Certainly not - alternative views and speculation are most certainly welcome... the problem is when it becomes a "I BELIEVE X SO ITS TRUE" no matter what the data/scientific process says. That's when it's just woo woo![]()
Members of sciforums are asked to comment and vote on the following proposal.
We often get complaints that the Fringe/Pseudoscience areas bleed over into the Science areas of the forums. That is, some members post nonsense, pseudoscience or other fringe ideas in the Science categories. Up to now, we have tried to deal with this by moving inappropriate threads from the Science sections to the Fringe sections (or in extreme cases to the Cesspool). However, this leaves the problem of pseudoscientific posts being posted in threads that are legitimately in the Science sections. Often, members complain that scientific discussions are disrupted and derailed by other members who have a poor or non-existent understanding of what is being discussed, or who simply want to talk about their own pseudoscientific ideas instead.
We propose system in which members may report other members who post pseudoscience or non-science in the Science subforums. The moderators would investigate such reports to see if they are justified. If they are found to be correct, then the member posting the pseudoscience or nonsense would receive a warning to post in more appropriate subforums.
If a member received, say, 5 such warnings (for 5 posts or threads), then under this proposal that member would then be forbidden from posting to the Science sections of sciforums for a period of time (e.g. 1 month). If, on being reinstated with full posting privileges, the member continued to post inappropriately, the Science subforum ban would be reinstated for a longer period of time.
If this proposal is implemented, the aim would be to keep the Science sections for discussions and questions about actual science. This would leave untouched the Fringe and other sections of sciforums. Any members who were excluded from the Science subforums could still view those forums but they would not be able to post in them. Their posting privileges would remain intact for all other subforums. The aim is not to permanently exclude anybody from posting in the science sections. With 5 warnings prior to any exclusion, members would have the opportunity to educate themselves as to what kind of content is acceptable in the Science sections. Moreover, members who were excluded from those forums would have a 1 month opportunity to further observe them to see what is and isn't appropriate there, then to rejoin as members with full privileges.
This proposal does not aim to stifle discussion of "Alternative theories" or any of the other content that can be found in the Fringe subforums. Nor do we aim to set up a system where moderators arbitrate what is correct science and what is incorrect. We do, however, want to keep material that has no respect for the methods and findings of science out of the Science sections.
I would appreciate any comments or alternative suggestions regarding this proposal. I ask you to vote on the general concept here. If members vote to go ahead with this plan, then we will sort out the details, taking into account the various suggestions in this thread.
The poll will be open for 10 days. You may change your vote until the poll closes.
I think you third set of numbers envisions a software other than what this discussion forum is and a much higher staffing level.All in all, I agree with what James has proposed, but would like to see the following added.
I think though that there is a distinction to be made between pseudoscience and alternative theories. It might be unfair to send all eccentrics to Pseudo, if their ideas are vaguely coherent and appear to be the product of a more-or-less scientific process of thought. Pseudo is really woo, e.g. crystals-and-shit stuff with a distinct element of the irrational, or notions indicating a failure to understand how science operates, e.g. creationism.
So I support the idea, so long as mods are not too quick to pronounce on what is to be deemed alternative or pseudo, when newcomers arrive. But we have two prolific posters now whose track record is clear, either from their posting style or the breadth and unanimity of the criticism their ideas have attracted. I think such individuals now have to be treated on the basis of their established reputation as individuals, i.e. we should no longer have to wait for them to transgress in some way on each individual post they make.
Of course. A new concept that is testable and returns consistent proof in experiments is accepted by the scientific community.Lets us not forget when evidence is provided but it is not mainstream opinion at the current time like a scientific or mathematical discovery that goes against conventional thinking doesn't make it wrong as long as it can be proven.
Agreed. This is the basic difference between religion and science. Science relies on experimentation and proof; religion relies on faith and blindly following a leader/dogma."extraordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence" but it seems many here would rather to follow the unwashed and bask in the ignorance of their own egos than except the truth just because of their "BELIEFS" in what they were though even if it was wrong.
It can be hard to ignore them, especially if they are disrupting a science thread by posting irrelevant nonsense or answers based on their own imaginings about what science should say. As exchemist said above, from time to time we get pseudoscientists here who insist on injecting their opinions into many science threads, often pushing a particular barrow that is theirs alone (e.g. a pet "alternative" theory of interpretation of the science that is unsupported by evidence or argument).No, too many rules. If someone is spouting pseudoscience, is it that hard to simply ignore them?
Questions posed about science in good faith are perfectly legitimate topics for discussion in the Science sections.The problem I see though is the above statement and questions about actual science, because in defining a question about actual science, wording can be used to make a speculation that is a question, so how will you be able to distinguish this?
In my opinion, that question is a legitimate one for the science forums. However, if it was answered and the original poster then continued to insist that gravity and electromagnetism are the same thing (probably in more than just the one thread), then we might be looking at a situation where the policy would need to be implemented.Example - Why is gravity not presumed to be the electromagnetism of atoms?
In this example I am defining a speculation and also asking a question of present knowledge.
This proposal does not advocate the removal of any of those subforums. They will be left as-is.in my irrelevant opinion, i don't think the
On the Fringe,Alternative Theories,Parapsychology,UFOs, Ghosts and Monsters,Conspiracies,Pseudoscience
should be removed.
I think that some of the insults and flames result from frustration that no amount of careful scientific explanation seems to sway some psuedoscientists, who continue to inject their wrong ideas into the science sections.My own observation is that threads aren't disrupted so much by heresy, as by the board's righteous 'defenders of the catechism' who rush in to insult and flame perceived heretics. Then everyone gets defensive and threads turn into emotion-driven back-and-forth ego-contests where everyone is trying to have the last word.
Yes. This should not be thought of as a punishment that can be meted out to people on the basis that certain members posting to the Science sections disagree with them about things. We'd want the criteria to be based on whether the person in question has demonstrated a willingness to alter his opinions in the light of evidence or explanation, a willingness to listen to mainstream explanations, and a willingness to have a dialogue about his own ideas (which may be incorrect). In short, what we would want to see is respect for the scientific method and honest debate.A few things to note however.. And these are things that do concern me with this proposal....
This is particularly aimed at individuals who report dozens of posts for no real reason than they either disagree with the assessment of the other poster, or because they view small portions of friendly banter between two individuals as not belonging in a science forum, if such individuals see this as an opportunity to spam more reports, you will probably be considered a drain on the the moderator's time.
Nor should individuals see this as an opportunity to report posts they disagree with or are in an argument with and one side believes if they report the posts of the other, that individual will be barred from the discussion.
This is solely to deal with pseudoscience in the science forums. Nothing more. If someone sees what is clearly pseudoscience, then yes, report it and it will be reviewed by the staff.
I agree.One other thing and I think this is something that everyone should keep in mind. If it is clear that someone is simply asking a question or wishes to understand a certain scientific concept, it does not mean that they should be withheld from the science section because of their lack of knowledge. This is particularly the case with new members who may have specific questions or queries. If they are posting absolute 'woo', then yes, it does not belong there. But if the questions are valid, then I do believe they do belong there, even if the questions are basic or the knowledge they seek is what can be considered "basic". That does not mean that people can keep posting the same question over and over again, even though it has been answered, because they do not believe the answer because they are really trolling for "woo woo" reasons.
Members can always appeal to moderators via private messaging. With this proposal the moderator group will necessarily have to maintain a central record of the members who are subject to the exclusion from the Science sections at any given time. Discussion among the moderator group will, I imagine, be common. It is unlikely that somebody would ever be excluded based on the opinion of a single moderator, for example.I don't care; if it is something that the members think will improve the level of discussion, go for it. Two questions: 1) Will someone who is found to have posted pseudoscience in a science forum have a chance to appeal?
Serial complainers who post many reports that are found to be groundless fall into the category of "members who demand too much moderator time and effort". Such members can be and are currently sanctioned on that basis, if necessary.2) Will members who continually make claims of pseudoscience against other members, and whose claims are denied, lose the privilege to make pseudoscience accusations; how many false claims am I allowed to make before I lose the privilege, or can I just report every post by someone I don't like and never lose the privilege?
No. Legitimate questions about science, posted in good faith and in a quest for knowledge, are just fine in the Science subforums. On the other hand, posting about how physicists don't know anything and how gravity is really electromagnetism but only a few backyard cranks are smart enough to have worked that out - that would be suitable for the Fringe sections.In simple terms the rules are saying that the main section is for asking questions, and the fringe sections are for debating about the answers received about those questions?
again, what is non science?Proposal:
We propose system in which members may report other members who post pseudoscience or non-science in the Science subforums.
sounds fair.The moderators would investigate such reports to see if they are justified.
If they are found to be correct, then the member posting the pseudoscience or nonsense would receive a warning to post in more appropriate subforums.
sounds fair.If a member received, say, 5 such warnings (for 5 posts or threads), then under this proposal that member would then be forbidden from posting to the Science sections of sciforums for a period of time (e.g. 1 month). If, on being reinstated with full posting privileges, the member continued to post inappropriately, the Science subforum ban would be reinstated for a longer period of time.
there's that definition again, what is "actual science"?If this proposal is implemented, the aim would be to keep the Science sections for discussions and questions about actual science
it all sounds good, the question is, are you and your team up to the task?The aim is not to permanently exclude anybody from posting in the science sections. With 5 warnings prior to any exclusion, members would have the opportunity to educate themselves as to what kind of content is acceptable in the Science sections.
wait a minute, isn't this what is needed to carry out your proposal, to decide what is and is not "science"?Assurances:
Nor do we aim to set up a system where moderators arbitrate what is correct science and what is incorrect.
what if those "findings" happen to be disputed?We do, however, want to keep material that has no respect for the methods and findings of science out of the Science sections.
it sounds fair.Comments?
I would appreciate any comments or alternative suggestions regarding this proposal.
maybe the members can help with "problem" definitions.If members vote to go ahead with this plan, then we will sort out the details, taking into account the various suggestions in this thread.
i voted with my opinion.The poll will be open for 10 days. You may change your vote until the poll closes.
We've had entire threads on that. Here's just one:before you go around making any law about pseudoscience, you need to define what it is.
It is possible to have scientific discussions about astrology and telepathy. Both have been scientifically investigated. It would be fair to say, though, that "believers" in either of those things generally aren't doing science.foremost on my list would be astrology.
are there really any others?
telepathy perhaps?
is it really pseudoscience?
does "mysterious" enter into the definition?
I think a lot of the problem is that pseudoscientists don't usually understand what science is or how it is done.i think a lot of the problem may be related to "us versus them" instead of the actual point in question.
Once again, the topic of instincts can be discussed in a scientific way. Biologists do it all the time.again, what is non science?
instincts are non science, but yet its knowledge.
No. Scientists regularly form and express opinions.forming and expressing opinions is non science.
No. Science is the study of the natural world. Logic isn't about the natural world.there's that definition again, what is "actual science"?
would you consider "following sound logic" actual science?
To some extent. That's a different and usually much easier question than "Is this science right or wrong?". If there's any doubt about whether something is or isn't science, we'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Mostly, pseudoscience isn't hard to spot if you have a little experience and knowledge.wait a minute, isn't this what is needed to carry out your proposal, to decide what is and is not "science"?
It depends on what kind of dispute you're talking about. If the dispute amounts to denial in the face of overwhelming evidence - e.g. your own denial of evolution - then that kind of "dispute" is imaginary and won't save the pseudoscientist. On the other hand, if there's a legitimate scientific debate going on, or an unresolved scientific question to be answered, then the fact that there's a dispute wouldn't turn science into psuedoscience.what if those "findings" happen to be disputed?
Mostly, it's not rocket science to sort the woo from the science. Borderline cases should always be given the benefit of the doubt.It's conceivably a good idea, so long as those moderators have the required expertise to differentiate woo-woo from whoa.