading some Alan Watts. this amazing dude really helped me. i took psychedelics when very young, and had great experiences, but being no support after, i struggled to integrate the experience. well it was find a book by Aaln Watts which realy really put things togther for me

I know what you mean, but God show me that humans are robots if he wont's them so.
duendy said:
you mean 'easier to understand that duendy'...yeahhh, THAT makes sense, raaas claaat (suks teeth)

Oh well done you semi literate moron, you caught me out with a typo! Your criticism of my error doesn't even make grammatical sense!

Jesus, you couldn't even aspire to make just one error per post!
phlogistician said:
Oh well done you semi literate moron, you caught me out with a typo! Your criticism of my error doesn't even make grammatical sense!

Jesus, you couldn't even aspire to make just one error per post!
are you stalkin me wordsmith. isss you'll gettin obSESSED wid me? huh??
duendy said:
are you stalkin me wordsmith. isss you'll gettin obSESSED wid me? huh??

It's a forum you paranoid loon. People reply to each other's posts, that's how it works. Here's a tip, if you are going to criticise someone for spelling etc, make sure your own post is free from errors, or it makes you look stupid. I should rephrase that, in your case, it make you look more stupid. Everyone knows you are stupid.

Of course, you interjected in a response by me to Mr Anonymous. Seems like it's you seeking me out for conversation, duendy.
phlogistician said:
It's a forum you paranoid loon. People reply to each other's posts, that's how it works. Here's a tip, if you are going to criticise someone for spelling etc, make sure your own post is free from errors, or it makes you look stupid.

me))but you DID make an error didn't you---stuuupido??

I should rephrase that, in your case, it make you look more stupid. Everyone knows you are stupid.

me)))haha the 10 year old that yo are ...merrrr merrr me merrrrr merrr-level. sad or what?

Of course, you interjected in a response by me to Mr Anonymous. Seems like it's you seeking me out for conversation, duendy.
me???? NEVER. you aint got any!
Oh yes, duendy, I made a typo! You caught me stepping on the cracks in the pavement!

I make typos every now and again, because I pretty much touch type, and don't always review my posts. So in two decades of professional computer use, I'm not a perfect typist. Shame on me!

What's your excuse? Still using the 'my batteries are dead' line? Haven't managed to get down the shops in six months?

That doesn't explain all your errors, I don't think you could spell given a decent keyboard.

I haven't got time to pick you up on all your errors. I wouldn't know where to start, there could be various answers, depending on how one interprets your gibberish.
phlogistician said:
It's a forum you paranoid loon. People reply to each other's posts, that's how it works. Here's a tip, if you are going to criticise someone for spelling etc, make sure your own post is free from errors, or it makes you look stupid. I should rephrase that, in your case, it make you look more stupid. Everyone knows you are stupid.

Of course, you interjected in a response by me to Mr Anonymous. Seems like it's you seeking me out for conversation, duendy.
Ha-ha! That was funny - her accusing you of stalking her. She did the same to me. But actually it was more like tripping over her half-conscious body lying in the street in her usual drug-induced stupor. Oh yeah - and don't forget she's opposed to real, useful drugs too! What a muddled old hag. :bugeye:
phlogistician said:
Oh yes, duendy, I made a typo! You caught me stepping on the cracks in the pavement!

I make typos every now and again, because I pretty much touch type, and don't always review my posts. So in two decades of professional computer use, I'm not a perfect typist. Shame on me!

What's your excuse? Still using the 'my batteries are dead' line? Haven't managed to get down the shops in six months?

That doesn't explain all your errors, I don't think you could spell given a decent keyboard.

I haven't got time to pick you up on all your errors. I wouldn't know where to start, there could be various answers, depending on how one interprets your gibberish.

jeeeez. one could almost envisage you weeping in hysterics there cause you gone done a typo. cool it dudey. ther's worse. like being insulted all the time. know what i meaaaaan?
Light said:
Ha-ha! That was funny - her accusing you of stalking her. She did the same to me.

me>>>>>>>to YOU, you smelly old fart? i would hide if i seen yer comin'.

But actually it was more like tripping over her half-conscious body lying in the street in her usual drug-induced stupor.

me>>>>>>>you could do wid some reaaal Typin. migh break ya out of your sorry hate-filled self.

Oh yeah - and don't forget she's opposed to real, useful drugs too! What a muddled old hag. :bugeye:
what makes me larf about you you old fraud. is you har on about 'The Shadow' yet i've not seen anyone hee attack it like you do. no.... not ANy one. professor
duendy said:
what makes me larf about you you old fraud. is you har on about 'The Shadow' yet i've not seen anyone hee attack it like you do. no.... not ANy one. professor
Then you're still in a distant second place. There are LOTS of things about you that make me "larf" at you! :D
Light your are a stocker, just like pho pho, what worse neathier of you can ever back up any thing you say with any real facts.

If people want to see a real ufo then they can vist seattle, wa. where thay have one that every one can see, it cost 11 dollars for adults, 7 dollars for children and infants are free.
