Zero Point Native
Registered Senior Member
From wikipedia:
Pantheism is the philosophical religious belief that reality, the universe and the cosmos are identical to divinity and a supreme being or entity. The physical universe is thus understood as an immanent deity, still expanding and creating, which has existed since the beginning of time.
Does this describe what you believe?
Yeah, maybe a little. I don't see it as a religion though. It's just something I feel. There's no specific common text or common central figure I look to for understanding reality. I read and listen to everything without bias. I could just as easily listen to a televangellical bible thumper or a cult leader, or some whacked-out drug head, or read the Book of Satan, or the Holy Bible, or a new age text, or a controversial terrorist pamphlet and pull out the information I felt that was beneficial to me. The source of information is irrelevant to me. Only the information matters.
I don't see the Universe as a supreme being, just Consciousness as a whole with all things being equal. The only thing being different or unequal is that which has been fabricated by Mind into things outside of the native state of Consciousness. I believe that everything exists as, and within, and throughout Consciousness, from the largest cluster of galaxies to every cell, every atom, every electron, every quark, every Planck, and beyond is consciousness. So yes, I guess that would be pantheism. But again, I don't really acknowledge labels or titles as I have no interest in being attached to anything. I only use them in this world when needed to be able to function and participate appropriately in this society, in this reality. For me, everything is just experience. I don't have any interest in religions. For me, there is no such thing as Heaven or Hell, and there is no such thing as an individual "god" entity sitting in a cloud on a throne passing judgment on souls and deciding on who gets to go to this fairytale Heaven or Hell. For me, there is just life and nothing else.
The way I see it, I'm just here to play a game. This reality is not real for me. Everything is just scenery, props, and stages. I'm just here for the ride. I'm just here for the experience. I'm just passing through.
When I say I believe in everything I mean I can just as easily believe in contradictions and oxymorons as I believe anything else without causing a disruption or any discomfort to my psyche. I would like to be free to believe in whatever I wish. But I'm not delusional. I know how to abide by common beliefs and societal belief system territories in order to continue to function within this society without being locked up in a mental institution. I know how to play the game without looking like I'm a deranged lunatic or a schizophrenic. But that's all it is. It's just a game for me, and I'll play along with it just fine. And when I'm done with this reality I'll just continue playing the game in the next reality and the next. But if the time ever comes when I'm done playing the game, I can just as easily just sit in place and let the world fall away around me. But in the meantime, I'm having too much fun playing the game, but if I want to play the game I have to play by its rules, so I will... for now.
Are you convinced that at least one god exists? If so, you're a theist. If not, you're an atheist.
I'm convinced that life exists and that it will never end. I am certain that energy can never be destroyed, just reformed into something else. For me, god is just another label. But if you were to consider Universal Consciousness as god then theist it is if you prefer.
It's impossible not to be "bound" by your own beliefs, one way or another.
I'd have to say that it is possible not to be bound by beliefs. While I agree we believe in something at all times one way or another, I don't feel like I have to be bound by them. I would like to think I am free to pick and choose whatever belief that fancies me the most that day. Of course, there's still the gravity thing, and then there's the eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping thing. However, this part is still a work in progress, lol
You must drift through life like a lost lamb. Do you have any lasting goals or desires?
Just experience. My only goal is just to be free. I do enjoy hiking, kayaking, jet skiing, four-wheeling, and sky diving, and I would love to do base jumping off a mountain cliff in a winged suit but I feel that may never happen. I enjoyed dabbling in a little bit of rodeo when I was younger but I kinda outgrew that. Those are just a few desires.
I have no idea what it could mean to "believe in nothing".
Ya know? Just nothing. That native state where nothing exists. Just letting go of absolutely everything, beliefs, perceptions, ego, etc., and just letting everything just be as it is. It's kinda like committing suicide without killing the body. But I know what you're thinking, and yeah, a person couldn't just remain in that state and be a functioning being within a highly linear, dualistic, active reality.
So given all that information, what would you say that I am, just out of curiosity?