
1st in...1st throttled

..hahaha...i gotta have a laugh first at all u guys. HAHAha. the sci-com gang of pussies. u knucklehead keep out of it.! and u little acorn..u seen the light..or somethin.

zeromass...between that empty space between ya ears there might be a bit of a spark....remember!.. little seeds grow into big trees.

mr lou...the benefit of doubt to u's a tip...the speed of light is spiritual...and may that help u on your search.

edgar...what can i say...the lord giveth..and the lord blesseth...always remember to respect your elders. its a blessing i learnt growing up among the maoris....hope that helps u thru the long journey to the lords eternal kingdom - the kingdom of jesus christ, only begotten son of god.

bless u all this day..and may gods peace go before u. (wow!howdat!..even a blessin for zerohead.:D enjoy u guys.!

be not over-righteous much nor be too good...for why destroyeth thyself....shalom.:m: the palm trees of israel remind me of home.
Yeah, haha, really funny

Does anybody know what the heck this guy is talking about?
Stop acting crazy and make some sense.
