Psychically induced dyslexia

The letter thing was a little...uncomfortable may be the appropriate word?... to read, but I'm not sure how much of that was the letter itself *shrugs* Not really sure what I was supposed to experience though
The letter thing was a little...uncomfortable may be the appropriate word?... to read, but I'm not sure how much of that was the letter itself *shrugs* Not really sure what I was supposed to experience though
Thanks for posting!
Was your ability to comprehend it's content, context etc about normal or did you have to repeat more than normal?
Did you feel a sense of inner struggle that was beyond the psycho somatic suggestion of it being a test?
Did you experience a blurring sensation in your eyes, that gave a sense of externally inspired influence to their focus and direction?
any other subtle issues do you feel worth bringing up?
Eh... wasn't any more difficult to comprehend than normal, aside from its being organized outside the usual parameters of a sentence. Looking over it again, I think more than anything it's the fact that the connecting lines are very narrow and, at higher resolutions, can be a bit more difficult to see against the pure-white background (that is, to distinguish where they go while the eyes move at a normal reading pace). It certainly made me read slower than normal, and the sentence felt somewhat broken or stuttered.

I didn't notice any real conflict of self in it; the only thing I noticed there was that the size of the words tended to influence how my inner voice sounded them out, but only slightly.
[...] as soon as I posted this thread topic and the first person posted (C.C) the heat of the attacks and irrational postings [ due to some sort of inner rage] subsided dramatically...probably because they took pity or something...:) ... and coincidence.... of course....

What I meant is that a sequence of events progressing conventionally in the future direction of time, and yet also variously curving around and overlapping with itself in the past (like a string that was tangled with itself rather than stretched out), seemed like the sort of thing that "prescient psychics" [precognition] might try to explain their supposed abilities with.

Which is to say: "I, the amazing Madam Polonski, know a train wreck will occur outside of Clark City on that day because a future state of mine just had an overpass / intersection with my current state, and fleetingly induced this impression / knowledge in me."
The interesting thing so far in all this regardless of what people may think of me, as soon as I posted this thread topic and the first person posted (C.C) the heat of the attacks and irrational postings [ due to some sort of inner rage] subsided dramatically...probably because they took pity or something...:) ... and coincidence.... of course....
[punctuation used once only btw]
Or maybe you changed the frequency and style of your normal posts since then.
And made a point of trying to reduce the amount of contentious material you usually do.
I.e. If you consider yourself the victim of attacks and irrational postings (which so far we only have your word for as to their irrationality) then perhaps look to your own actions and the content and style of your own posts.

So perhaps it was your own actions that resulted in a reduction.
Or perhaps the other people have not been logged on as frequently.
Or have put you on some semblance of ignore.

Or merely coincidence.

But perhaps you will try and convince us that it is some psychic ability?
But perhaps you will try and convince us that it is some psychic ability?

I realized years ago that the only person that can do the convincing is yourself.

So when people read my mind etc and see what I notice in my field of vision and so on, I see the evolution of self evidence that each individual will have to accommodate somehow.

However the illusion of power this grants someone "over me" leads to issues of grandeur and the illusion of potency that has historically generated huge problems. [for me as well as the "reader"]
Normally leading to an incredible arrogance with it's inherent violence. [I have been physically attacked on many occasions in broad daylight, in crowded public places with the perp being unable to offer any reason to the police other than insanity]

So no I don't need to convince any one...nor prove anything. The police record alone would be sufficient to indicate something really weird is going on...

This issue of Psychically Induced Dyslexia is very complex and not that easy to accommodate in normal life relationships etc.
The causation as C.C attempted to address actually can be explained but not using the conventional science paradigm currently in place.
This led me to develop Zero Point Theory nearly 10 years ago so as to help explain the situation to those who are enmeshed badly enough to want one.
Or maybe you changed the frequency and style of your normal posts since then.
And made a point of trying to reduce the amount of contentious material you usually do.
I.e. If you consider yourself the victim of attacks and irrational postings (which so far we only have your word for as to their irrationality) then perhaps look to your own actions and the content and style of your own posts.

So perhaps it was your own actions that resulted in a reduction.
Or perhaps the other people have not been logged on as frequently.
Or have put you on some semblance of ignore.

Or merely coincidence.
as I said regarding the OP:
Basically it means that collectively the world is psychically terrified/paranoid that psychic inter-relationships will be evidenced and proven by science.

My understanding is this:

By starting this thread every one [universally] knows that the evidence that they fear so much may be revealed so behavior has mellowed accordingly.

There is no "you" or "I",
there is only "us and "we"

it is our problem, not just mine...or yours
What I meant is that a sequence of events progressing conventionally in the future direction of time, and yet also variously curving around and overlapping with itself in the past (like a string that was tangled with itself rather than stretched out), seemed like the sort of thing that "prescient psychics" [precognition] might try to explain their supposed abilities with.

Which is to say: "I, the amazing Madam Polonski, know a train wreck will occur outside of Clark City on that day because a future state of mine just had an overpass / intersection with my current state, and fleetingly induced this impression / knowledge in me."
May be she got lucky and tuned into the most likely future... pre-cog is loaded with paradoxes... deja vu [a form of pre-cog IMO] type experiences can be most confusing etc...
Psych wards are packed with people suffering psychically induced fatigue due to severe mental/emotional confusion due to stuff like this. IMO
Eh... wasn't any more difficult to comprehend than normal, aside from its being organized outside the usual parameters of a sentence. Looking over it again, I think more than anything it's the fact that the connecting lines are very narrow and, at higher resolutions, can be a bit more difficult to see against the pure-white background (that is, to distinguish where they go while the eyes move at a normal reading pace). It certainly made me read slower than normal, and the sentence felt somewhat broken or stuttered.

I didn't notice any real conflict of self in it; the only thing I noticed there was that the size of the words tended to influence how my inner voice sounded them out, but only slightly.

Sound pretty ok to me.. and I agree with most of your was a quick letter thrown together for fun.. Not a lot of refining nor planning. A prototype for possibly future more complex letters. The kid has a significant cryptic intelligence growth potential IMO, Cryptographics, cryptic games, code breaking etc and I wished to encourage it.
I discovered or should I say re-discovered the main reason for the angst I appear to be generating...and the extended test is unnecessary... thanks...:)