Reverse time/universe


Valued Senior Member
What would a universe where the laws of time were in reverse look like or operate?

theoretically it's possible but how would that work? would you age backwards and become younger etc?
What would a universe where the laws of time were in reverse look like or operate?

theoretically it's possible but how would that work? would you age backwards and become younger etc?
Most of mechanical physics is reversible so, for it, time has no forward or backward direction. The big thing that IS directional is thermodynamics, due to the 2nd Law, by which entropy of a closed system tends to increase with time.

So my take on this question would be that if time were running backwards, entropy would tend to diminish with time. More generally, disorder would spontaneously lead to order, rather than the other way round.
There are theories that posit that entropy defines the direction of time.
So, regardless of the underlying physics, we would always experience the world as moving "forward", i.e. toward greater entropy, i.e. getting older -never younger.
So, regardless of the underlying physics, we would always experience the world as moving "forward", i.e. toward greater entropy, i.e. getting older -never younger.

yes, if our movement through time would be reversed, and the arrow of time point back into a smaller and smaller universe, that does not mean we would go back into the now non-existing past. but into a clean slate. The future would just be limited. I do not know about the big crunch though/ low entropy again?
Seems to me that however one looks at it,it would have to be compatible with Quantum Theory.

I wish they would hurry up with their Quantum Gravity ;-)
There are theories that posit that entropy defines the direction of time.
So, regardless of the underlying physics, we would always experience the world as moving "forward", i.e. toward greater entropy, i.e. getting older -never younger.

i thought it was gravity. the existence of anti-matter indicates that a possible reverse universe can exist. but either way, to each from it's own perspective, it could still appear that time is moving forward, i'm guessing, or that time is moving in reverse in our universe from their perspective.

i wonder if how some people can see future events at times, if that's not a reverse universe indicating reverse motion/time. a glimpse of a mirror reflection or it's just happens that all variables and factors are in place for that event to occur as a fact (but still how could that be if it has not actually occurred yet?) but that doesn't take into account the details so, the former idea of a reflection would be more apt if it was an exact mirror in the reverse as it already has occurred in a direct reverse parallel universe which answers that dilemma and loophole.

theoretically, of course.
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i wonder if how some people can see future events at times
Has anybody ever accurately seen into the future? not just stories of it. now, like the bible prophecies written after the fact, and the invisible end of the world predictions.
If there were ripples in the time 4st dimension that exist already in the future that the universe is moving into, and they could be detected, that would be different. and
yes the future always lays ahead, even if the arrow of time, that indicated direction of movement, point inward, back to the origin. but
even then, reading the past as it were the future would not be possible, because the past is gone, you would be moving into time that is a clean slate so to speak. or?
Has anybody ever accurately seen into the future? not just stories of it. now, like the bible prophecies written after the fact, and the invisible end of the world predictions.
If there were ripples in the time 4st dimension that exist already in the future that the universe is moving into, and they could be detected, that would be different. and
yes the future always lays ahead, even if the arrow of time, that indicated direction of movement, point inward, back to the origin. but
even then, reading the past as it were the future would not be possible, because the past is gone, you would be moving into time that is a clean slate so to speak. or?

I did see into the future as a child through one of my dreams. there is no way for me to prove it unless in the future there is some technology that can download memories in my brain with the date/time stamp in the past and then science would have proof. also of note that around that time, the bulk of paranormal activity of various types including my mother having some prophetic dreams (symbolic) were occurring at that time but mine was truly literal. unfortunately, in this case, none of them were positive. the span of a couple decades for this to come to pass really gives me no choice but to question reality as i assumed (as most everyone) it was.

logically, this is impossible (i'm assuming) to be able to see a future event with such a long span of time between. this was also not an event that was due to my direct actions either. it really had more to do with someone else. this means that either time is not entirely what we think it is or there is a reverse/parallel universe coinciding where future events have already occurred for it to be viewed. that's the only explanation i have at the moment but the part that is most puzzling is the amount of intricate and even the smallest trivial random changes and events that can occur to affect an outcome in between the time you see it versus the event. or it may be that no event is as random, coincidental or trivial as we believe.
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this means that either time is not entirely what we think it is
birch, Do you not confuse time, the fourth dimension, with activities totally limited to your own brain's workings.? When i was a kid, such dreams were always associated with a high fever.
Had a profound, long ago accurately predicted occurrence though. August 21, 10am Madras Oregon, time and space moved together to darken the earth. profound, stick with science.
birch, Do you not confuse time, the fourth dimension, with activities totally limited to your own brain's workings.? When i was a kid, such dreams were always associated with a high fever.
Had a profound, long ago accurately predicted occurrence though. August 21, 10am Madras Oregon, time and space moved together to darken the earth. profound, stick with science.

there was no fever and do i think time is just limited to my own mind? of course not!

i told you my mother was having some freaky dreams at this time too as well as the paranormal activity was going on as well. i saw an event in detail (not general) that occurred two decades later. that forces me to question reality, as in i have literally no choice internally, especially notions of time as well as parallel universes. besides some musings on free-will, pre-destiny and what is random or not.

also, because of my experience, i was already pondering the idea of parallel universes and other dimensions before this was considered more mainstream ideas.

if you don't believe it, it's okay. no one can really be expected to but someone letting you know of that possibility is something for you to take and ponder on 'how', if one chooses to consider it.

your statement 'stick with science' is moot and doesn't mean i reject science but i can't pretend this didn't happen or i would be lying to my own self. this isn't something i personally can brush off because it did happen years later.

you are free to do so ( because you don't know here nor there) but you can't tell someone else that has had an experience to do so when you don't even know what they saw.

i don't even like the implications as it's obscene, especially about free-will.
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the thing that freaks me out about that whole vision/dream of the future event is that the level of intricate detail of all connecting decisions and random choices made by so many different people and other variables that are unknown would have to be exact to be able to see such an event in the future!!

even a future event could be more understandably and mundanely predicted if, for instance, a person makes a decision and as a motive to project they will do this and such action in the future but this was not something like that. this was so detailed and involved so much intricacy that would have to take into account every nuance and detail of existence of the whole fabric of society, besides taking into account natural disasters etc. it doesn't make any sense logically.

it was a dream where there was a flash of light (this only happened to me twice in a dream and both were prophetic as my regular dreams that don't mean anything don't start off this way) and i was sitting in a movie theater alone and i was watching a certain scene in a movie THAT YET WASN'T TO BE MADE UNTIL TWO DECADES LATER. but the scene was in exact detail as i saw it in my dream at 9 years old. why i saw that particular scene doesn't make sense to me even today or why. i don't even care for that actor or film much as it was not like a favorite either. it's a mystery but in the future there was some major changes going on at this time (again, not happy ones). this was also around the time i was seeing apparitions (besides this prophetic dream, my other prophetic dream was something that occurred the next day) and there was a lot of paranormal activity going on at this time. these were some type of omens because they foretold a trend as well as specific events to unfold.

after that, there really weren't any significant paranormal activity, just those coming to pass as in my mother's symbolic dreams. her dream was of a room where my stepfather was sitting behind a desk in the middle of the room, she was on one side of the corner of the room with my half-sister holding her hand facing him and i was on the other side of the corner and i was alone. but the symbolism gets worse. she said my face was looking down at my feet with my heart not in my body but on the ground in front of me and she couldn't see my face. a decent mother would have taken that dream as a warning to change it but that dream (on hindsight) was just of the events to come. i know what her dream meant in hindsight perfectly because it's very symbolic of the home life and relationship between all of us. my stepfather was going to abuse me and my mother didn't give a shit, hence her on the other side of the room with her fave daughter and me separated/singled out and my stepfather authoritarian in the middle of the room behind the desk.

but my dream was literal and went beyond that. it enlightened me to one thing for sure without a shadow of a doubt now and that is: reality is not all what we think it is nor does it work in only the way we assume it does. that much i know.
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Seems to me that however one looks at it,it would have to be compatible with Quantum Theory.

I wish they would hurry up with their Quantum Gravity ;-)
I cannot immediately think of anything in QM that is not reversible. So I think time going backwards would be compatible with it.
the thing that freaks me out about that whole vision/dream of the future event is that the level of intricate detail of all connecting decisions and random choices made by so many different people and other variables that are unknown would have to be exact to be able to see such an event in the future!!

even a future event could be more understandably and mundanely predicted if, for instance, a person makes a decision and as a motive to project they will do this and such action in the future but this was not something like that. this was so detailed and involved so much intricacy that would have to take into account every nuance and detail of existence of the whole fabric of society, besides taking into account natural disasters etc. it doesn't make any sense logically.

it was a dream where there was a flash of light (this only happened to me twice in a dream and both were prophetic as my regular dreams that don't mean anything don't start off this way) and i was sitting in a movie theater alone and i was watching a certain scene in a movie THAT YET WASN'T TO BE MADE UNTIL TWO DECADES LATER. but the scene was in exact detail as i saw it in my dream at 9 years old. why i saw that particular scene doesn't make sense to me even today or why. i don't even care for that actor or film much as it was not like a favorite either. it's a mystery but in the future there was some major changes going on at this time (again, not happy ones). this was also around the time i was seeing apparitions (besides this prophetic dream, my other prophetic dream was something that occurred the next day) and there was a lot of paranormal activity going on at this time. these were some type of omens because they foretold a trend as well as specific events to unfold.

after that, there really weren't any significant paranormal activity, just those coming to pass as in my mother's symbolic dreams. her dream was of a room where my stepfather was sitting behind a desk in the middle of the room, she was on one side of the corner of the room with my half-sister holding her hand facing him and i was on the other side of the corner and i was alone. but the symbolism gets worse. she said my face was looking down at my feet with my heart not in my body but on the ground in front of me and she couldn't see my face. a decent mother would have taken that dream as a warning to change it but that dream (on hindsight) was just of the events to come. i know what her dream meant in hindsight perfectly because it's very symbolic of the home life and relationship between all of us. my stepfather was going to abuse me and my mother didn't give a shit, hence her on the other side of the room with her fave daughter and me separated/singled out and my stepfather authoritarian in the middle of the room behind the desk.

but my dream was literal and went beyond that. it enlightened me to one thing for sure without a shadow of a doubt now and that is: reality is not all what we think it is nor does it work in only the way we assume it does. that much i know.
If this is true, then that means the future is already predetermined. We are simply cogs in a giant pointless machine.
When two particles interact, they can no longer even be described by their own, independently evolving probabilities, called “pure states.” Instead, they become entangled components of a more complicated probability distribution that describes both particles together. It might dictate, for example, that the particles spin in opposite directions. The system as a whole is in a pure state, but the state of each individual particle is “mixed” with that of its acquaintance. The two could travel light-years apart, and the spin of each would remain correlated with that of the other, a feature Albert Einstein famously described as “spooky action at a distance.”

i could extrapolate this as a tentative reason why some people who are in closer association can sense each-other even when physically apart or when people have visions or pick up on things in their environment. a form of esp. the correlation would explain that as the more you interact with someone, the more 'entangled' you become, physically and even to the unseen subatomic scale. there is always some form of exchange or interrelation going on between you and the environment, seen and unseen.
There are theories that posit that entropy defines the direction of time.
So, regardless of the underlying physics, we would always experience the world as moving "forward", i.e. toward greater entropy, i.e. getting older -never younger.
Yes, right. look at that in an expanding sphere or circle model of the universe. . the arrow of time would point in all directions 360 degrees on different points in that membrane or string. so even in our universe the arrow of time could point in opposite directions in different places, ( whether you consider time being in the radial direction or inside the membrane) and no time reverse , or return to the past would take place, and the future is a clean slate, thinking ahead is fine, but all we see is the past. sunlight is already 8 minutes old. history.
What would a universe where the laws of time were in reverse look like or operate?

theoretically it's possible but how would that work? would you age backwards and become younger etc?
Theoretically things can be unbroken, return to life, increase energy without an outside source?

It would be a struggle for me to go through this article but someone seems to be saying that quantum entanglement might be connected with the arrow of time.

(no idea how reputable a publication that is)
Just skimmed it. Yet another bloody article about entanglement, I see. I don't think I can be bothered. Seems suspiciously trendy.

I must admit I do not understand why these people think there is any mystery about the normal concept of entropy defining the direction of time. It is simply probability at work, or so it seems to me.
Just skimmed it. Yet another bloody article about entanglement, I see. I don't think I can be bothered. Seems suspiciously trendy.

I must admit I do not understand why these people think there is any mystery about the normal concept of entropy defining the direction of time. It is simply probability at work, or so it seems to me.

We all have time on our hands:wink:

Personally I never really get to grip with these concepts . Entropy is one that should be easy but the closer I investigate (I mean if I did) I suspect it would set me back in the limited understanding I have of it (I thought it was obvious when I heard the term years ago but it isn't really and it seems entropy is not a one way street locally ,just globally)