Proposal:Polygamy should be treated the same way as gay marriage

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At this point, it's getting a bit amusing

Syzygys said:

Just waiting for your opening argument...

It's your proposition. And according to the standard rules,

1. The debater for the affirmative side of the debate will create the "Debate" thread and post the first post, setting out his or her main arguments.

As it's your proposition, you are the affirmative. And despite your contention that, "All 3 propositions are basicly the same", the third is a broad and ill-defined expansion of the first two versions. If you actually write an opening argument, then we'll have a better definition of what you mean. Otherwise, you're simply asking me to think for you, to presume what you mean.

If you wish to renegotiate the rules, now is the time to do so. For instance, specifically reject your proposition of a 500-word cap. If you stick to one of your first two propositions, I probably won't even need the full 1,500. If you want to expand according to the third, we might need to bump it as high as 3,000. It all depends on how many new points of argument you wish to add.

Also, the challenge was not particulary for you but anyody (debating you wasn't really in my mind) ....

Ah, so that's what you're afraid of? Or, perhaps more directly, did you really think I would pass on such a thesis?

It's okay, though. If you want to back out, that's fine with me.

... but looks like most people agree with me... String said it best...

Most people? Interesting. A whole sample of one? And when did String's general assertion of opinion become some sort of fact? In other words, how does his contention that, "People should be allowed to marry whomever they wish", pertain to your first proposition that, "if gays deserve the right to marry each other based on whatever grounds, so do we, polygamists"?

He certainly doesn't address that connection.

1. Asserting that something is true or correct, as with the answer "yes": an affirmative reply.
2. Giving assent or approval; confirming: an affirmative vote.
3. Positive; optimistic:

Depends on how the original proposal is worded:

Since I am saying "gay marriage and polygamy are NO different:, that is not affirmative. :)

But anyway, I will start if it makes you happy. For those who don't know Tiassa, here is an example of his ability to shit words. Click on the ban list and see what he gives as a reason for being banned. It takes him 8 words to explain when other moderators just say "spam or spamming". :)

Syzygys said:


1. Asserting that something is true or correct, as with the answer "yes": an affirmative reply.
2. Giving assent or approval; confirming: an affirmative vote.
3. Positive; optimistic:

Depends on how the original proposal is worded:

Since I am saying "gay marriage and polygamy are NO different:, that is not affirmative. :)

To agree with the proposition is to affirm it. Your focus on the word "no" is misguided, misplaced, and mistaken.
Got me on that one

StrangerInAStrangeLa said:

What is the purpose of this?

At this point, I must confess I have no idea.

In theory, we're supposed to be outlining the proposition and rules, but I doubt we're going to come to an agreement with such an unstable expression of the proposition and the attempt to limit the debate to a recitation of talking points.

The standard rules and the first proposition suffice for me. Aside from that, I'm waiting on the official opening statement in order to figure out which version of the proposition I need to address.
Just checking in

Okay, I just wanted to check in here, Syzygys, and offer you another chance at it.

Seriously, that is your rebuttal? You wasted one of your two rebuttals on that?

Not that your postscripts helped your cause any.
Case was golden, no need for many rebutals... :)

By the way I don't have a problem having more rebutals if actually AN ARGUMENT presents itself from your side.
The careless often stumble

You know, Syz, you should have negotiated terms here, before you started. And changing your proposition midstream only suggests you've conceded the original.

The careless often stumble, much as you have in the debate.

I will give you a hint, though: You wrote such a poor proposition that you didn't have much of a chance from the outset. Like I said, "And, for the record, if you manage to stick to your basic proposition, it shouldn't be too long a response. I doubt I'll need to renegotiate the 1,500-word cap."

Indeed, I haven't yet spent a thousand. Total. Through two posts.
Well, I guess I will put you back on my ignore list. All your posts will be ignored except the debate and the proposal threads.(for a while)

You weren't man enough to acknowledge when I beat you senseless in the capital punishment debate, and I didn't really expect that you have grown since...
Such powerful arguments, Syz

Syzygys said:

Well, I guess I will put you back on my ignore list.

The ignore list in your head? You seem rather fixated on that.

You weren't man enough to acknowledge when I beat you senseless in the capital punishment debate, and I didn't really expect that you have grown since...

Would that be the one where you were wishing murder on the families of those who disagreed with you?

Something about growing goes here.

Next time, try arguing the issues instead of turning it into a personal crusade.
I will keep open my proposal just in case if anybody else interested and we can do a redo. I would like to thanks Tiassa because without him there wouldn't have been a debate...

[thread=90041]Debate thread[/thread]
[thread=90047]Discussion thread[/thread]
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