It makes life more interesting.
So does Cocaine, Heroin, and Methamphetamine... and yet it seems you don't do those (at least, I would hope not).
It makes life more interesting.
So does Cocaine, Heroin, and Methamphetamine... and yet it seems you don't do those (at least, I would hope not).
So does Cocaine, Heroin, and Methamphetamine... and yet it seems you don't do those (at least, I would hope not).
I have never taken any of those.
I'm waiting until I am 70 years old.
Do you think that it makes your life more meaningful?
It definitely makes it more mysterious. But that doesn't give it any more meaning than it had without it. I'm still clueless as to what all this means. For now I just live in the ambiguity.
Calling any of these groups "conspiracy theorists" would imply that they believed that certain groups had caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, illegal or harmful events or situations.The Jews under Nazi rule probably had all the marks of conspiracy theorists. The black slaves of the American South. Gay men in the 1950's. Women in Muslim countries.
No. If you're in a demonised minority in which you are being openly persecuted, then people aren't conspiring against you.It's good to be a conspiracy theorist when there's actual conspiracies around. It's the mindset of being an oppressed and demonized minority.
Perhaps you'd like to explain the secret planning associated with just one of the people you mentioned here.Thank god for the conspiracy theorists. Socrates, Jesus, Galileo, Ghandi, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr. They're the brave ones who have stood up against the system, suffered abuse from it, carried on with their message, and actually changed the world for the better.
Expanding on a previous post of mine:Conspiracy theories represent a known glitch in human reasoning.
Magical Realist:
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation.
Calling any of these groups "conspiracy theorists" would imply that they believed that certain groups had caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, illegal or harmful events or situations.
Was the Nazi persecution of the Jews secret? Was it covered up?
Was slavery in the American south secretly organised and carried out? Was it covered up?
Was the persecution of gay people in the 1950's secret? Was it covered up?
Is the status of women in (some) Muslim countries secret? Is it covered up?
You might be able to allege that some specific elements of some of these things were secretly planned by particular groups, but in general there's quite a gulf between this and in undisputed conspiracy theories, like believing that space aliens are visiting Earth and the government is covering it up.
A group deliberately causing bad stuff to happen does not a conspiracy make. A conspiracy, in the sense that the term is usually used now, requires an element of secret planning and coverup. Acts that are carried out overtly and which can easily be traced to their sources are not acts of a "conspiracy" of the type that we're talking about here. A mere act of collusion is not a conspiracy. A conspiracy requires people to conspire - engage in plotting, act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose.
No. If you're in a demonised minority in which you are being openly persecuted, then people aren't conspiring against you.
Perhaps you'd like to explain the secret planning associated with just one of the people you mentioned here.
No. If you're in a demonised minority in which you are being openly persecuted, then people aren't conspiring against you.
So then Mein Kampf was what, precisely?The Nazis didn't announce their plans to discriminate against Jews, to shut down their businesses, and to commit hatecrimes and vandelism against them
*Raise eyebrows*Planning by a majority against a minority is always secret. The Nazis didn't announce their plans to discriminate against Jews, to shut down their businesses, and to commit hatecrimes and vandelism against them.
They didn't need to. Slavery in the South was well known and hatred and the treatment of blacks was well known.The KKK in the South didn't announce their plans on how they were going to lynch black men or burn crosses in black neighborhoods.
Of course they do.Homophobes never announce their plans to discriminate against gays and target them with violence under cover of night.
That is the problem, they are rarely ever that secret.All plans against individuals or minorities by larger groups are secret in that sense, or else they wouldn't be very good plans.
First rule about cover-up's is you don't talk about cover-up's.But Bells, all of that made too much sense. You're part of the cover-up!!!1!