

Registered Senior Member
Ok, I apologize if there has been a similar thread to this one already posted, but I did a quick search and didn't find anything, so here goes. Do you believe in reincarnation? What is your reasoning? And if so, why do you think we are reincarnated?
I think we are sort of re-incarnate.

From a compleatly scientific POV, the energies, matter, and patterns which define you (assuming that there is no soul, just the stuff we can see), still has to go somewhere when you die. The matter is obviously re-used, but so is the energy. The earth is largely a closed system, with the excption of the constant input of energy from the sun. The energy which you are made of comes and goes through the intake of food, the output of heat and work, etc, etc. You are not a closed system. However, the patterns of how the energy flows in your body, how it is handled and expended, is what defines you as opposed to me.

That pattern, while you are alive, has an effect on the world around you, both in macroscopic terms (I eat a sandwhich, the sandwhich has been very changed), and microscopic terms (the EM radiation from the electrical activity in my body extends beyond the physical limits of my skin). When you die, those patterns also have an effect on the surrounding one, though a very subtle one. Your pattern is split up and divided throughout the area where you die; altered by your death, and altered by the energy patterns of everything around you at the time: wind, rain, bugs, dogs, etc.

For a visual example of what I mean, put your hand in a tub of water, and start making waves. These wave are the pattern that I'm talking about. Now place a few floating toys in the water. Do you see the effect they have on "your" pattern? And the effects that your pattern has on them? Now get someone else to make waves in the tub. There is still a pattern, but a very intracate one. two waves, interacting with each other and the floating objects, to create peaks and troughs in a very in-depth way. Now stop your waving. You watch as the effect of your waves decrease, they seem to diasapear under the strength of the other person's waves. However, in fact the effect of your waves doesn't actually go away, it just get smaller and smaller until it is not noticeable in comperison with the waves the other person is making.

The same goes for your energy patterns when you die. your effect doesn't go away, it just gets smaller and smaller over time. However, this was not covered in the waves example, your effect changes how other things make their waves, how they understand and live in the world. This would be more akin to the second person making waves above not knowing how to make waves when you first aks them to do so, but they learn by watching you, and mimicing. Your method and pattern has now passed in a subtle way to that next person. Well, before your effects, both macroscopic and microscopic, fade to the point where they are no longer noticable, they have a large effect on your surroundings, which change to become more like you for your exsistance.

So, in my opinion, using only ideas accepted by science (you are alive, you will die, you give off very low levels of EM radiation, things are effected by EM radiation, the effect doesn't ever end, but gets smaller and smaller as distance gets larger, etc), you are re-incarnated in the sence that everything is more like you after your life, by you being there.

I don't have any faiths or believes as to a soul or 100%-new-body-same-being type re-incarnation. I haven't gotten that far, yet.
I hadn't read something as interesting in a loooooong while, thanks for lighting up that fire again :D
I think i see what you are getting at. . . I was thinking more in terms of a consciousness that carries on after an individual's death to take on another form. I would prefer not to be reincarnated in this way although some experiences from my early childhood(strange memories and such) make me wonder about it.
I think that each generation of children are smarter than the earlier and this has something to do with reincarnation and past learning. There have been quite a lot of unproved incidents where children claimed to be some one else too!
Originally posted by UltiTruth
I think that each generation of children are smarter than the earlier and this has something to do with reincarnation and past learning.

You can also add the level of education and oppertunities the new crop of offspring had. Each new generation is presented with more and more new ways of learning and better ways of obtaining knowledge. A lot more easier and streamlined then your parents day and age, wouldn't you agree?

There have been quite a lot of unproved incidents where children claimed to be some one else too!

I have heard many of these accounts also, although i still debate their validity.
I think reincarnation may be a process whereby we may become 'better', and more perfect each time. The soul probably becomes purer and attains higher levels of awareness each time it is reincarnated, provided that it lives a virtous life ofcourse.
Originally posted by sargentlard
You can also add the level of education and oppertunities the new crop of offspring had. Each new generation is presented with more and more new ways of learning and better ways of obtaining knowledge. A lot more easier and streamlined then your parents day and age, wouldn't you agree?
Agreed. But all the same, don't the children of the day seem to have better IQ?
Originally posted by UltiTruth
Agreed. But all the same, don't the children of the day seem to have better IQ?

I believe the IQ level hasn't changed. The Parents would have been just as productive had they had such resources, as their kids, avaliable to them at a young age. A significant IQ change in humans would take significant amount of time. I actually find the new generation to be slower than their parents.

I am not too sure about whether such observations would hold true in other countries though. I Primarily speak of the US.

If they do have a better IQ then it would make for some very interesting research on the subject...are there any known of?
Originally posted by sargentlard
A significant IQ change in humans would take significant amount of time. I actually find the new generation to be slower than their parents.

In case you forgot, a person's IQ is their intelligence compared to the rest of that age group. The average of all IQ's is always 100; that is how they're defined. To say that "a significant IQ change in humans would take (a) significant amount of time" doesn't make any sense.

Children aren't born with higher IQ potential than previous generations, but there are myriad factors to explain why some of them may appear to be smarter / younger.

Bear in mind that most of the kids who appear to be smart are usually from comfortable, middle class homes, but that's only because they've been afforded more opportunities to potentialise their intelligence, than poorer children (who are by no means dummies).

Just a few of the previously mentioned factors: smarter parenting, smarter kids TV, technology designed for kids, more freedom for kids, more respect for kids and a plethora of easily accessible knowledge, music, art and writing that has been buildng generation upon generation.

If it were the case that our overall intelligence increased simply through reincarnation (by retaining previous knowledge subconsciously), we should have reached states of perfection and been travelling to the stars thousands of years ago.

One thing that is apparent though, is that everyone seems to be born with a distinct personality and a certain potential for intelligence and talent; there seems to be a blueprint, which you can probably attribute to genetics and DNA. The person's development is then dependent on uncountable outside forces.

Having said all that, I do happen to have my own whimsical theory on reincarnation, based on immortal, vibrating frequencies. I'll expand on that if anyone asks me to.
My Experience


I would like to share my experience with you guy, which is quite relevant to this thread. Now this story is not hearsay….

My cousin when he started speaking started saying his name was something else … when he was 5 years old he started telling stories about him being married with kids and also spoke about his train accident in which he was killed….

My family being very close were really concerned and we tried to check the story out ..My mom drove my cousin and his mom to the city in which my cousin claimed he was from…. We found the place and the family …and they were shocked to hear that …. The story checked out alright … In fact they even got a closure since they were under an impression that there was a foul play involved in the death of their family member…
After my cousin spoke with his “original” family for couple of time …he started forgetting everything ….and after couple of years he did not even remember even after we reminded him about the incident…..Right now he gets annoyed when someone reminds him …its all a big joke in our family …but I am sure it a case of Re-incarnation or soul sharing the same body …to bring closure to their family…
Guru, it's all the little things like this that add up to make reincarnation seem quite possible. I'm not too comfortable with the idea myself, but do you think the newly deceased person has other options?
Originally posted by invisibleone
Guru, it's all the little things like this that add up to make reincarnation seem quite possible. I'm not too comfortable with the idea myself, but do you think the newly deceased person has other options?

How about actually dying? Is that not an option? If you're going to argue for reincarnation, saying that there's no other option is not logical. Instead, point to evidence (no solid evidence yet, but anecdotes are intriguing.)
Some sort of repeatable method of bringing to the consious mind prior-life memories which were then verifiable would be scientifically sound. Some method that worked on nearly everyone.

That there isn't a method that works on nearly everyone, I came to my secondary conclusion form the above- it may be possible that energy patterns, etc, after death, somehow maintaine conherence enough to be imprinted on a new being as it is being formed. So while a bit farther out on the end of the "far-fetch science" branch, there is a small probability that a person could have memories/habits/similarities to someone who had died, simply due to vibrational effects of their matter/energy. I'm not saying it happens or that it's likely, I'm just saying it's possible, and that it might explain why some people seem to have these memories, and some don't.

I also see a larger chance of this happening, given the possibility that the 3d universe is not flat, but folded/crumpled, and that particles which exsist across vast spacial distances seem to remain connected to a certain degree. This may allow for beings to be simlilarly connected, if in fact life is a naturally occuring phenomenon - if it is an "attractor point" in chaos theory terms. If life brings to it what it needs, based on simple physics in 4 spacial dimentions, then it's possible that life may also attract life, thus improving the chances that a dying (weakening) vibrational pattern can effect a newly forming one.
Anyone who know physics but thinks the above sounds like quakery, I'm sorry, but I haven't come up with a better explenation for this yet. I just see feilds extending in a 4th spacial dimention, of which we are a partial result, and I see things over-lapping and adding to each just makes sense to me.
River Wind

With your EM theories you'd really like a book called 'The Field' by someone whose name I've forgotten. It an exploration of new research into the quantum vaccuum/zero point field. The science may be a bit dodgy (I wouldn't know) but it does at least purport to be about science. It's a good read and roughly backs up your view.
If there is such a thing as spirit or soul

then I think it may exist in the electrical magnetic frequencies buzzing away in our water molecules.

Water molecules can copy any frequency being emitted by any magnetic energy it comes into contact with; vibrating in unison. As we are made up of more than 70% water and as it is continuously being pumped round our bodies in blood and by capillary action, our water is continually buzzing with ever changing information contained in every individual cell.

What if, the frequencies going on in our bodies (and picked up by our water) are actually universal (decipherable) codes carrying our body's ever changing information that can be mathematically converted in some type of 'other' dimension?

At any instance in time, our frequencies reflect our total state of being; our needs, wants and desires, our mental, spiritual and emotional states; our id.

So far so good? Ok, we carry on.

Every single second, we are being bombarded by billions of neutrinos. There are 3 recognised types and another theoretical one. They arrive from many sources and some, it has been proved, can react with water nuclei. It is thought by some that neutrinos can oscillate with 2 different frequencies simultaneously and can change form into other elements continuously back and forth. Neutrinos travel almost at the speed of light and can pass through anything, but when they collide in our bodies they produce showers of secondary neutrinos, which fly around all over the place as they dissipate.

What if through some weird process, the neutrinos were able to pick up this iformation from our water, as they hurtled and exploded inside of us? Some of them would be hurled through space to wherever and some of them would be hurled across Earth, passing through all types of things and organisms as they did so. Maybe, some of them come back to us by orbiting the Earth at body level? Maybe, the secondary neutrinos dump the frequencies in organisms that are vibrating at very similar cycles, as they dissipate?

Maybe, we are losing bits of our spirit and gaining bits of other spirits continuously through this process. Don't forget, we attract frequencies that are very similar to ours, so there's no shocks to the system and of course, we are influenced by them (psychologically, emotionally and genetically), but we are totally unaware of this process because it starts from the moment of conception and only ends when the body dies.

This might explain many mysteries such as, child prodigies, mass hysteria, power of positive (and negative) thinking, deja vu, feeling bad vibes, healing, self healing etc. This could also explain why mutations usually happen en masse when there is a massive universal need, such as after major catastrophe's.

I'm no scientist and I don't know how well this idea sits with Quantum Theory, but I've been mulling it over in my head for the past 8 years or so and have even written an allegorical novel-length tale, in my attempt to come to grips with it and to enable me to present it to Joe Blow in a way they might understand. I'm still developing the idea, which sometimes I find impossible to believe and sometimes think is absolutely on the right track.
Amazing theory

It is an amazing theory and I would really appreciate if you can expand more on that , As I feel that your theory or thought takes into account all sorts of life whether it be carbon based as we see on earth or non-carbon based as might be in some remote part of the universe.

I was watching Larry King last night he had John Edward who is a Psychic and the host of Crossing over... he during a phone conversation could convey a message from the caller's dead mother talking about a picture frame next to the person and even verified that the person who was calling was standing in the was you a lot to think about life after death cannot be just Heaven and hell it has to be more than that ..which can be explained by science at higher level....Maybe our soul is part of some chemical not found on the periodic table.

Who knows ... its God's idea of saying if I tell you I have to Kill you
Guru... thanks.

My idea encompasses all life forms on Earth and is based on the fact that every organism is made up mostly of water and that they all emit electrical energy, these 2 facts are the common denominators that are shared by all life on this planet.

I think that water is not native to Earth and that it smashed into the planet when it was just a sterile rock floating round the sun and cooling off. I think the frozen water contained in the massive comet that hit the Earth breaking up its crust and forming the continents must have been awash with trillions of frequencies, the water was in effect, intelligent.

The frequencies, or intelligence contained in the water were the catalyst between water, sun and soil that enabled something as inoccuous as dissolved earth to transform into bacteria and then to evolve into all life as we know it; my mind truly boggles at this apparently 'automatic' and 'random' event. Random, my ass!

I don't think life began in just one particular place or with just one particular organism. If that had been the case, every life form would share most of the DNA of every other, including of plants, bacteria and viruses. Life must have begun in every crack, nook and cranny that contained water.

The frequencies in the water caused the reactions that occured between sun soil and water to occur in such an uncannilly clever way that the correct amounts of local elements were somehow utilised to create organisms that were apparently perfect for their environment and that were apparently able to mutate and evolve.

Well how do life forms know, when to mutate and evolve?

When neutrinos dump enough information into them.

Example: A comet hits Earth, most of life is destroyed, but from the ashes, new life evolves. New life, which is related to previous organisms but has a whole lot more and original genes. Improved and adapted. But how can one organism just transform into another and one, which always happens to be perfect for its environment?

Imagine the trauma after such a catastrophe, and consider that despite the fact that nearly everything has died and in spite of the fact that the temperature, climate and light has changed and without even taking into account the fact that evolution is supposed to be a long drawn out process, we keep finding evidence of mutations and evolution happening relatively quickly within all life forms after such events. I know of a documented case of black coloured city birds changing to fair over just a few generations after the soot blackened buildings they nested on had been cleaned up! How can that be possible, without universal interference?

Every life form contains a mutation code in its genes and this may be programmed and set off by the frequencies contained in the neutrinos. Remember, frequencies of every life form are whizzing through every other life form constantly and every organism has access to universal knowledge of everything, because of the neutrinos. When the need arises, the mutations begin taking effect immediately.

Enough for now.