Religious Nonsense

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If that is the case, what is your point? That news from 2500 years ago is unreliable? I agree.
No problem.
As in it's not a problem.
Your personal revelation about historians and antiquity has not, as yet, devastated the professional field.
When the Sun sets in the saucer of milk the cat will sing to the cuckoo clock.

Bye for now dont forget to answer my questions☺
That's poetically quite pleasant....:cool:......

p.s. Allow me a jazzy interpretation;.... "When the sun sets, in the saucer's milk, the cat will sing, to the cuckoo clock" ....... That definitely has a groove........:rolleyes:...maybe a waltz?
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No problem.
As in it's not a problem.
Your personal revelation about historians and antiquity has not, as yet, devastated the professional field.
I did not make any revelation. Just cited a few well known mundane facts.
And far be it from me to devastate the "professional field", with intent. I have the highest respect for professionals. Are you a professional in some field? Religion? History?

I cannot understand today's religions. Why the duplicity? The goal of peace and goodwill should be purely secular. Any inherent conflict of interpretation tends to make "trust" impossible...:oops:

How selective of truth is your world anyway?
That's poetically quite pleasant....:cool:......

p.s. Allow me a jazzy interpretation;.... "When the sun sets, in the saucer's milk, the cat will sing, to the cuckoo clock" ....... That definitely has a groove........:rolleyes:...maybe a waltz?

I used to draw in girls with it...I say it with a straight face then while they were looking stunned I would say ...I often wonder the correct interpretation ...but it would seem to me if we take the cat as somewhat symbolic of the modern humans who has instincts not dissimilar to a cat and perhaps the setting Sun indicates some point where modern existence is near its end and clearly the milk represents the current wealth of modern society...thats a trim down but you you be amazed how they would get into interpreting that little thing.
I used to draw in girls with it...I say it with a straight face then while they were looking stunned I would say ...I often wonder the correct interpretation ...but it would seem to me if we take the cat as somewhat symbolic of the modern humans who has instincts not dissimilar to a cat and perhaps the setting Sun indicates some point where modern existence is near its end and clearly the milk represents the current wealth of modern society...thats a trim down but you you be amazed how they would get into interpreting that little thing.
LOL I used to write bits like that. People said I should write for The Onion. It is fun.

I will get out my cigar box play some blues and in a rusty voice other avaiable...When the Sun sets was not mine but I cant remember where I first heard it...

I sometimes drop it in at the end of a conversation with a stranger...then smile and nod to see them smile and nod as if they understand what I am saying.
Priest says Jill Meagher would've been 'home in bed' on night of murder if she had stronger faith

A CATHOLIC PRIEST reportedly told a primary school in Melbourne that if Jill Meagher was ‘more faith-filled’ she ‘would have been home in bed’ on the night she was murdered.
The 29-year-old was raped and murdered by Adrian Ernest Bayley in Melbourne in 2012. Bayley is now serving a life sentence.
The 3AW Drive program heard that the priest held up a newspaper with Adrian Bayley’s face on it while making the comments.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne denied the priest commented on the Irishwoman’s faith. However, Monsignor Greg Bennett said:
I’ve spoken with the priest, he acknowledges that the homily wasn’t appropriate and apologises for the offence and upset it has caused.


It comes as the family Jill Meagher are set to join a lawsuit against the state of Victoria as they claim the region failed to protect their daughter by letting Bayley out on parole.
The 43-year-old was on parole at the time he raped and killed the Drogheda native close to her home in the Australian city – despite being convicted of assault while on parole in 2012.
Bayley was convicted of three further rapes earlier this week, meaning he has now been found guilty of ten cases of rape.
The Herald-Sun has reported that the Meaghers will join the families of other people who were killed by criminals out on parole.
Speaking after Bayley was convicted of three further rapes earlier this week - Jill’s father, George McKeon, said it was clear the Victorian Parole Board “failed to protect their daughter and many others in the community”.
"As a family, we have until now been very mindful not to make any statement or take any actions that might delay the outstanding criminal proceedings against Jillian’s murderer.
“However now that these proceedings are completed we want to try and obtain closure to ensure that other families don’t have to endure this trauma.”

Priest says Jill Meagher would've been 'home in bed' on night of murder if she had stronger faith
Yet another example of how religion causes folk to say stupid things.

Now if an employee of any company had said such a disturbing nonsense he would be fired and the company would be keen to rid itself of such an idiot.

But the church is more concerned with keeping numbers at any cost...even if that cost is yet to be earned credibility.

The church would do well to sort out their own hypocritical morality before before attempting to tell others how to run their lives.

What a ding bat is this priest and to think he is not receiving care for a broken brain is sad.

Still it is the folk who belong to the church that must take responsibility for idiots like this priest...they should realise that decent morality wont be found in a belief that a god that has yet to be shown to exist cares and also realise that all his supposed laws were actually the brain farts of superstitious folk from the bronze age seeking to control folk via fear of a non existant entity.

Read your bible folks and understand the nonsense you endorse when you offer the good book as your moral authority.

Read the bible cover to cover and become a thinking atheist.

Stupid is as stupid does
We can all be stupid.
I am stupid more than I would like.
Discussing religion is stupid and yet I do.

Even a great man like Dawkins can be stupid and frankly making such a statement seems stupid to me.

In fact spending so much time on the net is stupid when one could be doing more productive activity in the real world.

But its a release.

I sometimes need a break from the astronomy so I come here for these enjoyable chats that ee have.

I have been sorting out cables on my telescope camera focuser filter wheel and mount ...such a simple sounding task but its like a bowl of spaggetti and now having sortted it all out I find this morning the camera manufacturer now has a neat wifi box that does away with all of them.

I would be stupid to stay with cables.

You never commented on the concept of intelligent design to any meaningful degree.
I would like to know how you feel about the concept.
I expect if for the idea you may present an intelligent input.

Hope you are well.
Blame the victim
I try to be understanding and I suppose the message the priest was trying to give was to follow the teachings or you will go to hell.
Dont eat shell fish was probably a good call in the days of no fridges.
And lets face it most folk wont follow science that says dont eat stuff that goes off easily so I guess they need a fear of hell rather than a fear of food poisoning to save themselves from their own stupidity.

But one does notice this blame the victim mentality so often in rape cases.

She should have been more modest in her dress for example is one I notice.

No no no...

Anyways a most sad situation more so when one realises that the monster responsible had been let out when clearly he was a very very bad man.

I hope you are well and all packed☺
I hope you are well and all packed☺

Just about. Had to upgrade from 20kg checked each way to 30kg each way

Have 15kg Christmas stuff to give give girlfriend. I'll give her one whole suitcase

I try to be understanding and I suppose the message the priest was trying to give was to follow th

So why was his message
"If the sinner had stayed at home in bed he would have not done this crime"
"If had come to church the first time he did a crime we would have helped him (to become a priest so if he did bad things we would protect him by shipping him to other regions)(to much?)

To bad

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