Reporting on Gods Visit

wtf are you talking about?

listen people,

i don't give a rat's ass if you believe what i'm saying. this is a MESSAGE. it's not an interpretation and it's not an opinion. why the fuck does everyone around here think it's so god damned important for them to agree? why does everyone jump at the chance to pass some unqualified opinion or judgement?

don't believe my message. don't believe i received one. i don't give a fuck. but when the shit goes down, maybe the sciforums archives will still remain.

and you can eat my words while you're pissing your pants.

This is where the conversation goes sour.
wtf are you talking about?

listen people,

i don't give a rat's ass if you believe what i'm saying. this is a MESSAGE. it's not an interpretation and it's not an opinion. why the fuck does everyone around here think it's so god damned important for them to agree? why does everyone jump at the chance to pass some unqualified opinion or judgement?

don't believe my message. don't believe i received one. i don't give a fuck. but when the shit goes down, maybe the sciforums archives will still remain.

and you can eat my words while you're pissing your pants.

I'm sorry I offended you. Prophecies get whacked a lot because of all the previous non-events.
I thought you loved everyone Lori.

How can you not care ?

Don't you feel we are worth it. Saving that is. I guess the problem is that if it's god's will there isn't anything your or I could do about it anyway and there isn't any reason for a warning is there.

But I thought if you got a specific message that you would let me know so that I can make sure I go on vacation and see as much as I can and I won't worry about the plane crashing anymore.


quit being an asshole. after what i've been through i have absolutely no sympathy, and no fear. i've done my fucking job. i've screamed this shit from the rooftops. it's documented all over the place, and substantiated by other people. you're a perfect testimony to how much most people really give a shit about it. what do you suggest i do? stockpile some shit? build a fucking weapon? give me a break.


i have NO FEAR
i'm not afraid of aliens
i'm not afraid of death
i'm not afraid of god
i'm not afraid of lies
i'm not afraid of love

i'll tell you what i'm going to do. i'm going to marry the man of my dreams and spend the rest of my days giving and receiving crazy love that's what.

i love people enough to have withstood experiences that damn near made me lose my mind to prove a point, and provide a witness. experiences that most pussies in this world would have run and hid from. locked themselves up in a fucking asylum and begged for drugs and cried like a baby. and i love people enough to stand for something better than what most people believe is even possible. i gave up my life for this shit for many years, and i'll do whatever it takes to make sure christ's kingdom is born unto this earth. whatever i can.

what the fuck are you doing besides being a smart ass?
Lori, I noticed you were given a prophecy to deliver without being given anything to substantiate or back it up. This is where you need to confront the originator of the prophecy and complain. Refuse to do its bidding because of “its” short sightedness and causing you to endure the ridicule.

If “it” was as serious as you are “it” could have done better.

quit being an asshole. after what i've been through i have absolutely no sympathy, and no fear. i've done my fucking job. i've screamed this shit from the rooftops. it's documented all over the place, and substantiated by other people. you're a perfect testimony to how much most people really give a shit about it. what do you suggest i do? stockpile some shit? build a fucking weapon? give me a break.


i have NO FEAR
i'm not afraid of aliens
i'm not afraid of death
i'm not afraid of god
i'm not afraid of lies
i'm not afraid of love

i'll tell you what i'm going to do. i'm going to marry the man of my dreams and spend the rest of my days giving and receiving crazy love that's what.

i love people enough to have withstood experiences that damn near made me lose my mind to prove a point, and provide a witness. experiences that most pussies in this world would have run and hid from. locked themselves up in a fucking asylum and begged for drugs and cried like a baby. and i love people enough to stand for something better than what most people believe is even possible. i gave up my life for this shit for many years, and i'll do whatever it takes to make sure christ's kingdom is born unto this earth. whatever i can.

what the fuck are you doing besides being a smart ass?

Just asking questions Lori.

i'll tell you what i'm going to do. i'm going to marry the man of my dreams and spend the rest of my days giving and receiving crazy love that's what.

That is great, it is what I suggested you do way back on the wicked thoughts discussion. You can't change the world, you can change you and you can help those around you and you should enjoy this wonderful rock we are on.

We aren't all bad and we don't deserve what you claim god will do in the end.

If you believe that, tell it to a 3 year old. I am sure they will understand.
Lori, I noticed you were given a prophecy to deliver without being given anything to substantiate or back it up. This is where you need to confront the originator of the prophecy and complain. Refuse to do its bidding because of “its” short sightedness and causing you to endure the ridicule.

If “it” was as serious as you are “it” could have done better.

It has given me an overwhelming amount of substantiation, and while ridicule does piss me off, its expected and doesn't change a damn thing.
I don't know, I asked you.

If it has been sending data, then maybe they aren't all bad. Maybe the data sent has been of value in some ways.

Are you claiming they are evil ? Are you claiming they or it is responsible for why people believe in god(s) ?

Using scare tactics isn't accomplishing much. Handing over useful information would be better.

Yes, "it" is responsible for belief in many different Gods, Egyptian, Roman, Mayan and Aztec of the past to name a few.
Just asking questions Lori.

That is great, it is what I suggested you do way back on the wicked thoughts discussion. You can't change the world, you can change you and you can help those around you and you should enjoy this wonderful rock we are on.

We aren't all bad and we don't deserve what you claim god will do in the end.

If you believe that, tell it to a 3 year old. I am sure they will understand.

While I appreciate your suggestion, that is not why I'm getting married. I'm getting married because god smacked me in the face with a man that I have wanted all my life and was willing to live the rest of my days alone without, because god convinced me that the relationship I have with him was what I should stand for.

And deserve it?! In particular a 3 year old?! I tell you what you *?!@#, we all deserve a hell of a lot better than this cesspool of a society that you and so many others seem to think is just dandy! And I've got enough balls for all of you to stand for it and demand it. You can thank me later. Or don't thank me at all, I don't care. If it takes devastation to rid the world of the pain, abuse, sickness, suffering, and death that we are immersed in every day of our lives since the moment we are born, then bring it the fuck on!
It has given me an overwhelming amount of substantiation, and while ridicule does piss me off, its expected and doesn't change a damn thing.

If that is so, then you need to do better at controlling your outburst. Nobody is obligated to believe you. Lack of belief doesn’t condemn people does it? You said yourself, belief without evidence is a lie. Real evidence can withstand scrutiny providing substance without anybody having to take a person's word for it.
Hail Rael

If that is so, then you need to do better at controlling your outburst. Nobody is obligated to believe you. Lack of belief doesn’t condemn people does it? You said yourself, belief without evidence is a lie. Real evidence can withstand scrutiny providing substance without anybody having to take a person's word for it.

I'm an honest and loving person in a society that pisses me off. Somebodys got to stand and sacrifice for something better. And rest assured I'm not the only one.

Gods will is at hand, and I'm just fine with that.

You think enabling and acceptance of SHIT is going to bring about change?
While I appreciate your suggestion, that is not why I'm getting married. I'm getting married because god smacked me in the face with a man that I have wanted all my life and was willing to live the rest of my days alone without, because god convinced me that the relationship I have with him was what I should stand for.

And deserve it?! In particular a 3 year old?! I tell you what you *?!@#, we all deserve a hell of a lot better than this cesspool of a society that you and so many others seem to think is just dandy! And I've got enough balls for all of you to stand for it and demand it. You can thank me later. Or don't thank me at all, I don't care. If it takes devastation to rid the world of the pain, abuse, sickness, suffering, and death that we are immersed in every day of our lives since the moment we are born, then bring it the fuck on!

After all of that. What did the three you old do to deserve the wrath of god ?

You think I am being a smart ass, your wrong. I am questioning the belief, but especially the origin of the belief in god.

I would like to know from a god that is going to destroy us all, what the three your old did to deserve it ?

Seems like a valid question to me.
If it takes devastation to rid the world of the pain, abuse, sickness, suffering, and death that we are immersed in every day of our lives since the moment we are born, then bring it the fuck on!

Maranatha !!! :worship:
I'm an honest and loving person in a society that pisses me off. Somebodys got to stand and sacrifice for something better. And rest assured I'm not the only one.

Gods will is at hand, and I'm just fine with that.

You think enabling and acceptance of SHIT is going to bring about change?

If there were no electricity or running water in the world and no vaccines for polio or typhus or small pox. If there were no medical doctors to treat infections or other sicknesses people incur. No democracy providing an economic structure creating jobs to make a living, then you could say we all deserve a hell of a lot better than this cesspool of a society. If you think about it, over time much has been invented to improve a person’s life compared to the past. We can thank science for that and not a deity. Deities condemn without providing doable solutions.