RETRY: calling all (a)theists

I'll respond rationally to a rational post, and I'll use an irrational post to have a bit of fun with. I like a nice flamewar now and then, and I don't see what's wrong with that.

I'll show you rational, you stupid lying deceiving atheist satanist fool. I've crapped better crap than you. My flames could eat your flames for breakfast then start a little flame family on the ashes of your freshly-flamed corpse. God's gonna kick your ass and I'm gonna laugh about it and thumb my nose at your smited remains, you heathen infidelic pagan scum.

Let's see Cthulu rescue you from THAT five-alarm blaze! :D
You fucking slave-moralist, why don't you go back to throating your dead God?

Your flames couldn't strip paint off of a 200 year old house if it had extensive water damage, you stupid, ignorent twit. Go to a doctor, and have him remove whatever gerbils you've been shoving up your ass, and maybe you'll be a little calmer.
Originally posted by Xev
"I am happy in my mud puddle, kindly leave me be."
--Marquis de Sade

I'll respond rationally to a rational post, and I'll use an irrational post to have a bit of fun with. I like a nice flamewar now and then, and I don't see what's wrong with that.

Xev, flames obstruct logical debate. Irrational posts should be ignored.
I realize that this thread is for atheist and that I probably shouldn't be posting here.... Anyway, its not just the n00b atheists, its also the n00b theists. I don't think that they understand that when you encounter an atheist that you should be nice, receptive, and polite. Not start insulting them because they don't believe in their God.

So its not just the n00b atheists its some of the theists to.

Oh and l33t Jeff K! Yo.

Oh and try to watch the language guys, your setting a bad example for the n00bs.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
You guys need to loose that Zero and get yourself a Hero...:D

(slaps head in amazement)

But I had to laugh, I didn't even see it coming as I scrolled down. I wonder how long he was waiting to use that line.