Religion is for stupid people

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Valued Senior Member
Why do we even have this section on a science forum? Religion is thick shits, who have an aversion to reality. The most religious folks of society tend to be most idiot brain-dead cartoons, even their whole psyche is fucked, they believe in a dude in the sky or dudes who is invisible, and you can't see him because he is fucking magic. I mean, why are we trying to even take these faith-heads seriously? I have no time for nonsense, no freedom of speech to religion we live on a finite planet with finite resources, if their not going to contribute they should be kicked off, they can go into their after-life and stop wasting precious resources.

I mean shit like science and math work, example being the sun its big and its hot and it gives off heat you can see it, and its made of real shit. Math now thats kind of science 2 + 2 = 4, 328 + 345 = 654 etc, that works. What doesn't work is: praying to a magic entity to bless u with great offspring, my family are Muslim they prayed to their magic deity and did I turn out to be a "great" off-spring, no I didn't. So, basically it was a waste prying. Wait... am insulting myself there I think... but you get the point right? So, yeah things like science and math work, like when we proved that gravity the gravity is the same everywhere, not like beliefs in religion or God, were its all just fucked up, two religious folks of different religions can't agree on it.

Why do we even have this section on a science forum? Religion is thick shits, who have an aversion to reality. The most religious folks of society tend to be most idiot brain-dead cartoons, even their whole psyche is fucked, they believe in a dude in the sky or dudes who is invisible, and you can't see him because he is fucking magic. I mean, why are we trying to even take these faith-heads seriously? I have no time for nonsense, no freedom of speech to religion we live on a finite planet with finite resources, if their not going to contribute they should be kicked off, they can go into their after-life and stop wasting precious resources.

If the final word is that we live on a finite planet with finite resources, what is it that you are particularly concerned about?
Your stockpile of Jack Daniels?

If the final word is that we live on a finite planet with finite resources, what is it that you are particularly concerned about?
Your stockpile of Jack Daniels?


Their fucking up the planet, they don't give a shit, they think they'll go to heaven after they die so they shit on the planet, they abuse the planet, kill all the fish in the sea, cut all the trees down, pollutions, its the religious folks doing all of this shit.

It sounds like the time has come to change your user name. Your current one is an insult to Muslims.

Please PM me with an alternative name as soon as possible, and I will change it.

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