Religion Vs God

So in essence you have no idea as to what you would regard as
proof of evidence of God, yet you say there is no evidence of God.


Ok I gave you the beniefit of the doubt but it is obvious that you are posibly retarded your you just cannot fathom what has been writen. And you still have not answer the age old question of Adman and Eve and there son and the little family of the 2 backed monster. At some point in your creation myth Adam and Eve and Cain would have had to all had sex to populate the earth and then cain would have married one of his sisters likely before the age of 14 so you tell me just how wholesome is that story I do not see that story being told as part of the creation myth. I do how ever see that God created Adman and Eve they were the first humans according to the creation myth and ALL and I mean ALL people came from them 2. Wake up and smell the coffee ok think about what you are saying think about what you are upholding. I did and that is why I can say with a straight face that THERE IS NO GOD never was NEVER will be.
Ok I gave you the beniefit of the doubt but it is obvious that you are posibly retarded your you just cannot fathom what has been writen. And you still have not answer the age old question of Adman and Eve and there son and the little family of the 2 backed monster. At some point in your creation myth Adam and Eve and Cain would have had to all had sex to populate the earth and then cain would have married one of his sisters likely before the age of 14 so you tell me just how wholesome is that story I do not see that story being told as part of the creation myth. I do how ever see that God created Adman and Eve they were the first humans according to the creation myth and ALL and I mean ALL people came from them 2. Wake up and smell the coffee ok think about what you are saying think about what you are upholding. I did and that is why I can say with a straight face that THERE IS NO GOD never was NEVER will be.

Did it ever occurr to you that i may not believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth?
That maybe they were the first of their kind, type?

Did it ever occurr to you that i may not believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth?
That maybe they were the first of their kind, type?


Oh so it is the old reinvent the bible to suit what the real world says I see OK. So what about Noah then the flood never happened him and his family never partook of the "All in the Family feeling" either then hey OK I see where you are coming from now.
Oh so it is the old reinvent the bible to suit what the real world says I see OK. So what about Noah then the flood never happened him and his family never partook of the "All in the Family feeling" either then hey OK I see where you are coming from now.

No you don't.
You're acting as though i'm your enemy, trying to defeat me.

No you don't.
You're acting as though i'm your enemy, trying to defeat me.


Yeah I see that when presented with the hard question of will what about the Incest factor in the story of Adam and Eve you got the answer of oh well they were not the first people they were the first of their kind/type or yu jst thought that cause the obvioue conclusion was eeewwww cain did his MOM really? Or wow Noah and the "Family" Were really really close. be cause the thought of that discuss's you and instead of saying I think this is a load of shit lets read on and see what other demons fall out of this revered book. You have chossen to rewrite and re do the intenet of what the witer was trying to convey because will, he did not have all this other informantion we now have. Face it the Bible is full of crap and there is no god and all religion should be banned.
Yeah I see that when presented with the hard question of will what about the Incest factor in the story of Adam and Eve you got the answer of oh well they were not the first people they were the first of their kind/type or yu jst thought that cause the obvioue conclusion was eeewwww cain did his MOM really? Or wow Noah and the "Family" Were really really close. be cause the thought of that discuss's you and instead of saying I think this is a load of shit lets read on and see what other demons fall out of this revered book. You have chossen to rewrite and re do the intenet of what the witer was trying to convey because will, he did not have all this other informantion we now have. Face it the Bible is full of crap and there is no god and all religion should be banned.

Where does it actually say that Adam was the first human being on the planet?
Where does it actually say that incest took place in order to populate the earth?

Where does it actually say that Adam was the first human being on the planet?
Where does it actually say that incest took place in order to populate the earth?


Have you read the Bible have you read Genesis that would be a good place to look and start to read. And it does not have to say incest took place think about it if they are the only two then at some point it, has to the same with Noah it has too all the people were dead according to the bible ALL of them only Noah and his inbred crew where left. What more do you need to read really.
Have you read the Bible have you read Genesis that would be a good place to look and start to read. And it does not have to say incest took place think about it if they are the only two then at some point it, has to the same with Noah it has too all the people were dead according to the bible ALL of them only Noah and his inbred crew where left. What more do you need to read really.

Before we carry on, you need to explain to me why it is believed that Adam and Eve were the only two people on the face of the planet.

Before we carry on, you need to explain to me why it is believed that Adam and Eve were the only two people on the face of the planet.


Read the Bible it says there were no men so god whipped one up in his life giving quesenart out of crap he found laying around. And then he decided that the poor gy was lonely so he stole one of his ribs and then poop made a woman. Together they were man and woman and they wer Adman and Eve they had 2 boys one killed the other and got the boothe went one to find another woman that was not mentioned in any text I have read that god created 1 man and 1 woman they leive in Eden until they grew a set then they got kicked out. There were still just 1 of each you do the math.

It's not so simple. In Genesis 1 God says;

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

in Genesis 2 it says;

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,....

"Generation" means a single stage in the decent of a family, or most probably in this case a specific group of people of the heavens and the earth.

The garden which was formed, did not have anyone to till the ground, not the entire earth. It would appear that God had already created man for that

"And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him."

This verse would make no sense, if there were no other people besides his own family on the face of the earth.

It's not so simple. In Genesis 1 God says;

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

in Genesis 2 it says;

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,....

"Generation" means a single stage in the decent of a family, or most probably in this case a specific group of people of the heavens and the earth.

The garden which was formed, did not have anyone to till the ground, not the entire earth. It would appear that God had already created man for that

"And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him."

This verse would make no sense, if there were no other people besides his own family on the face of the earth.


Obviously you did not read what I posted there are many many more source I can post the google link if you like they all same the same thing no where no where does it say god made any more PEOPLE then Adam and EVE
Obviously you did not read what I posted there are many many more source I can post the google link if you like they all same the same thing no where no where does it say god made any more PEOPLE then Adam and EVE

Of course I read what you posted.
But what you posted does not take everything into account.
It assumes Adam and Eve were the first people on the planet, then
does some major shoulder shrugging, on everything else.

Of course I read what you posted.
But what you posted does not take everything into account.
It assumes Adam and Eve were the first people on the planet, then
does some major shoulder shrugging, on everything else.


That is what the Bible said can you not read I suggest reading it again and again until you get it WOW just read.
That is what the Bible said can you not read I suggest reading it again and again until you get it WOW just read.

I also wrote what the bible said, and it contradicts the common idea.
It becomes obvious the Adam and Eve were not the only people on the planet.

I also wrote what the bible said, and it contradicts the common idea.
It becomes obvious the Adam and Eve were not the only people on the planet.


It does not it does not say god made more people then adam and eve no where at all.
It does not it does not say god made more people then adam and eve no where at all.

You seem to be reading the Bible through the lens of the popular idea you have of Christianity ...

It's not your fault that you have this idea, most of us have it to some degree, it is part of our Western culture.

But if we want to make progress, we have to take responsibility for how we read the Bible and other religious texts, and to see past those biases that we have grown up with in our culture.
from the NIV Bible

Genesis 2:4–8 (NIV)

4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.
When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens— 5 and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth

Genesis 2:21–22 (NIV)
21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
You seem to be reading the Bible through the lens of the popular idea you have of Christianity ...

It's not your fault that you have this idea, most of us have it to some degree, it is part of our Western culture.

But if we want to make progress, we have to take responsibility for how we read the Bible and other religious texts, and to see past those biases that we have grown up with in our culture.

What you been smoking I an Canadian I am a westerner and I am reading the Bible as it is wrtten and appling factually proven science against it and it does not hold water at all not one bit. If it were a boat the thing would have never left dry dock. And my Father was Irish Catholic and my mother a Baptist both where church and religion and god frearing I was all so deluded as a child until I asked the questions the church was not will to answer and that is that.
from the NIV Bible

Genesis 2:4–8 (NIV)

4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.
When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens— 5 and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth

Genesis 2:21–22 (NIV)
21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Seems pretty clear to me. What is missing, are we supposed to read it backwards. :shrug: