questions to an abductee

"Maybe they have yet to learn that it is the "teasing" of knowledge that creates the problem."

you are under estimating an advanced race of life forms that have been seeding life for ages.
Hi, I'm an abductee plus a UFO Researcher - experiences differ from person to person as experiences are "individual". I've had UFO Experiences my entire life - some good, some bad, I've had large red triangles appear on my stomach immediately after an abduction which others witnessed, plus many many other things. I know it's terribly difficult for debunkers or skeptics to believe any of these kind of experiences as they "didn't experience" them.. oh how I'd love a few debunkers that I know of to get the old anal probe ;).

I think I'll put a couple of URL's below this so you can read a couple of my experiences. It will explain it alot more.

Missing Time : Onboard a UFO

Face to Face with a Grey : Raw Terror

UFO's The Beginning of a New World
i wonder if UFO's are to Earth as our submersibles are to the ocean. I mean, the fish have no damn clue what that thing with the lights on is, and probably don't even care. And if they did get "abducted" to one of our labs and then released back into the water, would they notice, or if they did, would the other fish be able to comprehend what happened? Now let's pretend we're the fish, and one of us is abducted by something far superior to us, and then dropped back onto this rock. Would we even realize what happened to us? Would others be able to fully comprehend what happened to them? Probably not, hence, the ignorance the world has toward abductees.

we're all fish!!! lol
Kiwidesigner said:
Hi, I'm an abductee plus a UFO Researcher -

I think I'll put a couple of URL's below this so you can read a couple of my experiences. It will explain it alot more.

Missing Time : Onboard a UFO

Aha, so, just read the first one, and it's typical of a report by an 'abductee'. Bad grammar and spelling for one thing, indicating a rather average education.

Visiting a palmist. A bit gullible, and generally a believer in the paranormal.

Conveniently, the evidence, these scissors, got lost, during a rather unrealistic baggage checking experience, unlike any I've ever experienced on any flight I've ever taken. In fact, it's most suspicious. I've had to ermove offending items from my person and put tem into my luggage, where the airline have had no problem with them. It's items on the person, not in the hold, that are the issue usually, so I smell BS there.

You never explained what happened to the shampoo.

So, all in all, nice story, but you really need to tighten up the plotholes.
First Kiwidesigner, welcome to sciforums. I know that what you put forwards might be greeted with some forms of hostility through skeptics overall approach to pulling things apart, so I warn you of this before hand, although hopefully leaving the current threads intact with most comments contained has allowed you the chance to get a feel for the place before posting.

I would post my thoughts on your particular experience but:
1: You might not be receptive of my thoughts
2: I might not currently be allowed to state what I believe.
Hello to Kiwidesigner and Weed_eater_guy, welcome to what I call scifoolems forums. But that is another story. (Gives our forum moderator, Stryderunknown, a wink. :) ) But he is correct in stating some of the methods are rather obvious and seem to be mostly for the entertainment of ones that enjoy others degradation. Or it could be construed as information acquisition and control tactics. You figure it out for yourselves.

Obviously, abductions are for a reason. Some may be random, while others are for special and specific reasons and are ongoing during that ones life. Is it to add to the all ready impressive amount of deception or are they looking for something in particular? So very many questions to be answered.
'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers' A key to the abduction phenomena

Abductees, contactees or experiencers - regardless of the terminology applied - are not ordinary people who just happened to get caught up in the abduction phenomena. They are hybrids, genetically designed prior to their inception to be what it is that they are – genetic couriers. Rather than abducting ordinary people, those creatures of a higher order, those so-called aliens, are simply monitoring, programming and guiding their genetic creations.

When instituting a genetic variable into a populace, one need not institute the desired variable throughout the entire populace to achieve the intended results. Rather, a better way is to institute the desired variable within a sampling or small percentage of the populace and then simply allow the inherent characteristics of human reproduction to play itself out over time. Of course this takes generations to accomplish, but it is indeed the better choice given the alternative - providing that time is an acceptable consideration.

Hybrids, or abductees as they are more often referred to, function, or perform their task, as a point of origin, a point at which genetic variables are introduced into the general populace. The result of this introduction is the propagation, over subsequent generations, of those desired genetic variables (as determined by those beings of a higher order) throughout the general population.

This very scenario has been played out countless times, throughout man’s history.

Hybrids are nothing new; they have been around since man’s inception and have existed throughout human development. This is how the human genetic pool has been, and continues to be, progressively enhanced according to parameters set by those beings of a higher order.

This then is the key through which the abduction experience should be seen.

With this in mind, all of the pieces to the puzzle form a much clearer picture of the events themselves, that is to say, of those extraordinary events to which so many have diligently been probing.

Jocariah said:

Abductees, contactees or experiencers - regardless of the terminology applied - are not ordinary people who just happened to get caught up in the abduction phenomena. They are hybrids, genetically designed prior to their inception to be what it is that they are – genetic couriers.

Cool, something tangible which can be scientifically proven at last! So, where's the proof?!
... I'm right here. That's all the proof I need - you however, are on your own.

Good luck finding the proof that you require.
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'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers' A key to the abduction phenomena

Part II

Contrary to what most people think, abductees are not just regular people who have had the abduction experience. Apparently being selected at random to partake in the so-called abduction experience. They are genetically altered human-alien hybrids who having been bred by those so-called aliens, are continually being monitored on an ongoing basis; instructed via their programming at the hands of those same alien creatures who bred them originally .

They are not just ordinary people who are being abducted – they are not just ordinary people who just happen, by some fluke, to be getting abducted. They are human-alien hybrids being monitored and programmed as an ongoing process or procedure because of who and what they are, e.g., hybrids.

Abductees are hybrids – they are all hybrids living out their lives as hybrids, continually being placed in direct (oftentimes traumatic) contact with their breeders.

Being an abductee is not just an experience; it is not simply about the abduction experience. It is about living out one’s life day-in, day-out as a hybrid. The abduction experience is simply one small facet, aspect or consequence of that hybrid life.

People (specifically, those not having participated in the abduction experience), for the most part, think that abductees are like them, save for the fact that they have experienced the abduction phenomena – that could not be further from the truth. What they don’t realize is that abductees are actually genetically altered hybrids, programmed by their keepers, those alien creatures that have had such regular and intimate contact with them, throughout their lives.

Abductees are human-alien hybrids, unlike others within the general population in many profound and fundamental ways.

For the most part, these hybrids are simply living out their lives as hybrids -undetected – which of course, is the way it was intended.

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Forget for a moment, that what I’ve said here is either true or false, right or wrong - to be believed or disbelieved - and simply see the so-called abduction phenomena in light of this hybrid revelation.

It changes everything.

You see, it’s really a matter of perspective, and not about right or wrong, or true or false.

If you've read my thoughts on abductees actually being hybrids, entertaining the concept as it were, then you've got one more possibility to consider, whether you believe it or not, the possibility exists - at least subconsciously.

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If we say just for a moment as you want us to that what you say about genetic manipulation is true.

Would not you expect that society would react in a way to protect itself and it's gene pool frokm alien tampering by quarrantining all persons suspected of genetic tampering?

You are probably very fortunate that no one is taking you seriously for surely a quarrantine cell is a waiting for you.

The very idea of someone with global aspirations manipulating the genetic structure of humanity in some unethical manner would if any proof was available send all known hibrids into isolation wards.

I would think humanity would protect itself from such scheming.

I woudl also suggest that your alien friends are unable to deserve any respect due to their clandestine and inferior methods.

If and when it comes out that this is what they have done, say after they have succeeded, do you think any one is going to thank them?
I don't think so.
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Inferior I say simply becasue humanity is much , much more than just mere genetics. Inferior because any one with any inteligence can think of many other more productive ways to achieve the same end. And we don't even have the technology or supposed IQ of your alien friends.
so jocariah in the interests of assuming the abstraction I would advise that you take a deep breath and have a critical look at what you are trying to get us to take on board because all I see is alien stupidity.
Excuse the pun but the aliens seem awfully good at alienation........ :)

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It would be easy for us to assume that genetics goes no further than what we know about it, at this point in time. However, it goes much further.

It goes further than species identification or physical characteristics.

Our traits and tendencies are genetically based as well - as is our emotional body.

Are their tests that identify our emotional tendencies?

Why do we emote in the first place? Is it simply by accident? Or have we been specifically designed to emote?


simply put Jocariah , if the aliens were really serious wouldn't they, for example, just simply geneer us by altering our drinking water.....or the atmosphere surrounfing the planet. Why go to the trouble of using the butterfly effect when all could be achieved much more throroughly with out room for so much potential for error?
Jocariah, I didn't ask about an intangible such as emotion. I asked about a tangible, ie, proof of modified DNA. So show me that, and I'll believe you. Don't, and I won't.