Prove I am not the Son of God

Am I the Son of God?

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QED. Either both or neither have a choice. Unless the contention is that (somehow) Spidergoat is "less capable" than Jan.
Which would have to be demonstrated.
And that demonstration (were it to be offered) would, I suspect, possibly revolve around Jan being "enabled by god" to have a choice and Spidergoat not being so.
Which is itself a refutation of there being a choice.

In other words the whole thing is yet another example of Jan's inability to parse rationality.
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There is, I think a difference between active and passive atheism. Some athiests appear to constantly feel the need to "disprove" God in a like manner to theists that have to constantly evangelise.
There is, I think a difference between active and passive atheism. Some athiests appear to constantly feel the need to "disprove" God in a like manner to theists that have to constantly evangelise.
In my experience they are a small minority. And, also, they react to theist's behavour such as trying to convert people, telling them they go to hell, etc (just read some thread in the religion forum and you'll see what I mean).
So, to confirm the legitimacy of my claim, we can see the following approaches:

Depends on prophecy. If I appeared in alignment with previous predictions, then she might believe me. I wonder how she determines the previous predictions are legitimate.

Compares my actions to the value of love, which he says the Son of God would personify.

James R:
Asks for physical proof of my miracles, which is reasonable. Also asks for clarification of previous religious texts.
Compares my actions to the value of love, which he says the Son of God would personify.
Even worse, John99 requires that you conform to his own interpretation of what that value is.
Hardly rational.
God is god if and only if he behaves/ loves the way I think he should. :wtf:
I don't blame him for that, he has certain expectations. But this wasn't a perfect experiment because people know I'm skeptical and an unbeliever.
I know. You are not my concern.

If you were any kind of divine entity, you would know that I was lying, and so would be concerned about me.

First you need to tell us what you can promise us. What can we hope to get by believing you are the second son of God?
What consequences await us if we don't believe you are the second son of God?
Everlasting life with no nasty remedial action to teach you where you went wrong.

And this is the answer to what? To what you can promise us, or to what will happen if we don't believe you?

My purpose is to find out what makes a messenger from God credible.

You're doing a lousy job then.
I've learned that to be a theist, one has to be a theist.

This hurts. So you have taken the elitist side?

I wonder how (and why) Jan thinks that he has a choice and Spidergoat doesn't?
Some double-think going on there, possibly.
Any explanation of this strange dichotomy would be appreciated.

I have to agree.
I have been placing a lot of hope in Jan, actually.

This hurts. So you have taken the elitist side?

You have a tendency to think the worst.
Don't hold me accountable for that.

A theist must actually be a theist, otherwise they are kidding themselves,
and others.

There was nothing theistic about spidergoats experiment.

I have been placing a lot of hope in Jan, actually.

At what cost?

You have a tendency to think the worst.

I am a defensive pessimist.

I have been placing a lot of hope in Jan, actually.
At what cost?

(Just don't tell me to read Machiavelli's The Prince to be able to deal with people like you ...)

At what cost ... good question.
One either depends on others, or one is a solipsist. There aren't many options to choose from in this regard.