Radical Islam : What is the fundamental motivation?

But mankind is incorrigible.

"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible (to change from being incorrigible), but with God all things are possible... ---> This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!...i.e. You were 'dead' (read "incorrigible") because of your sins and because your sinful nature (that which made you "incorrigible") was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ (Impossible from man's perspective), for he forgave all our sins...For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Photizo, you'd be better off quoting more neutral sources than obvious right wing radical nutballs who just wants every Muslim to be evil predators ('cause then their own life makes better sense). You're not getting your point through just being predictably dumb and racist.
Radial Islam works the same way as liberalism, which is why the President is not wanting to single them out. They both use the tactic of blaming others for their woes, so the leaders among them, who are not delivering the goods as promise, can use this blame to distract, like a smoke screen.

As an example of the similarity, the democratic party has been in charge of the war against poverty for 50 years. In that time, the rate of poverty has not changed, even though they/we have spent over ten trillion dollars, solving the problem in the liberal way. Who gets blamed for the lack of progress, are the Republicans, even though they are not allowed any major role in the war, besides being deep pockets with tax payer money. The trick being used, to hide the incompetence of the democrat leaders, is to make the Republicans the source of all the evil,that keeps things the same.

Radial Islam does the same thing. They blame America for all their woes. Even if you are a child from America, who can;t even spell ISIS, you are also responsible; notice the irrational blame game. This induced hate and outrage becomes the smoke that hides the fact that their leaders are the wolves who are not delivering. The majority of Muslims are afraid of these radial leaders and remain in silence If they try to clear the smoke, the snake will attack.

If you confront a Democrat party loyalist, as to why the war on poverty has not changed anything, and that their own leaders have been in charge of this, they will not and cannot admit their leaders are incompetent at best or corrupt at worse. They will blindly defend them and continue blame the other guy due to years of conditioning. The ISIS fighters have the same type of blinders.

The similarity of this leadership tactic, may explain why the President seems to relate to them.
"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible (to change from being incorrigible), but with God all things are possible... ---> This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!...i.e. You were 'dead' (read "incorrigible") because of your sins and because your sinful nature (that which made you "incorrigible") was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ (Impossible from man's perspective), for he forgave all our sins...For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

We want a better world now, not after we're dead.
Photizo, you'd be better off quoting more neutral sources than obvious right wing radical nutballs who just wants every Muslim to be evil predators ('cause then their own life makes better sense). You're not getting your point through just being predictably dumb and racist.

The video he linked to was well worth watching, and wasn't racist at all.
I'm not sure why he linked to it.
Perhaps he misunderstood it.

We want a better world now, not after we're dead.

It's not a matter of what you want, it's a matter of how He's chosen to have things play out.

Perhaps it is you who misunderstands.
The problem is not people disagreeing, the problem comes when people are prepared to kill other people who don't agree with them.
It's not a matter of what you want, it's a matter of how He's chosen to have things play out.

Oh, I'm glad you are back.
Now you can explain why you linked to the video, and what you think are the main points Mr Zelin is making.
The problem is not people disagreeing, the problem comes when people are prepared to kill other people who don't agree with them.

You are not far from the truth concerning the strange relationship between the political left and islam on the one hand and those who disagree with those political systems.
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Naser Khader, a Danish parlamentarian, has likened ISIL with the nazis. The nazis wanted the Holy Roman Empire to come back, and ISIL wants the Kalifat to come back. Then of course you have Putin as well, who wants the Soviet Union back. Everybody wants something back from them good ol' days. You could also call ISIL the Middle Eastern equivalent of Ku Klux Klan, only with land grab.

There was so much hope in 1989. What the fuck went wrong?
Radial Islam works the same way as liberalism, which is why the President is not wanting to single them out. They both use the tactic of blaming others for their woes, so the leaders among them, who are not delivering the goods as promise, can use this blame to distract, like a smoke screen.

As an example of the similarity, the democratic party has been in charge of the war against poverty for 50 years. In that time, the rate of poverty has not changed, even though they/we have spent over ten trillion dollars, solving the problem in the liberal way. Who gets blamed for the lack of progress, are the Republicans, even though they are not allowed any major role in the war, besides being deep pockets with tax payer money. The trick being used, to hide the incompetence of the democrat leaders, is to make the Republicans the source of all the evil,that keeps things the same.

Radial Islam does the same thing. They blame America for all their woes. Even if you are a child from America, who can;t even spell ISIS, you are also responsible; notice the irrational blame game. This induced hate and outrage becomes the smoke that hides the fact that their leaders are the wolves who are not delivering. The majority of Muslims are afraid of these radial leaders and remain in silence If they try to clear the smoke, the snake will attack.

If you confront a Democrat party loyalist, as to why the war on poverty has not changed anything, and that their own leaders have been in charge of this, they will not and cannot admit their leaders are incompetent at best or corrupt at worse. They will blindly defend them and continue blame the other guy due to years of conditioning. The ISIS fighters have the same type of blinders.

The similarity of this leadership tactic, may explain why the President seems to relate to them.
If the war on poverty (i.e. socialist policies) didn't end around 1960, you might be right. The 1980's era of Ronald Reagan and trickle-down was especially hard on the poor. As was lowering the top marginal tax rate from around 90% to the 30% we see today, which the rich don't pay thanks to all sorts of tax loopholes and offshoring their money. I also blame deregulation of the markets and campaign financing for contributing to rising income inequality, as well as globalist trade policies that shipped all our manufacturing jobs overseas. As usual, your analysis is nothing but partisan hackery.
"One of the great questions of the 21st century is: What is the true nature of Islam? There are two distinct answers to this question from the media and leaders. The popular message is that Islam is one of the great world religions, a peaceful religion, a foundation of world civilization, its Golden Age was the highpoint of history, and it preserved Western thought while we were in the Dark Ages. The alternative message is that Islam is a brutal, backward, woman abusing, violent, intellectually narrow ideology that is out to annihilate civilization."


