Religion + migration poll

Which do you most NOT want to migrate into your country (pick one):

  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Christian

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Come one Come all

    Votes: 20 47.6%

  • Total voters
The Nazi's used education as well. Its a great way to indoctrinate the young
What's the name of that axiom that says if you use Nazi's in your argument your credibility is instantly nullified. If you'd have cared to read some of my posts you'll have seen I said based on science. Not education based on Nazi ideology.

Also, why put blame on the people who voted against Muslims (and some against Jews and Xians and Atheists)? Doesn't their voice count? Are they necessarily being a bigot or is their's a legitimate gripe? If it is simply a case of being bigoted then why are there not equal votes for Buddhists, Shinto, Tao and Hindu?

Finally, what do you suppose should be done? Should we just bitch "them people's O'er there is bigots"? Should we try to educate both people? If so how so?

I'm not going to care if they move in next door. Its a shame that 53% of people voted to keep people out.
Yes, and that's what we're talking about here. Why do so many people overwhelmingly not want Muslims as neighbors.

You should also note that the Australian Imam himself said he doesn't want certain Egyptian and KSA Imam's migrating here either. I suppose as a Muslim Imam he's an odd Muslim bigot?


Or, does he recognize that a problem exists?

There's obviously a problem with what many young Muslims are being taught to believe. This in turn leads to some Muslims thinking it's better to KILL their fellow Citizens instead of taking the civilized approach and expressing their dissatisfaction legally and peacefully. via rallies and through the court of law.
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Not education based on Nazi ideology.
Just pointing out that education is not the solution. It is inherently bias. Should we close all schools that don't agree with your ideology.

The best way to integrate peoples and ideology is to integrate them. Not to build barriers as that will just compound any hatred.

Are they necessarily being a bigot or is their's a legitimate gripe?
What is legitimate about hate? Where is the evidence that particular religions produce more violence. Its a problem of disenfranchised adolescent angst manipulated by power hungry people and has nothing to do with religion.

Why do so many people overwhelmingly not want Muslims as neighbors.
Because people like you promote the view that they are evil.

This in turn leads to some Muslims thinking it's better to KILL their fellow Citizens instead of taking the civilized approach and expressing their dissatisfaction legally and peacefully

Some???? how many.. billions of them, should I run when I see one on the street. Maybe I should be allowed to carry a gun to protect my self. Should we put stickers on them (Nazi ???) so I know when to run in fear.

Killers are rare. I'm more concerned about being run down by a spastic orphan school bus then any group of religious fundamentalist.
Just pointing out that education is not the solution. It is inherently bias. Should we close all schools that don't agree with your ideology.
If a school is teaching things that do not conform to social norms and the general society has decided that these particular teachings are not be tolerated then yes, they should not be taught. It's really as simple as that.

Here's an example: It is not acceptable to teach that children that people of black skin are racially inferior to people of white skin. Any school teaching this must be shut down or at a minimum that teacher fired.

Do you agree with this or disagree?

So what if such sentiment is bias? Should we stop teaching altogether? Geesh. Pull your finger out.

Lastly, education IS the solution.

What is legitimate about hate?
What is legitimate about hate?

Well, isn't that simple. Yes, Hate is illegitimate people. Problem solved - we can all go back to the bar. Hate has been found to be an illegitimate emotion.

Where is the evidence that particular religions produce more violence.
What are you going on about? Serving up more red herring?

Its a problem of disenfranchised adolescent angst manipulated by power hungry people and has nothing to do with religion.
Oh, the "Power Hungry" people?


Because people like you promote the view that they are evil.
You really like to think in the most simplest of terms donchya.
Good vs Evil
Batman vs The Joker
9021 vs Melrose
Xbox vs Sony

Back to Black versus White

For the record I don't believe in "evil" and I have never promulgated the view that anyone is evil.

Killers are rare. I'm more concerned about being run down by a spastic orphan school bus then any group of religious fundamentalist.
Your avatar title is apt.

and now you show your hand micahel

firstly there is more than one sect of muslims and from what i have seen recently they all dispise eachother so that could well be the reason he doesnt want people from egypt

secondly you dont think bigotry increases with media atention?
how do you explain the idiotic public backlash over the tamper or the bigotry recently been aimed at aborigionals, or asians ect.
and now you show your hand micahel
Oh please.

firstly there is more than one sect of muslims and from what i have seen recently they all dispise eachother so that could well be the reason he doesnt want people from egypt
As far as I understand this was an Aussie Muslim who thinks Aussie Muslims should lead Aussie Muslims as they know more about what's important to Aussie Muslims.

Makes sense to me.

Secondly, it IS a problem when people from other countries bring their bias here. Leave that shit back home.

Third, OK, yeah, Chinese and Koreans still are pissed off at Japanese BUT they don't go off teaching this crap as part of their religous service?

Likewise, the Aussie Imam had a valid point.

fsecondly you dont think bigotry increases with media atention?
Yes, it can do.

how do you explain the idiotic public backlash over the tamper or the bigotry recently been aimed at aborigionals, or asians ect.
I think people are less bigotted towards aboriginals and Asians in the recent years. Much much less than 50 years ago, or so I'd think.

The poll it just that a POLL. It measures people's prsent attitudes - it doesn't alter them. The poll is not to blame for Muslims receiving so many votes. That much we can agree on.

Maybe that last point should be made again.

THIS is a POLL. Polls measure people's attitudes.

Don't get pissy to me about the results. I didn't tick the boxes. So, we should be adults and find out why.


I see Atheists got 3 votes. I'm not getting bent over it - although I wouldn't have minded to know why.
If a school is teaching things that do not conform to social norms and the general society has decided that these particular teachings are not be tolerated then yes, they should not be taught. It's really as simple as that.
Do you know how many different types of schools there are. Its a slippery slop but diversity is the key to racial harmony

Here's an example: It is not acceptable to teach that children that people of black skin are racially inferior to people of white skin. Any school teaching this must be shut down or at a minimum that teacher fired.
Well i agree, and so does the law in Australia. We do control hate mongering via the law. But the various religions all teach love not hate.

For the record I don't believe in "evil" and I have never promulgated the view that anyone is evil.
Well should I use the words bad, wrong, inappropriate, or then bigoted.
Evil is a human concept. It means, from my point of view, a person consciously inducing suffering in other people and living things.

Good vs Evil
Batman vs The Joker
9021 vs Melrose
Xbox vs Sony

Back to Black versus White
Life in these modern times is not a fight. Batman V bad guy is archetypal story telling. 9021 V whatever is personal likes and dislikes. Xbox v Sony is a technical argument and black V white is just metaphysical bullshit.

What are you going on about? Serving up more red herring?
So which religion should I fear. Oh that's right you hate a few, don't think I should ask you then. Guess its you that making the poor herring red.

“ Originally Posted by Blindman
Killers are rare. I'm more concerned about being run down by a spastic orphan school bus then any group of religious fundamentalist. ”

Your avatar title is apt.

Oh, and depending on which book and what social context any religous text could be made to mean just about anything.

Slaver Trading prospered in the very Xian Americas after all. Taking a hypothetical scenario, suppose some good God fearing Southern slave owning Xians migrated here to AU. Suppose they taught their children to love their fellow man, of which blacks were not one of them. Be good, don't steal, don't lie, don't cheat - oh, and don't talk to, be friends with or touch blacks.

If I were to have a poll and we found fair minded Aussies were not happy with the continued migration of small minded southerns - what then is this? Hate mongering for simply asking the question? Are the Aussies the bigots? Please. If there is a problem with just one group, then perhaps there is a problem with that group and we should look into why people don't want people from that group here.

Note: This poll said NOTHING at all about Muslims. Muslims were just one group on a list of 9 choices. I suppose if Jews got 35% of the vote somehow you'd come to the conclusion that the poll was anti-semitic.
Hmm at least 15 people on this forum who don't want Muslims in their country. Once again, it would be useful to know if they come from the same countries that were sending back Jews to the Holocaust. Or had issues with colour discrimination. Or live in countries where natives have been put on reservations. After all, discrimination against people could be part of a cultural psyche.
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After all, discrimination against people could be part of a cultural psyche.

I dont think so. And if you know one group immune to discrimination than you can name it here.

Edit: i meant to say who does not discriminate.
Slaver Trading prospered in the very Xian Americas after all. Taking a hypothetical scenario, suppose some good God fearing Southern slave owning Xians migrated here to AU. Suppose they taught their children to love their fellow man, of which blacks were not one of them. Be good, don't steal, don't lie, don't cheat - oh, and don't talk to, be friends with or touch blacks.

Red herring. Morals of a past time, slavery and racism are out dated concepts and have no place in modern society.

Note: This poll said NOTHING at all about Muslims. Muslims were just one group on a list of 9 choices. I suppose if Jews got 35% of the vote somehow you'd come to the conclusion that the poll was anti-semitic

Did I mention a religion, I think not. I said that I was disappointed that the majority of voters have bigoted points of view. Hopefully the numbers will swing.

Compassion, acceptance and tolerance are very important in multicultural societies. This poll could be seen a hate mongering, bringing out people like you that preach hate rather then acceptance.
Hmm at least 15 people on this forum who don't want Muslims in their country. Once again, it would be useful to know if they come from the same countries that were sending back Jews to the Holocaust. Or had issues with colour discrimination. Or live in countries where natives have been put on reservations. After all, discrimination against people could be part of a cultural psyche.
M*W: You know, S.A.M., it's not all Muslims that are the problem. It's just you.
The Muslims in our country all come from countries which are not at war, but have terrible religious based governments, terrible living conditions and not enough freedoms. Which is why they left their cruddy part of the world to get a better government, better living conditions and more freedoms. In my country the Jews and Muslims get along well enough. There is no tension.

Other than for a couple of terror attacks on South Africa by Islamic terrorist forces.. everything is peachy.

Woman from Saudi here can even drive cars. Freedom is awesome!
You should watch a white man try and walk through some of the Muslim areas in England.

It's not pretty.

Boo fricking hoo? Try walking through Iraq after the USAmericans have bombed a civilian area. Betcha it'll not be prettier.