What's the name of that axiom that says if you use Nazi's in your argument your credibility is instantly nullified. If you'd have cared to read some of my posts you'll have seen I said based on science. Not education based on Nazi ideology.The Nazi's used education as well. Its a great way to indoctrinate the young
Also, why put blame on the people who voted against Muslims (and some against Jews and Xians and Atheists)? Doesn't their voice count? Are they necessarily being a bigot or is their's a legitimate gripe? If it is simply a case of being bigoted then why are there not equal votes for Buddhists, Shinto, Tao and Hindu?
Finally, what do you suppose should be done? Should we just bitch "them people's O'er there is bigots"? Should we try to educate both people? If so how so?
Yes, and that's what we're talking about here. Why do so many people overwhelmingly not want Muslims as neighbors.I'm not going to care if they move in next door. Its a shame that 53% of people voted to keep people out.
You should also note that the Australian Imam himself said he doesn't want certain Egyptian and KSA Imam's migrating here either. I suppose as a Muslim Imam he's an odd Muslim bigot?
Or, does he recognize that a problem exists?
There's obviously a problem with what many young Muslims are being taught to believe. This in turn leads to some Muslims thinking it's better to KILL their fellow Citizens instead of taking the civilized approach and expressing their dissatisfaction legally and peacefully. via rallies and through the court of law.
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