Rape and the "Civilized" World

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Perhaps you two should get your stories straight.

As Tiassa pointed out above, he did say it.
Maybe you can help him out, since he actually hasn't pointed out where I said its okay for men to rape, that women are to blame if they get raped, that all and any preventative measures are simply based off the central precept of avoiding men altogether and that preventative measures against rape are necessarily outside of any limiting factors.

On the other-hand, he did provide some quite telling references that show only him making those statements.

Which goes directly to my point.

You directly attribute people's behaviour to rape and you feel they should somehow be responsible for their own sexual assault. After all, look at this comment from you. Because you expect and demand that women adhere to certain behaviours for your own bizarre set of reasons. And if they do not or if they dare to assume they are equal, you come out with:

"Well, if you think being raped is such fun: suit yourself."
obviously you missed the sarcasm that an absence of effective risk management still delivers the same scenario - just minus any effective tools to move in the direction of escaping unscathed .

And this is your response to my saying that rapists should be fully responsible for their crimes and that women be treated as equals and not be restricted to behaving as sexually repressed and submissive females to ensure that men retain their privilege and status in society - in short, how dare women expect to be equal. That was your response to my saying that rape prevention advocates in this thread are pushing ways in which women can be controlled in society and you think that is acceptable.
We are simply pointing out that your methodology begins at the point of violation (and in some cases, even death) and that most people would prefer a more pro-active, empowering approach rather than calling upon the services of a group of lawyers (what do you call a "group" of lawyers? A flock? A gaggle? A sleuth? A barrel?) and a justice system .... especially when legal dynamics boil down to "person A says .." vs "person B says ..."
Perhaps you two should get your stories straight.

As Tiassa pointed out above, he did say it.

Which goes directly to my point.

You directly attribute people's behaviour to rape and you feel they should somehow be responsible for their own sexual assault. After all, look at this comment from you. Because you expect and demand that women adhere to certain behaviours for your own bizarre set of reasons. And if they do not or if they dare to assume they are equal, you come out with:

"Well, if you think being raped is such fun: suit yourself."

And this is your response to my saying that rapists should be fully responsible for their crimes and that women be treated as equals and not be restricted to behaving as sexually repressed and submissive females to ensure that men retain their privilege and status in society - in short, how dare women expect to be equal. That was your response to my saying that rape prevention advocates in this thread are pushing ways in which women can be controlled in society and you think that is acceptable.

Are you willing to get yourself raped
so that you can continue to promote your outlook that it is other people who are responsible for your safety and wellbeing?

Are you willing to get yourself raped
in the name of equality between men and women?
obviously you missed the sarcasm that an absence of effective risk management still delivers the same scenario - just minus any effective tools to move in the direction of escaping unscathed .

We are simply pointing out that your methodology begins at the point of violation (and in some cases, even death) and that most people would prefer a more pro-active, empowering approach rather than calling upon the services of a group of lawyers (what do you call a "group" of lawyers? A flock? A gaggle? A sleuth? A barrel?) and a justice system .... especially when legal dynamics boil down to "person A says .." vs "person B says ..."
Again, perhaps you should get your stories straight..

Wynn said:
Are you willing to get yourself raped
so that you can continue to promote your outlook that it is other people who are responsible for your safety and wellbeing?

Are you willing to get yourself raped
in the name of equality between men and women?
Really, Wynn?


Yes, how dare I propose that the only person responsible for rape is the rapist. The horror to demand that women not live in fear of rape, to the point where rape apologists like you and your ilk promote sites that demand women not talk back to men to avoid being raped.

Can you lower yourself any further? No, really? Can you?

There you go LG, your perfect woman. Submissive and compliant.
Again, perhaps you should get your stories straight..
which is why I asked if you could help Tiassa out ...


Really, Wynn?


Yes, how dare I propose that the only person responsible for rape is the rapist. The horror to demand that women not live in fear of rape, to the point where rape apologists like you and your ilk promote sites that demand women not talk back to men to avoid being raped.
Yet for some funny reason, fear thrives off ineffective risk strategies ...
Again, perhaps you should get your stories straight..

Really, Wynn?


Yes, how dare I propose that the only person responsible for rape is the rapist. The horror to demand that women not live in fear of rape, to the point where rape apologists like you and your ilk promote sites that demand women not talk back to men to avoid being raped.

Can you lower yourself any further? No, really? Can you?

There you go LG, your perfect woman. Submissive and compliant.

Okay then, you valiant knightress of women's rights!

You are apparently so glorius, so advanced, so beyond any and all concerns of this world, that the trauma of rape is less bad for you than applying some precautionary strategies. More powah to you!

Yup, the vast majority of people in this world are simply weaklings who prefer not to endure damage to their wellbeing as they protect human rights to equality, so - shame on them! - they rather apply those ever so oppressive precaution strategies than getting themselves abused or killed! The shame!
Yes, how dare I propose that the only person responsible for rape is the rapist. The horror to demand that women not live in fear of rape, to the point where rape apologists like you and your ilk promote sites that demand women not talk back to men to avoid being raped.

And how well has the strategy of talking back at a person intent on abusing you served you?
Yes, how dare I propose that the only person responsible for rape is the rapist. The horror to demand that women not live in fear of rape, to the point where rape apologists like you and your ilk promote sites that demand women not talk back to men to avoid being raped.

Women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped. Stop talking, placate them and sneak out if that works. Get their pants down, trip them and run if that works. Stick a screwdriver in their eye if that works. It is better to be "wrong" than be raped.

It is unfortunate that some would have women lie back and just accept it, since it's "not their responsibility" to protect themselves.
Women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped. Stop talking, placate them and sneak out if that works. Get their pants down, trip them and run if that works. Stick a screwdriver in their eye if that works. It is better to be "wrong" than be raped.

It is unfortunate that some would have women lie back and just accept it, since it's "not their responsibility" to protect themselves.
What is unfortunate is that there are some who blame women for being raped.

Unless of course you have missed Wynn and LG's language in this thread?

After all, in Wynn's twisted eyes, if I dare view myself as equal, then I deserve or desire rape. Is this how you view it? In Wynn's eyes, if a woman is raped by her spouse or partner, then she chose poorly and somehow, shares the blame and responsibility for her own rape. Is that how you view it?

You see billvon, I blame the rapist for rape. Not the victim.

I don't think a victim of rape or sexual assault should be held responsible or be expected to behave a certain way or do certain things that she may very well not be in a fucking position to do. It is easy to say "women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped". Do you apply this standard to yourself? What if a woman freezes? Did she want it? What if a woman is afraid to strike back or fears for her life if she does fight back? Is she to fucking blame for being raped?

How about this. What would you do to avoid a man sticking his cock up your backside in the mens room of your local bar? Do you just hold until you get home? If you are using the restroom and you are raped, should you be deemed responsible for using the fucking urinal and having your pants undone? Or is the rapist responsible for raping you? What about if your rapist is armed and has a knife to your throat and you don't fight back for fear of your life? Yes? No? Are you fucking responsible?

One of the primary lessons in self defense courses is not to prevent being raped. It is to fucking survive. So no, not every woman should fight back because fighting back could very well mean that she dies, because some rapists? Some of them get a bigger hard on when women fight back and so, they make sure the woman suffers just that little bit more. Some will bite off their victim's nipples because women fight back and "do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped".

You think it's that easy? Next time a guy has you pinned against a car, and it's someone you know and you feel their hard cock pressing you into your car and their hand is around your throat telling you to 'go on, fight back', you can tell me how well you went fighting that off. Or next time you're sleeping next to your husband and he rolls over and presses you into the mattress and rapes you, you can decide whether tripping them or sneaking out or stopping talking works.

Here is the thing about rapist. Not all are the same. Some get fucking hard when their victims fight back and get off on it and some do not. So next time you demand that women act a fucking certain way to live up to your retarded expectations of what women should do when confronted with their rapists, keep in mind that placing those kinds of expectations and demands on women results in deaths and further injury. But hey, in your world and from your argument in this thread, like Wynn, it is clear, you believe that if she doesn't fight back or if she acts outside of what you believe women should act, she was asking for it and is somehow responsible for it.

And that is what sickens me with "rape prevention". Because you expect and demand that women prevent themselves from being raped INSTEAD OF DEMANDING MEN NOT FUCKING RAPE.
What is unfortunate is that there are some who blame women for being raped.

Unless of course you have missed Wynn and LG's language in this thread?

After all, in Wynn's twisted eyes, if I dare view myself as equal, then I deserve or desire rape. Is this how you view it? In Wynn's eyes, if a woman is raped by her spouse or partner, then she chose poorly and somehow, shares the blame and responsibility for her own rape. Is that how you view it?

Once again, you are arguing against people who are not present here.

If you disagree, just try and find a quote.


You see billvon, I blame the rapist for rape. Not the victim.

I don't think a victim of rape or sexual assault should be held responsible or be expected to behave a certain way or do certain things that she may very well not be in a fucking position to do. It is easy to say "women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped". Do you apply this standard to yourself? What if a woman freezes? Did she want it? What if a woman is afraid to strike back or fears for her life if she does fight back? Is she to fucking blame for being raped?

How about this. What would you do to avoid a man sticking his cock up your backside in the mens room of your local bar? Do you just hold until you get home? If you are using the restroom and you are raped, should you be deemed responsible for using the fucking urinal and having your pants undone? Or is the rapist responsible for raping you? What about if your rapist is armed and has a knife to your throat and you don't fight back for fear of your life? Yes? No? Are you fucking responsible?

One of the primary lessons in self defense courses is not to prevent being raped. It is to fucking survive. So no, not every woman should fight back because fighting back could very well mean that she dies, because some rapists? Some of them get a bigger hard on when women fight back and so, they make sure the woman suffers just that little bit more. Some will bite off their victim's nipples because women fight back and "do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped".

You think it's that easy? Next time a guy has you pinned against a car, and it's someone you know and you feel their hard cock pressing you into your car and their hand is around your throat telling you to 'go on, fight back', you can tell me how well you went fighting that off. Or next time you're sleeping next to your husband and he rolls over and presses you into the mattress and rapes you, you can decide whether tripping them or sneaking out or stopping talking works.

Here is the thing about rapist. Not all are the same. Some get fucking hard when their victims fight back and get off on it and some do not. So next time you demand that women act a fucking certain way to live up to your retarded expectations of what women should do when confronted with their rapists, keep in mind that placing those kinds of expectations and demands on women results in deaths and further injury. But hey, in your world and from your argument in this thread, like Wynn, it is clear, you believe that if she doesn't fight back or if she acts outside of what you believe women should act, she was asking for it and is somehow responsible for it.

And that is what sickens me with "rape prevention". Because you expect and demand that women prevent themselves from being raped INSTEAD OF DEMANDING MEN NOT FUCKING RAPE.
the problem is that victim advocacy (ie demanding men not fucking rape), far from being diametrically opposed to rape prevention (ie persons adopting behaviour to prevent themselves from becoming victims), is actually fully compatible with it.

To think otherwise is to simply try and stabilize on an unsatisfactory level of performance ... since one faces the exact same situation minus whatever information one could otherwise avail one's self of to negotiate the assault or anticipate its proximity.

You see billvon, I blame the rapist for rape. Not the victim.

Yet you oppose rape prevention. Odd. You seem to care more about who to blame than stopping rape.

I don't think a victim of rape or sexual assault should be held responsible


or be expected to behave a certain way or do certain things that she may very well not be in a fucking position to do.

Expected to do? Agreed; you cannot expect anyone to react in a certain way to someone who tries to rape them.

HOPE they will do? Definitely. I hope any woman who is at risk of being raped does whatever she can to avoid it. Maybe say "you're right, I was wrong, I'll just leave now and we'll talk later." Maybe say "hey look over there!" and then run. Maybe call 911. Maybe hit them over the head with a frying pan. Maybe knee them in the nuts. Whatever works.

It is easy to say "women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped". Do you apply this standard to yourself?

Heck yes. Everyone should. You should do whatever you can to avoid being assaulted, raped, run over, drowned etc etc etc. YOU are responsible for the actions you take to protect yourself.

What if a woman freezes? Did she want it? What if a woman is afraid to strike back or fears for her life if she does fight back? Is she to fucking blame for being raped?

Nope. And by the same token, if she says "sorry, you're right, I'm wrong, I'll admit that and go away" - and that avoids rape - she is not to blame either. She did the right thing; she won and the rapist lost. Shame on you for telling her it's wrong, and shame on you for trying to keep such advice from her.

How about this. What would you do to avoid a man sticking his cock up your backside in the mens room of your local bar?

Be aware of my surroundings. Do not allow someone to get behind me in a men's room stall. Identify and avoid people who are likely to do that. Know self defense well enough to defend myself against such assaults. Don't get so drunk I can't defend myself.

I am sure you take similar precautions.

If you are using the restroom and you are raped, should you be deemed responsible for using the fucking urinal and having your pants undone?

Of course I am responsible for using the urinal and pulling my pants down (if i were to do that.) Who else would be?

Of course I am not responsible for being raped.

This distinction seem to confuse and anger you. Not sure why. It's pretty simple.

One of the primary lessons in self defense courses is not to prevent being raped. It is to fucking survive.

Yep. And unfortunately people like you tell such "preventionists" that if they teach self defense courses, they are blaming women for being raped.

You think it's that easy? Next time a guy has you pinned against a car, and it's someone you know and you feel their hard cock pressing you into your car and their hand is around your throat telling you to 'go on, fight back', you can tell me how well you went fighting that off. Or next time you're sleeping next to your husband and he rolls over and presses you into the mattress and rapes you, you can decide whether tripping them or sneaking out or stopping talking works.

I am sorry all that stuff happened to you. I wish you had been able to fight back and avoid those experiences.

Next time someone has their arm around your throat and sticks their hand in your back pocket, I hope you have the training to fight back. That's what happened to me in Times Square in 1985; fortunately that training worked for me. It might not work for everyone - but the more tools you have in your arsenal, the more likely you are to be able to defend yourself. And again, shame on you for trying to keep them from women.
Yet you oppose rape prevention. Odd. You seem to care more about who to blame than stopping rape.

No. I oppose rape prevention where the line peddled is 'you must avoid being raped', because that automatically places the onus and responsibility on the woman to not be rape. I oppose what is being sold in this thread because it is a means to control and dictate the actions and behaviour of women. The mere expectation and demand that a woman fights off her attacker, regardless of the fact that she may very well not want to and as was posted much earlier in this thread, in most cases of intimacy rape, rape victims won't want to hurt or harm their spouse or partner or relative, and so, they will lie there and just take it. And the demand that if women don't want to be raped then they fight back.. It is not the same. And all you have done is set the expectation that if she didn't fight back, then she either wanted it or it was not really rape. And that is so wrong and dangerous.

Because what we have in this thread are men, demanding that women act or behave a certain way to stop themselves from being raped and then having the cheek to declare it as being liberating.

As a woman who has dealt with more rape victims I care to count, who has been a victim of sexual assault by someone I trusted and cared for and who has seen the psychological and physical damage that rape and sexual assault does, your rhetoric is dangerous. Because it sets the expectation that the victim has to behave a certain way or react a certain way. And no victim will react in the same way and most won't fight it because they either know or love the person raping them and thus, do not wish to hurt them, or they are too afraid to fight back.

Expected to do? Agreed; you cannot expect anyone to react in a certain way to someone who tries to rape them.

HOPE they will do? Definitely. I hope any woman who is at risk of being raped does whatever she can to avoid it. Maybe say "you're right, I was wrong, I'll just leave now and we'll talk later." Maybe say "hey look over there!" and then run. Maybe call 911. Maybe hit them over the head with a frying pan. Maybe knee them in the nuts. Whatever works.
And what if she does not?

Because in many cases, she may actually be afraid that fighting back could make him more violent.

Perhaps, just perhaps, you should trust women to do what is right to ensure they survive? Instead of men demanding they prevent their own rapes. Because if I have to pick between dying and rape, I'll take being raped any day. And that is what is missing from this discussion, not to mention the fact that not all rapes, in fact, the minority of rapes, are stranger rapes and the majority of rapes occur in the woman's own home and her rapist is someone she knows.

Not every woman will react as you demand she should react. And again, that is entirely her call as it is she who would face that situation and would react accordingly.

But at its core, it is not the woman's responsibility to prevent herself from being raped. If she is placed in that situation, then it is her call on how she reacts. What she should not do is react as men want or demand she reacts, which is exactly what is going on this this thread.

Heck yes. Everyone should. You should do whatever you can to avoid being assaulted, raped, run over, drowned etc etc etc. YOU are responsible for the actions you take to protect yourself.
But you cannot really avoid it.

The greater majority of women will be raped by a man she knows.

So again, how can a woman avoid being assaulted or raped in her own home by a man known to her? How does she prevent it? And why should she be held responsible for the actions of another against her person?

Nope. And by the same token, if she says "sorry, you're right, I'm wrong, I'll admit that and go away" - and that avoids rape - she is not to blame either. She did the right thing; she won and the rapist lost. Shame on you for telling her it's wrong, and shame on you for trying to keep such advice from her.
By your logic, if she is raped and 'loses', then to apply your twisted argument, she obviously failed and has lost.

Do you even see how your rhetoric is dangerous? At all?

Be aware of my surroundings. Do not allow someone to get behind me in a men's room stall. Identify and avoid people who are likely to do that. Know self defense well enough to defend myself against such assaults. Don't get so drunk I can't defend myself.

I am sure you take similar precautions.
So don't drink, don't go out alone, always be wary and mindful of all the men around you (again, how can you tell who is likely to do that?)..?

But then, a woman is more likely to be raped in her own home by someone she knows and trusts. Now apply your rape prevention rules to a woman in her own home. Should she avoid the toilet, just in case? Should she constantly be aware of her surroundings in her own home? How can she identify if her husband or partner is likely to do that? What if they show no signs at all? How can she avoid it? And self defense... What about women who cannot and will not harm their spouse?

Of course I am responsible for using the urinal and pulling my pants down (if i were to do that.) Who else would be?

Of course I am not responsible for being raped.

This distinction seem to confuse and anger you. Not sure why. It's pretty simple.

So a woman who gets into her bed naked with her husband and he rapes her... Is she responsible for her actions for having trusted him? Should she avoid doing such things, because you never know?

Seriously, at what point can a woman not expect to be raped?

At what point can she actually relax and enjoy life without fear or terror of rape?

Yep. And unfortunately people like you tell such "preventionists" that if they teach self defense courses, they are blaming women for being raped.
Not at all. My issue stems from so called "preventionists" who expect and demand that women be responsible for not being raped. That women act a certain way or do certain things to prevent being raped, when the reality is that that is not always possible. Because it is about control. Keep women afraid of rape and ensure she adheres to certain behaviours and actions..

I am sorry all that stuff happened to you. I wish you had been able to fight back and avoid those experiences.

Next time someone has their arm around your throat and sticks their hand in your back pocket, I hope you have the training to fight back. That's what happened to me in Times Square in 1985; fortunately that training worked for me. It might not work for everyone - but the more tools you have in your arsenal, the more likely you are to be able to defend yourself. And again, shame on you for trying to keep them from women.
You haven't been paying attention in this thread, have you?

I have spoken to numerous seminars and self defense courses about rape and abuse. And do you know what I always told women?

"No matter what you do or don't do, it is not your fault."

Because not every person can fight back, be they male or female victims of sexual assault and rape.

And again, not every woman is able or willing to react violently. Because:

1) She is afraid for her life.
2) She knows or is intimate with her rapist..

and so on and so forth.
Great, Bells, you are willing to get yourself raped or killed in the name of protecting your beliefs.
Few people are willing to do that.
More powah to you!
Great, Bells, you are willing to get yourself raped or killed in the name of protecting your beliefs.
Few people are willing to do that.
More powah to you!

No Wynn. Where did I say that?

I said if faced with the choice of death or rape, I'd pick rape because I would rather live.

And that is something women are told at self defense courses. The primary goal is survival at all cost. There is no expectation or demand that women must prevent their own rape. Because the main message is always '"No matter what you do or don't do, it is not your fault.".. but hey, rape apologists expect and no, demand that women fight back. Not all women can and such expectations is another form of control.. As though women who do not share responsibility or have somehow failed.

And that to me is disgusting.
And nobody in this thread has said that - except you.

Perhaps you should stop making a bigger fool of yourself and actually read the posts in this thread. Because when someone says:

"Women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped"..

What do you think they are saying?

Because I am not the one saying it. So perhaps you should take it up with them, hmm?
This a Human Rights Issue That Strikes After the Heart of Civilization

Billvon said:

It is better to be "wrong" than be raped.

What's your feeling on being "wrong" and raped? Better to be double-dog "wrong" than merely "wrong"?

Look, you've been trying so hard to tiptoe this insane line about open-ended prevention theory and the point at which women are comfortable being raped. And, yes, that's a blunt-force assessment of the stance, because you didn't just stumble and fall off that razor's edge, you took a flying leap.

Open-ended, better to be wrong than raped, the point at which a woman is comfortable with the idea of being raped ... you've lead yourself right back to the problem with unbounded prevention theory.

Next time someone has their arm around your throat and sticks their hand in your back pocket, I hope you have the training to fight back. That's what happened to me in Times Square in 1985; fortunately that training worked for me. It might not work for everyone - but the more tools you have in your arsenal, the more likely you are to be able to defend yourself. And again, shame on you for trying to keep them from women.

You ... well, you might want to take a few minutes to reconsider the phrasing there.

And, you know, you've at least managed to be confusing with your attempt to thread the needle; I might note that in my day, the parents I heard didn't want their daughter being seen in public wearing this, that, or the other, not because the girl might get raped, but because she looked easy or immoral, and that might reflect badly on the parents. True, of course, that's my experience and likely not universal, but the values I witnessed make those sorts of rapes invisible—that's the whole point of the idea of what makes a woman look easy.

Therein lies the catch. Every time the discussion of societal attitudes toward women arises in this context, there is someone to remind what women need to do to protect themselves against men. And never can anyone mark any sort of sane and reasonable boundary about it. Even more telling is the way in which they identify against the complications of unbounded prevention theory without ever identifying with any sort of boundary. Your notion about the point at which a woman is comfortable with the risk of being raped has stood out strangely, but you've done a good job of fixing the context for us.

'Tis better to be wrong? Okay, what is the outer boundary? Is the risk worth the benefit of accepting an invitation for a date? How is that even a proper question? For better or worse? You know, circumstances change. Is it her fault that she hasn't the clairvoyance to predict that their child will die in a freak accident, and in the wake of that passing her husband will fall into a depression, drink too much, and one night rape her into the hospital in a blind rage?

And the next time? What do you mean the next time?

See, that's part of the point. It's been part of the point from the outset. It is, in fact, the part of the point this moronic, unbounded prevention theory seems to be used to ward off.

There is only so much we can ask any one person to do in fear of other people and still call what we have a civilized society.

Why don't prevention advocates want to discuss that?

Until we get a handle on the underlying rape phenomenon, all these prevention theories do is increase women's burden through a cycle of mitigating a rapist's culpability and, as a result of the continuing rape phenomenon, ever-growing list of precautionary measures that "seem" reasonable.

And this is a long solution. As LG's response reminds, the idea of changing attitudes just isn't on the map.

There is a reason people are annoyed with this prevention advocacy:

(1) Prevention theory is used as an excuse to not change societal attitudes.

(2) Prevention theory advocates refuse to establish any reasonable outer boundary.​

There is only so much we can ask any one person to do in fear of others. And unless we address the underlying rape phenomenon itself, and the attitudes and outlooks that shape it, unbounded prevention theory—even as a matter of when a woman is comfortable trading the risk of being sexually assaulted—only makes the problem worse.
And the demand that if women don't want to be raped then they fight back.. It is not the same. And all you have done is set the expectation that if she didn't fight back, then she either wanted it or it was not really rape. And that is so wrong and dangerous.

You are confusing the terms "hope" and "demand." No one DEMANDS that women fight back. Indeed, trickery (as described in a previous rape-prevention post) is often a better strategy. I would HOPE that women do whatever they can to avoid being raped, and would encourage them to do so with suggestions and advice.

Because it sets the expectation that the victim has to behave a certain way or react a certain way.

What "certain way" is that? The only "certain way" I can think of is a way that, in hindsight, avoided rape - and no one can know beforehand what that way is. It is often not violent; indeed, 90% of the time, is not.

And no victim will react in the same way and most won't fight it because they either know or love the person raping them and thus, do not wish to hurt them, or they are too afraid to fight back.

That's a problem that education/preparation/training could help overcome. Would you be against women learning to fight back?

And what if she does not? Because in many cases, she may actually be afraid that fighting back could make him more violent.

In such cases, as I mentioned, trickery can be far more effective.

Perhaps, just perhaps, you should trust women to do what is right to ensure they survive? Instead of men demanding they prevent their own rapes.

Those two things are not opposites. Women should always decide on their own what to do to "ensure they survive." We can help them make those decisions well, thus helping to prevent rapes.

And again, that is entirely her call as it is she who would face that situation and would react accordingly.

Uh, yes. I have said that about a dozen times now. If you agree with me - great.

But you cannot really avoid it.

Yes, you can avoid being raped, mugged, attacked, drowned etc. A great many people do. You cannot guarantee than 100%, although you can greatly improve the odds through prevention.

So again, how can a woman avoid being assaulted or raped in her own home by a man known to her? How does she prevent it?
See above for a list of ways. I won't repeat the list each time you ask; once should be enough.

And why should she be held responsible for the actions of another against her person?

She is only responsible for her own actions.

By your logic, if she is raped and 'loses', then to apply your twisted argument, she obviously failed and has lost.

She has failed to prevent the rape. She has lost in her attempts to avoid rape. It is not her fault. It is the fault of the rapist.

Do you even see how your rhetoric is dangerous? At all?

No, but I see how dangerous your rhetoric is. "You are a victim, unable to prevent rape. Your only hope is to pray that the system protects you. You cannot be expected to do anything, because that would be blaming you, and you are both blameless and helpless." THAT attitude will get more women raped (and killed.)

So don't drink, don't go out alone, always be wary and mindful of all the men around you (again, how can you tell who is likely to do that?)..?

Uh, no. "Don't drink too much in public places." "Don't go out alone unless you are OK with the risk you are taking." "Be aware of your surroundings." All basic self protection.

But then, a woman is more likely to be raped in her own home by someone she knows and trusts. Now apply your rape prevention rules to a woman in her own home. Should she avoid the toilet, just in case?

Maybe she should avoid breathing! Because, you know, a rapist might hear her breathing and rape her. And therefore if she breathes it's her fault she was raped.
Do you even hear how absurd you sound?

At what point can she actually relax and enjoy life without fear or terror of rape?

Right. Because people only have two options - relax and enjoy life, or live in constant terror of being raped.

If you really feel that way, talking to a psychiatrist might be a very good idea. Because such anxieties, while commonplace, are quite treatable. Most people manage to live their lives even though they run the risk of robbery, assault, rape and death every single day.

You haven't been paying attention in this thread, have you?

I have spoken to numerous seminars and self defense courses about rape and abuse.

Ah! So you are one of those rape preventionists, attempting to get women to take responsibility for their own lives. Good - there's hope for you yet!
What's your feeling on being "wrong" and raped? Better to be double-dog "wrong" than merely "wrong"?

I don't know what "double dog wrong" is. If the choice is 'right and not raped' vs. 'wrong and raped' then I'd go with 'right and not raped' every time.

Look, you've been trying so hard to tiptoe this insane line about open-ended prevention theory and the point at which women are comfortable being raped.

No woman I have ever met is "comfortable being raped." If you know such women, then none of what we have been talking applies to them.

Therein lies the catch. Every time the discussion of societal attitudes toward women arises in this context, there is someone to remind what women need to do to protect themselves against men. And never can anyone mark any sort of sane and reasonable boundary about it.

Then your experience is different than the experience of most people. Most people CAN decide where they want to set their own personal boundaries for risk. Are you telling them that if they set such boundaries they are "comfortable being raped?" If so - shame on you as well.

'Tis better to be wrong? Okay, what is the outer boundary? Is the risk worth the benefit of accepting an invitation for a date?

Up to the person being asked on the date. Someone she knows from work, who she has worked with for a year? Might be a good decision. Someone who just emailed her out of the blue who she has never met? Might not be such a good idea. Up to her.

Is it her fault that she hasn't the clairvoyance to predict that their child will die in a freak accident, and in the wake of that passing her husband will fall into a depression, drink too much, and one night rape her into the hospital in a blind rage?

No. It would be his fault.

There is only so much we can ask any one person to do in fear of other people and still call what we have a civilized society.

Would you outlaw self-defense courses for women, then, lest through such preparation we devolve into an uncivilized society? How much is "too much" caution for a woman to take in your mind? Would you demand your daughters NOT take precautions against rape, lest they be blamed by someone like you for being too fearful?

No? I thought not. I think when it comes to your own family you throw all the Internet moralizing out the window and do what you can to keep them safe - like everyone else does.

Until we get a handle on the underlying rape phenomenon, all these prevention theories do is increase women's burden through a cycle of mitigating a rapist's culpability . . .

No. Rape prevention prevents rape. Hence the name. If I can prevent one rape through advice/recommendations/suggestions, it's worth the scorn of a hundred Internet bloviators.

And unless we address the underlying rape phenomenon itself, and the attitudes and outlooks that shape it, unbounded prevention theory—even as a matter of when a woman is comfortable trading the risk of being sexually assaulted—only makes the problem worse.

Again, if you have kids, you will become a rape preventionist. Not for any of the hyperbolic reasons you described above, but because people in society do what they can to protect the ones they care about. It's really that simple.
billvon said:
Women should do WHATEVER THEY CAN to avoid getting raped.
"Should", is it? And what are the terms for people who don't do what they should do? Are they, perchance, responsible for the consequences?

Your slip is showing.

Meanwhile, obviously no limits at all on the precautions you advocate - Saudi Arabia providing a handy and well known model destination of that slide.
billvon said:
Again, if you have kids, you will become a rape preventionist
Again the equivalence between adult women and dependent children, in the precaution advocate's view of the world.

That is why your assertions that you are not advocating oppressive and misogynistic social norms are not taken seriously. You keep contradicting them, throughout the rest of your posting.

And that's why, instead of dealing with the straight question asked of you, you resort to deflections and bizarre misrepresentations of other people - look at this goofy shit:
billvon said:
No, but I see how dangerous your rhetoric is. "You are a victim, unable to prevent rape. Your only hope is to pray that the system protects you. You cannot be expected to do anything, because that would be blaming you, and you are both blameless and helpless."
Note that you put that in quotes, but nobody here is being quoted, paraphrased, or even approximated. Nobody here has posted anything like that. I don't have to do that when responding to your posting, or wynn's, or lg's - I can use the quote function.

And notice how often wynn and lg, as well, have posted in that fashion. You didn't want to be lumped in with them and their wince-inducing symptoms, and no blame for that, but as noted before an erosion of integrity seems inevitable in this rut: you simply have to turn and face the question of limits on precaution advocacy, or be stained with the implications of having none.
And this is a long solution. As LG's response reminds, the idea of changing attitudes just isn't on the map.

There is a reason people are annoyed with this prevention advocacy:

(1) Prevention theory is used as an excuse to not change societal attitudes.​

You are creating a false dichotomy since there are numerous examples of individuals/organizations successfully incorporating both precepts.

(2) Prevention theory advocates refuse to establish any reasonable outer boundary.
the only one refusing to discuss precisely how these things are limited is yourself. If you wouldn't hesitate to make a dependent safer from the risk of rape, you already understand this.

This is why it appears your real issue is simply something born of spurious internet gusto.


There is only so much we can ask any one person to do in fear of others. And unless we address the underlying rape phenomenon itself, and the attitudes and outlooks that shape it, unbounded prevention theory—even as a matter of when a woman is comfortable trading the risk of being sexually assaulted—only makes the problem worse.
one of the good things about attempting to change societal attitudes is that there is no necessary imperative for potential victims to abandon preventative measures against the very problem one is trying to address.

IOW there is not a single sort or risk anywhere in the universe experienced by any sort of living entity from any period of time in the past, present or future, that would require such an absurd approach

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