
Particle-Wave Duality II

I described quarklets as electric charges but also proposed they were attached to neutrinos which gave them spin. Since this is a magnetic property, I also included orbit. I stated neutrinos produced both. However, I was told this is wrong because electrons don't spin or orbit nuclei but are parts of "standing waves" around them. Their spins and orbits are only "quantum numbers" which are part of their "angular momentum". While I don't doubt their wave motions, I ask, what's moving then?

My answer is that both electron quarklets and their auxillaries such as neutrinos move. We can know neutrinos give charges mass because the more massive electrons (muons and taus) each have their own neutrinos. Within the blurs of electron are various sub-particles which re-form when their primary electrons "materialize" (as when changing orbits). So, while electrons may usually be in "orbitals" around nuclei, they must also have "potentials" for spin and orbit (their quantum numbers such as +/- 1/2).

I would distinguish between electron and magnetic quarklets in that these are primary and those secondary. Electrical quarklets would be central while various other particles such as neutrinos, photons, and gravitons would orbit around, perhaps not discreetly, but in a "potential" order. More later...
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I described quarklets as electric charges but also proposed they were attached to neutrinos which gave them spin. Since this is a magnetic property, I also included orbit. I stated neutrinos produced both. However, I was told this is wrong because electrons don't spin or orbit nuclei but are parts of "standing waves" around them. Their spins and orbits are only "quantum numbers" which are part of their "angular momentum". While I don't doubt their wave motions, I ask, what's moving then?

My answer is that both electron quarklets and their auxillaries such as neutrinos move. We can know neutrinos give charges mass because the more massive electrons (muons and taus) each have their own neutrinos. Within the blurs of electron are various sub-particles which re-form when their primary electrons "materialize" (as when changing orbits). So, while electrons may usually be in "orbitals" around nuclei, they must also have "potentials" for spin and orbit (their quantum numbers such as +/- 1/2).

I would distinguish between electron and magnetic quarklets in that these are primary and those secondary. Electrical quarklets would be central while various other particles such as neutrinos, photons, and gravitons would orbit around, perhaps not discreetly, but in a "potential" order. More later...

Huh? WTF are talking about?
World Trade Federation


You're in the wrong thread. Try "Economics"... By the way, you shouldn't drink and post- it just makes you argumentative...

Charge and Spin

What I try to do in my awkward way in this thread is to form a picture of electrons' spins and charges. Symbolic, mathmatical explanations seem to me too abstract, even if accurate, for a common understanding of OUR universe. electrons seem to me to be made up of two charges. Spin and orbit are properties of electrons as we know. Of course, electrons are waves around a nucleus but they are also particles at times, as when they absorb or emit photons and then change orbits. Electrons doing this are described as using photons from the greater field of on-again/off-again "virtual" electrons and positrons. Electrons are +/- 1/2 in spin; photons are +/- 1; and gravitons are +/- 2. We can see that charge and spin are mutually canceable and that the universe thus is neutral electrically and magnetically. Philosophically, this confirms the Greek theory that it is a "Void" or empty of attributes and therefore "neutral".

What I propose is that electrons have their own systems of particle in the same way that the Sun would be a nucleus, its planets electrons, and moons energy particles around electrons. Of course, this particulate order would be disguised as "energy fields" full of waves. This is the duality of atoms. Electrons would be two quarklets at the center of their fields. Then neutrinos would orbit with +/- 1/2 spins. They would complete their (innermost) orbits. Then second, larger orbits would consist of photons (+/- 1). Finally, electrons' outermost orbits would be made up of gravitons (+/- 2). However, electron systems would be "information" contained as energy because they would be neutralized by anti-electrons. More later...
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What I try to do in my awkward way in this thread is to form a picture of electrons' spins and charges. Symbolic, mathmatical explanations seem to me too abstract, even if accurate, for a common understanding of OUR universe. electrons seem to me to be made up of two charges. Spin and orbit are properties of electrons as we know. Of course, electrons are waves around a nucleus but they are also particles at times, as when they absorb or emit photons and then change orbits. Electrons doing this are described as using photons from the greater field of on-again/off-again "virtual" electrons and positrons. Electrons are +/- 1/2 in spin; photons are +/- 1; and gravitons are +/- 2. We can see that charge and spin are mutually canceable and that the universe thus is neutral electrically and magnetically. Philosophically, this confirms the Greek theory that it is a "Void" or empty of attributes and therefore "neutral".

What I propose is that electrons have their own systems of particle in the same way that the Sun would be a nucleus, its planets electrons, and moons energy particles around electrons. Of course, this particulate order would be disguised as "energy fields" full of waves. This is the duality of atoms. Electrons would be two quarklets at the center of their fields. Then neutrinos would orbit with +/- 1/2 spins. They would complete their (innermost) orbits. Then second, larger orbits would consist of photons (+/- 1). Finally, electrons' outermost orbits would be made up of gravitons (+/- 2). However, electron systems would be "information" contained as energy because they would be neutralized by anti-electrons. More later...

Huh? WTF are talking about?
Dear WTF,

IF I were to offer proof, would you allow me to post in peace? You're not paid to bother people, are you?