Record cold and snow in Brazil

No, a rock hit them, nothing to do with Dinosaur Made Climate Change.
Dinosaur farts make the world cold.
Not the cold war.

Hey wouldn’t sending all out nukes into space make the world cold again just for the potential heat they could have created?
If you feel i've not thought anything through....
You're demonstrating that pretty well.

"Bad things have always happened" is an excuse that has not been thought through. Ships have always sunk, so there's no need for lifeboats. Fires have always happened, so there's no need to put them out.
I aim my replies at idiots.
Boomerangs are not weapons - they are training and entertainment devices (a fun way for children to learn how to throw).
Are you learning anything?
The climate idiots suffer from the replication crisis, many scientists can't replicate their findings - - - .
That isn't true.
The UK booted up a coal plant recently.
Is Brit medical care really that cheap?
Global warming and global cooling has been going on for billions of years.
Never before like this (warming this rapidly) - the closest would be a very large meteor strike, a couple of which were even faster than AGW (with disastrous effects) but all of them shorter lived (the damages of course lasted a long time).

Who's telling you this stuff, and why are you listening to them?
For the information of those interested in whether we are currently in a long or extended interstade, or a warm spell similar to Mis 11 in the Northern Hemisphere, the August 27 issue of Science magazine has a really interesting modeling report that seems to show we are.
For the information of those interested in whether we are currently in a long or extended interstade, or a warm spell similar to Mis 11 in the Northern Hemisphere, the August 27 issue of Science magazine has a really interesting modeling report that seems to show we are.

Authors: Q Z Yin, Z P Wu, A Berger, H Goose, D Hodel. (None familiar to me off hand, but recognizable - not fringe)
"Science", 2021 p. 1035, under "Paleoclimate",
heading "Insolation triggered abrupt weakening of Atlantic circulation at the end of interglacials"

That heading may confuse - the news is that they identified a probable tipping point or "threshold" level crossed by cyclically decreasing insolation, below which sea ice feedback from the Labrador and Nordic seas suddenly (in geo time) jumps the northern hemisphere climate to a different equilibrium state featuring high amplitude variations around a lower mean temperature (the glaciers and ice caps come back, the weather goes to extremes).

And that appears to be how interglacials have been ending over the past 800k years or so.

"The ubiquity of this threshold suggests its fundamental role in terminating the warm climate conditions at the end of interglacials" (from the abstract).
Interesting because co2 has little effect on the climate, 95% of the greenhouse effect is water vapour and water vapour is not changing.
water vapor can change from volcanic eruptions, metorite impacts in the sea, etc. which can eject water quite high on a short-term basis; but overall it does remain steady-state
and then
we have
hydrofluorocarbons which are thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide
escaping from the millions and millions of air conditioners in use every day

how piggish
to use an air conditioner for your personal comfort in a warming world

we seem to have no shortage of compulsive idiots
The University where my beloved spouse works just replaced the windows in her building
ain't a single one of them that is operable
(somehow, I had avoided associated idiocy with the word university----maybe, I'll need to change my perspective?)

In my estimation, the surepetitious f-gas (fluorinated hydrocarbons, etc.) releases from China and elsewhere, coupled with the methane releases globally (from oil wells, etc., far exceed the warming capability of co2. It would be shame for society to target the wrong culprit.
In my estimation, the surepetitious f-gas (fluorinated hydrocarbons, etc.) releases from China and elsewhere, coupled with the methane releases globally (from oil wells, etc., far exceed the warming capability of co2. It would be shame for society to target the wrong culprit.
Nope. They are significant but are not the most significant. Good chart below. NOTE!!! This is NOT total greenhouse contributions from each gas! This is the _forcing_ (or change to the baseline) that all those gases provide.


  • climate-forcing-figure2-2016.png
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Nope. They are significant but are not the most significant. Good chart below. NOTE!!! This is NOT total greenhouse contributions from each gas! This is the _forcing_ (or change to the baseline) that all those gases provide.
I believe the f-gas is widely underestimated, due to surreptitious releases (China, et al.), existing systems still leaking, and underestimation of parent gas which decays into 10-fold higher warming daughter gases which are not included in estimates. I also believe the co2 is widely overestimated.
Well, when "you believe" something, that needs to be supported with credible evidence. The same physics of CO2 that powers steel-cutting lasers also powers global warming.