Quotes to remember

I have noticed that those I know who are adept at learning languages are also adept with music.
I surmise that both originate from the same area of the brain,
Here is a study that suggests listening to music helps in distinguishing vocalizations.
How Does Musical Training Improve Language Skills?
Piano lessons improve kids' processing of pitch and speech, a new study finds.
In recent years, a growing body of evidence has found correlations between musical training and enhanced language skills. However, until now, it was unclear if music lessons improved language proficiency by boosting general cognitive ability or if playing an instrument improved language processing in other specialized ways. The latest findings elucidate that the ability to distinguish different pitches may explain how musical training improves speech processing and language skills in children.
In 2015, another study on the language-related benefits of musical training reported that children who took musical training lessons before the age of 14 — and continued these lessons for at least a decade — experienced less decay in their speech-listening skills much later in life. As the authors explain, "Musicianship in early life is associated with pervasive changes in brain function and enhanced speech-language skills." This study was conducted at Baycrest Health Sciences Rotman Research Institute (RRI) in Canada and published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
“You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world, and as you walk through those doors today, you will only have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.”
― Jim Carrey

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
~~ Isaac Asimov, Newsweek: “A Cult of Ignorance” January 21, 1980
Here is a study that suggests listening to music helps in distinguishing vocalizations.
How Does Musical Training Improve Language Skills?
Piano lessons improve kids' processing of pitch and speech, a new study finds.


one caveat
The study was of mandarin speaking children
Mandarin is widely believed to be one of the most musical of all languages
Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken tonal language, Mandarin Chinese, tones are distinguished by their distinctive shape, known as contour, with each tone having a different internal pattern of rising and falling pitch. Many words, especially monosyllabic ones, are differentiated solely by tone---

one wonders if this would hold true for less tonal languages

That being "said"
early development may be of paramount importance
during the middle ages
a knight opined @: Give me a boy of seven, and I will make of him a knight----after age 11, never.
One of the religious orders claimed, give us a boy of seven and we will give you a man who cannot be broken.

bf skinner was of a like mind.
“I look at the world and I see absurdity all around me. People do strange things constantly, to the point that, for the most part, we manage not to see it.”
― David Lynch

one wonders if this would hold true for less tonal languages
It has been said that language consists mostly of series of grunts and clicks.

An Interactive Map of the 2,000+ Sounds Humans Use to Communicate Without Words: Grunts, Sobs, Sighs, Laughs & More


When did language begin? The question is not an easy one to answer. There are no records of the event. “Languages don’t leave fossils," notes the Linguistic Society of America, "and fossil skulls only tell us the overall shape and size of hominid brains, not what the brains could do.” The scant evidence from evolutionary biology does not tell us when early humans first began to use language, only that they could 100,000 years or so ago.
However, the question also depends on what we mean by language. Before the linguistic technologies of grammar and syntax, hominids, like other mammals today and a good number of non-mammals too, had a wordless language that communicated more directly, and more honestly, than any of the thousands of ways to string syllables into sentences.

easily misunderstood
In highschool I had a friend who was a bit on the wild side. He always had alcohol, and sold poloride pictures of his sister's vaginal lips---for %5.00
poor michael was wandering down the road one night(most likely dead drunk) when he was struck by the front end of a car driven by a local hot rodder
at 80 miles per hour? well, that was the end of michael--closed casket funeral
the funeral home was on the other side of the high school parking lot, and we were given permission to attend.
An ignorant preacher officiated.
He obviously knew nothing of michael, but that ignorance didn't seem to slow him down none.
Ok as the ceremony dragged on, the preacher got more and more ridiculous,
and then
when he said
"God has taken one of his little angels home"
I lost it
I began to guffaw
Laughing hysterically during a funeral didn't seem to be a good idea
I clapped my hand over my mouth to contain the laughter, and stumbled out the back of the funeral home
some of the young ladies in attendance
assumed that I was sobbing inconsolably
for several days after, they would stop me in the hallway and hug me in an attempt to console me

Not a bad parting gift from Michael Alsing
May he rest in peace.
“There's a big overlap between conspiracy theorists, racists, gun nuts, doomsday preppers, fans of the rapture and poor white Republicans. They all have one thing in common: They feel like the oppressed underdogs.”
― Oliver Markus Malloy
“Doctors are those who prescribe medicines, of which they know little, to cure diseases, of which they know less, to human beings, of whom they know NOTHING.: -Voltaire
"Success, recognition, and conformity are the bywords of the modern world where everyone seems to crave the anesthetizing security of being identified with the majority." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.