When one does the "risk analysis" one must take into account the old adage sometimes refered to as Pascals Wager. While athiests discredit ro ignore it completely the fact is that God not only recognizes it but uses it to help many begin their journey.
The old adage is this.
If I believe in God and am wrong - then I have lost nothing
If I don't believe in God and am wrong - I lose much.
To the above I would add this.
If I believe in God, but in the "wrong way", - then, if he exists, I will likely be judged on my sincerity in seeking His Truth.
Athiests will say that believing, or practiceing, out of fear is not belief but hypocracy. Which to an extent I agree with.
However, look at what the Bible says about it, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom". (Ps 111:10)
So if one begins his belief and his journey out of "self serving" fear, it is none the less a start. Then as one coninues the journey and grows in wisdom, fear is replaced by Love until fear vanishes altogether.
This then is the goal as set forth by Christ in the Gospels. The Goal of being eprfect in Love.
Athiests can call into doubt many "historical facts" in the Bible. They can point to inconsistancies in christian faiths. But they cannot deny the root core of Christ' teaching which is Love.
i am trying to use this as my goal and guide and ANY of the bible canons will be sufficient.
Of course we must not forget or deny the necessity of the Love and discipline offered to us By Christ through the magisterium of His Church.