WHO is trusted site. Just try to compare immune protection and immune memory ehich we can get by infection and by different vaccines. I posted WHO links for both recentky
i can see you heading into a complex area of hematology here
very technical
your questions around this is probably best answered by a hematologist specializing in micro biology
& i doubt many of that very very very very very small group of highly trained people would find there way here in the tiny amount of spare time they may have online that they choose to discuss highly advanced research that has billions of dollars being gambled behind it with
its quite valid into oncology
chemo therapy
what illness does not get reduced by better hematology science
but this is almost cold war biological weapons advancement level stuff and probably worth a trillion dollars to a single company that can un-ravel & crack this type of functionality to deliver better hematology science across the entire medical world.
an immunologist can tell you what science is & how it works, but they dont work for free
it sounds like your crossing over
immunological allergic conditions
with vaccine science
its not irrelevant, but when millions of lifes & trillions of dollars hang in the balance, its hard to conceive there being any real benefit by entertaining someone who is not 100% on to the pure essence of the fringe science area
ive read into allergy's & the immunology of them
there is significant public data there for you to study if you were adequately motivated(but you read like your looking for a quick fix)
once you have up-skilled yourself to the required level
you will be capable of asking questions that can be answered
assuming they dont cross over anyone else's business interests
even if i did know
which case i would be a highly paid specialist scientist working for a multi billion dollar company with legal contracts telling me i am not allowed to discuss things
which im not
i would not tell you then, because the implications of such knowledge would be capable of causing millions of (more)deaths.
keeping in mind that covid has already caused millions of deaths AND trillions of dollars in losses
Globally the cost is probably above 10 trillion already
& thats 10 trillion out of the working class pockets NOT super rich who wont notice it against a bank sheet balance
programming DNA &/or RNA via vaccine delivery
is a cutting edge sci-fi fringe science area
but how many people oppose abortion & contraception & all other types of medical procedures ?
its like giving hitler the A bomb & long range bombers for a April fools joke
now imagine how many citys hitler would have nuked
then imagine what the world would look like today with such vast population areas radioactive for the next 10,000 years.