Religion Vs God

If you ask of it something out of a need to know will the spirit teach you as to fulfill said need?

that question becomes,when god answers,is it an answer i want to hear?
we as human can easily dismiss the answer as something else..
Or they know that god is actually a fabrication of their respective religions?

you mean, fear of the unknown? seems to me that many people can't stand to say "i don't know", and to humble themselves to a higher power. maybe it's a lack of faith, so they feel the need to be in control, instead of allowing god to be in control.
you mean, fear of the unknown? seems to me that many people can't stand to say "i don't know", and to humble themselves to a higher power. maybe it's a lack of faith, so they feel the need to be in control, instead of allowing god to be in control.

No, I mean that those who profess to know what gods will is actually do because they fabricated the very notion of gods will in the first place.
No, I mean that those who profess to know what gods will is actually do because they fabricated the very notion of gods will in the first place.

do you mean the notion of god's existence, or god's will? i don't think anyone knows god's will in detail. and i think it's a waste of precious time trying to figure that out. i mean, for what reason? to predict the future? so they can be right? it's egotistical.
do you mean the notion of god's existence, or god's will? i don't think anyone knows god's will in detail. and i think it's a waste of precious time trying to figure that out. i mean, for what reason? to predict the future? so they can be right? it's egotistical.

His existence and therefor his will.
His existence and therefor his will.

hm...i think it's obvious that for some people that is true, but it's not true for others, like me. i didn't rely on religion to conger up the idea of god's existence, or to prove it to me, and neither do a lot of other people.
mainly cause i think religion makes it about themselves and not about god..they say you have to believe this way or you will go to hell..IMO this takes god out of the equation..there is no room for god to work within religion,when they tell you you have to be this way..

makes sense to me

seems if the garden is where we came from, then i put my bet we find the boss in dare (to me, the boss is all of existence at the same time)

mass, energy, time...........Get MET

(understanding the 'process' enables the comprehension of life (existence itself/god))

many have their foundation, beliefs, philosophy

that be what i base all my understanding on, even if the scope over runs, religions, sciences (paradigm shift) and some of the old (even big word) philosophies

the three can be combined from my observation point

the primary divider of each system of knowledge are the people, not reality
i saw that coming a mile away. who said you need to pass an algebra test that you didn't study for?

Well, I guess my real question is: If god teaches one everything one needs to know, then what is the purpose of attaining knowledge through conventional means, when god by all rights will bestow upon one that knowledge if he/she/it so chooses?
Well, I guess my real question is: If god teaches one everything one needs to know, then what is the purpose of attaining knowledge through conventional means, when god by all rights will bestow upon one that knowledge if he/she/it so chooses?

that's a good question. i guess the real answer lies in why you wish to learn something. i think it all comes down to intent, god's will, and the desires of your heart being in sync. i know that god has used a wide variety of things to teach me...including other people, books, music, movies, nature, the spirit...

god is in control. god is everywhere, and in every thing. it seems to always come down to whether or not i'm "tuning in".
Well, I guess my real question is: If god teaches one everything one needs to know, then what is the purpose of attaining knowledge through conventional means, when god by all rights will bestow upon one that knowledge if he/she/it so chooses?

you are assuming a 'download' of data into your brain when you need it..
if god wants you to know something, god will provide a means to achieve that knowledge,whether it be a formal school or the school of hard knocks..he still gave us the ability to choose for ourselves,if he sets it up for you to learn what he needs you to learn and you do not choose to utilize that path, it is not gods fault you did not learn..