Questions about Immunization

That's a good starting point when having an intelligent discussion. Too bad that my vociferous critics are incapable of doing that.
One thing missing from ANY discussion about aluminum in connection with Altzheimer's is the way aluminum adversely reacts with MERCURY in the environment. At the risk of starting another conspiracy theory, anywhere and everywhere you see blackened and / or pitted aluminum structures outdoors (unpainted aluminum, obviously), it got that way through the action of aerosol mercury from coal fired electric power generating facilities. The chemical reaction between the two is a rather violent means of corrosion, and the two elements tend not to separate easily after they have reacted.

After which, the occurrence of bonded mercury is everywhere humans habitate, and becomes something much more toxic than the ubiquitous presence of lead paint of another era. It is hard to believe that with all the recycled aluminum cans we use, some of that mercury isn't getting into someone's cans of Red Bull.

You see how simple it is to start another conspiracy theory, Eugene? How much research have I really done? Let someone else monitor the mercury levels in aluminum. I have neither the time, nor the resources, besides which, I'm as mad as a hatter from mercury poisoning. It wasn't because of thymerosol, either.
Corrosive action of mercury on aluminum:

And from the last source:

Another key item is chelating mercury and aluminum from the brain!! In many cases these are a major cause of dementia and Alzheimers." As if just the mercury alone weren't bad enough. Thymerosol conspiracy theorists, eat your hearts out. Seen enough mad hatters lately, Alice?

There you have it! A fresh, brand-new conspiracy theory cooked up fresh and ready to roll in just a few minutes total research time. Want to slow down the Alzheimer's epidemic? Stop drinking stuff out of aluminum cans! Coke and Pepsi in aluminum cans, your days are numbered.
There you have it! A fresh, brand-new conspiracy theory cooked up fresh and ready to roll in just a few minutes total research time. Want to slow down the Alzheimer's epidemic? Stop drinking stuff out of aluminum cans! Coke and Pepsi in aluminum cans, your days are numbered.
Or eating, drinking any meat, vegetable or grain. Not to mention driving cars, even drinking water out of taps, cooking food (which if you have to stop eating and drinking, this ceases to be an issue). And don't even get me started on fish!
There you have it! A fresh, brand-new conspiracy theory cooked up fresh and ready to roll in just a few minutes total research time. Want to slow down the Alzheimer's epidemic? Stop drinking stuff out of aluminum cans! Coke and Pepsi in aluminum cans, your days are numbered.

I always knew it was a mistake to have my robot body constructed from aluminum.
Yeah, well you're gullible and ill-informed.

The opening paragraph of your source says:

"Russell Blaylock is a trained neurosurgeon who considers himself an expert on nutrition and toxins in food, cookware, teeth, and vaccines. Contrary to the vast bulk of the scientific evidence, Blaylock maintains that vaccines such as the H1N1 vaccine are dangerous or ineffective; that dental amalgams and fluoridated water are harmful to our health; and that aluminum cookware, aspartame, and MSG are toxic substances causing brain damage."

It’s an indisputable fact that Aspartame and Glutamate (as in Monosodium Glutamate or MSG) are “excitotoxins.” Excitotoxins kill brain cells.

Note that those are professional sources and that your reference is fanatical.

I'm still waiting for a rebuttal to this argument against fluoridated water:

If you're certain that H1N1 vaccines are safe, then recall this news report:

Any questions?
Any questions?
It's not so much that people don't have questions. I suspect it is a matter of not feeding the troll.

And finally, please do not keep posting the same thing over and over again, and the same video repeatedly. That is classified as spamming.

It’s an indisputable fact that Aspartame and Glutamate (as in Monosodium Glutamate or MSG) are “excitotoxins.” Excitotoxins kill brain cells.

For heaven's sake. If that is the case, then you had best never eat tomato, mushrooms, potato, and a variety of other vegetables and fruits, since MSG is naturally occurring in these foods.
Next question:

In the background of this interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock, in the first four and a half minutes, there's a video of a large airplane flying above the clouds. What is your explanation for the changing number of trail streams (cycling between two, four, and zero) that seem to be ejected from the plane?

If you're certain that H1N1 vaccines are safe, then recall this news report:

Any questions?

Thanks for the above. I had forgotten about that fiasco. Informative to watch an interview from an episode back in the 70s as blame shifting goes on... He didnt tell me about these effects... switching tested vaccine for new and improved!! (but untested)... Lying about who got vaccines to herd the masses along.

I know, I know... its for the Greater Good!! (as long as your not stuck in a wheel-chair right?)

Seizures after vaccine is not a good thing. High fevers are not a good thing (wish it said how long that fever lasts)

DTaP vaccine side-effects (m = moderate, s = severe)

m- Seizure (jerking or staring) (about 1 child out of 14,000)
m - High fever, 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher (about 1 child out of 16,000)
s- Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness
s- Permanent brain damage.

MMR vaccine side-effects

m- Seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever (about 1 out of 3,000 doses)
m- Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints, mostly in teenage or adult women (up to 1 out of 4) -- grown-ups can talk--
m - Temporary low platelet count, which can cause a bleeding disorder (about 1 out of 30,000 doses)
s - Deafness
s -Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness
s- Permanent brain damage

This gives you an idea of the success rates for the flu vaccines:

I dont get flu shots. I am not in the age group (yet) where its a real concern for my long term health. Not sure what I will do in the future when age becomes a significant issue. However, the effectiveness of the current attempts to tame the bug do not instill much confidence in its benefit for me.
The opening paragraph of your source says:

"Russell Blaylock is a trained neurosurgeon who considers himself an expert on nutrition and toxins in food, cookware, teeth, and vaccines. ........"

That much alone should give anyone pause!

An expert is not an expert until one's peers considers them to be one!
What’s the big thing about adding cilantro to the diet? I’m sipping on a cilantro smoothie right now (I had to try it) and I plan on a spaghetti dinner tonight with extra fresh cilantro in the spaghetti sauce. As already noted and probably true:

Cilantro—also known as coriander or Chinese parsley—has been proven to chelate toxic metals (mercury, lead, and aluminum) from our bodies in a relatively short period of time.
Sounds like someone is betting the farm on the idea that if this catches on, they can raise stinkbugs as an herbal supplement (because their stink reeks of cilantro).
Isn't Russell L. Blaylock, MD a board certified neurosurgeon? What are the credentials of your source? I suggest that you do a little research on your own. Please read the American Nutrition Association review of Russell L. Blaylock's book: Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.

Eugene, when you began this thread, you had "Questions about Immunizations" and we answered your questions and gave an example of how measles in particular has been a virulent disease that was making a world-wide comeback and a comeback in the United States since 2008 as a result of the activity of the anti-vaxers, of which you apparently are a diehard adherent.

Now you are extolling the solid truth of Dr. Blaylock's popular book about the dangers of excitotoxins. WHERE IS THE EPIDEMIC??? 47 girls dying of anything does not rise to the level of a real "epidemic". An epidemic kills MILLIONS. GO ON, SHOW US THE ALL THE UNEXPLAINED DEATHS DUE TO EXCITOTOXINS. One exitotoxin, TRANSFATS, were FINALLY banned by the FDA in July. Was this done as a response to something in Dr. Blaylock's book, or did they conduct their own scientific research? Was there ever a government conspiracy to cover up the damage transfats do? If you want to go off on something that does more harm to our collective health than anything else in the environment, why the heck did you conveniently skip tobacco products? That's some low hanging fruit, right there. Everyone knows it's poison. Everyone knows we'd be better off without it, but it just so happens that it's more addictive than heroin, street legal, and gets the government more tax revenue than anything other than taxing the taxpayers whose health and longevity are damaged by tobacco products. Is it a conspiracy to save social security by making certain most of us don't live long enough to collect?

My G-d, there are certainly enough things to complain about ruining our health without throwing conspiracies in there to confuse us more than we already are.

Why doesn't Dr. Blaylock say anything about that? Too obvious? Not enough money in it? Was he expecting the manufacturers of excitotoxins to offer him money not to publish? Why the heck not? Is he really that stupid? Are you?
Isn't Russell L. Blaylock, MD a board certified neurosurgeon? What are the credentials of your source? I suggest that you do a little research on your own. Please read the American Nutrition Association review of Russell L. Blaylock's book: Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.

What does being a broad certified neurosurgeon have to do with being an expert on..,

The opening paragraph of your source says:

"Russell Blaylock is a trained neurosurgeon who considers himself an expert on nutrition and toxins in food, cookware, teeth, and vaccines. ...."

Any questions?

By the way are you saying that all board certified physicians are experts? Board certification is just one of a number of minimum standards. Not the peak of knowledge and experience that leads to expert status.

Does the fact that many of my peers and associates refer to me as Doctor xxxx.., and I held several state licensed or other wise regulated certifications, mean that I am (or was) an expert?
Eugene, when you began this thread, you had "Questions about Immunizations" and we answered your questions and gave an example of how measles in particular has been a virulent disease that was making a world-wide comeback and a comeback in the United States since 2008 as a result of the activity of the anti-vaxers, of which you apparently are a diehard adherent.
And the answer to your claim was in the first Dr. Blaylock video I posted. I'm still waiting for an intelligent rebuttal to that.
Now you are extolling the solid truth of Dr. Blaylock's popular book about the dangers of excitotoxins. WHERE IS THE EPIDEMIC???
The zombie apocalypse is all around us but zombies can't perceive it.


Don't you see the signs?


