Proposition: Time


Valued Senior Member
Just bear with the premise and suspend your disbelief for a moment for the purpose of a thought experiment.

Consider, hypothetically, the future could be seen in the present; it's not fiction but a fact. But there are some extenuating conditions: first, one cannot know the entire future or when an event will take place.

Consider a movie reel, and only certain frames are seen in linear time. The 'when' and 'who' prediction aspect is not the crux of this inquiry or how to abate or change the future.

It's just the premise that the future in the present can be accessed, period.

Please explain how this could possibly be or could be ( on the premise it were true), based on current understanding of physics, general relativity, linear time and even theoretical science.

All speculations or possible explanations are welcome (except, again, that it cannot be).
That lets me out


it's okay. it just means you only repeat what you've been taught is real by others who have made discoveries. oops, before there was what is called 'scientific evidence.'

rest assured, your mind will not be forced to stretch and you and those who think strictly like you here won't be the pioneers of science (just redundant sycophants) unless you it falls on your head - literally.
It's just the premise that the future in the present can be accessed, period.
I expect one can make a reasonable prediction of future events.
Consider economic predictions where you can obtain data that will suggest a particular future for the economy.
Scientific models predict experimental and observational outcomes.
Religious predictions strike me as unreliable.
Take Relevations... out of that nonsense we can determine that who ever put it in writing did not know much about reality...for example to say the stars will fall upon the ground indicates an extreme ignorance of what a star would be tiresome listing the nonsense in Relevations but certainly it serves as an attempt to work out a future from delusional imaginings. That sort of glimpse of the future is clearly made up by an author who is delusional.

However I often wonder about premenition as I have had personal experience of getting a glimpse of things to come and that future becomes reality.
Still I think one can rationalise those future glimpses as being mere co incidence.
I also recall other glimpses of the future that have been wrong and I suppose I forget them as being more numerous.
However I often wonder about premenition as I have had personal experience of getting a glimpse of things to come and that future becomes reality.
Still I think one can rationalise those future glimpses as being mere co incidence.
I also recall other glimpses of the future that have been wrong and I suppose I forget them as being more numerous.

that's interesting but i don't know what you call or constitute glimpses of the future. what i saw as future glimpses was exact, detailed and particular that it could not be just coincidence.

mere guesstimate imaginings of the future as we often do or forecast probable outcomes consciously are not literal glimpses of the future.

the ones that i experienced through dreams differentiated themselves from regular dreams always starting out with a blinding "flash of light." they are also like cut sequences. the first one (dream, not vision) was of me sitting in the back of the class surveying my surroundings and taking note of what every student was wearing and i couldn't hear anything but the teacher was talking and every minutia detail. that was it. it was 'trance-like' and very unusual dream. there was like a buzz in the air that i can't quite explain.

the next day i was sitting in the back of the class and i 'arrived' at the exact moment where i was surveying and noticing exactly what i saw in my dream the night before but this time live hearing the teacher and watching the back of the student's heads and down to the hairstyles, exact clothing choices etc and it was exact just as it had been in my dream, not an approximation.

the other prophetic dream also started with a blinding flash of light and then i was sitting in a theater all by myself watching a particular scene in a movie. both of these were with little context and quick, both like cut scenes (not like regular dreams), however, this was my last 'prophetic' dream sequence and it would not transpire until over two decades later where i, again, found myself in a theater in the back but i was not alone this time but i did see the same scene in the dream i had earlier. this freaked me out as well as incited so many questions in me that i went to see it multiple times over because i was partly in shock because i had taken it for granted after so much time.

but even back then i knew deep down this was significant so filed it away with a checkmark. i knew it from my first experience since i dream regular just as anyone else but those don't start with a flash of light and they are not like short cut sequences.

this is why i have issues and suspicion with the current definition or understanding of linear time or time itself.
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rest assured, your mind will not be forced to stretch and you and those who think strictly like you here won't be the pioneers of science (just redundant sycophants) unless you it falls on your head - literally.

I didn't say I COULDN'T speculate or dream up explanations

I just think I would come a distant last to the Woo Woo brigade as it is their area of expertise

the funny aspect of the dream of me being alone in the theater did come true because i went to see it so many times, that i was alone in the theater at one point. so there is a loop there as i went to see it originally and the scene was exact but i was not alone the first time i watched it but because of that dream i had earlier which is what prompted me to go multiple times is what is the reason for my seeing myself alone in the theater in the original dream. unfukingbelievable.

the detail i remember originally about that dream was that i was viewing myself behind myself so i could see my head and there was no one else around watching the scene whereas in the first one it was not a detached view.

before someone misunderstands and thinks that being able to see or get a glimpse of the future is some cool gift or ability, it is NOT. it is useless because there is nothing you can do to change it, if it is really the 'actual' future, as it's the future after all!

what is more personally useful is noticing trends or weighting different probabilities/likelihoods and then acting on choice in the here and now based on that information or picking up clues of danger and avert it.

the only good that comes from this knowledge is possible understanding of the concept of time itself if that is even the case. it could just be fantastic forecasting of my subconscious mind but was totally useless for me as it's not something you can do on a conscious level nor decide what you want to see in the future so that it can benefit you.
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As fate would have it today's Northern Territory Newspaper has a time travel article

It's not traveling forward but it does describe a time travel machine which can be built with today's technology

I kid you not

