samcdkey on Islam

samcdkey said:
Speak for yourself moron. My best friend is a Catholic. And I even have a Jewish friend on this forum.

Muslims like you I can do without.

Quran 5:51,

O ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends of each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (in friendship) is of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry - no Paradise of Allah for you , samcdkey - bad luck !!
Hmm I feel the same way when I meet an Indian or a Pakistani (of any religion); because we have the same history and culture. And even more so when it is a woman.

Sam the two posts in question are on the same page, if you want to change the first one now go ahead. As anyone can see they are distinctly dissimilar, therefore you and the guy who reported you to th moderators (who you called a moron) share fundamental commonalities.

whoa he also banished you to hell...i think.
Ahmed Osman said:
Quran 5:51,

O ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends of each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (in friendship) is of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry - no Paradise of Allah for you , samcdkey - bad luck !!

You poor ignorant kid. Stick around, you might even learn something.

Surah Al-Maidah. Revealed in Medinah after the treaty of Hudaibiyah at the end of 6 A. H. or in the beginning of 7 A. H. That is why it deals with those problems that arose from this treaty.

The Holy Prophet with 1400 Muslims went to Makkah in Zil-Qaadah 6 A. H. to perform `Umrah, but the Quraish spurred by their enmity, prevented him from its performance, though it was utterly against all the ancient religious traditions of Arabia. After a good deal of hard and harsh negotiations, a treaty was concluded at Hudaibiyah according to which it was agreed that he could perform `Umrah the following year. That was a very appropriate occasion for teaching the Muslims the right way of performing a pilgrimage to Makkah with the true Islamic dignity, and enjoining that they should not prevent the disbelievers from performing pilgrimage to Makkah as a retaliation for their misbehavior.

This Surah was revealed to suit the requirements of the changed conditions which were now different from those prevailing at the time of the revelation of Al-i-'Imran and An- Nisa. Then the shock of the set-back at Uhd had made the very surroundings of Al-Madinah dangerous for the Muslims, but now Islam had become an invulnerable power and the Islamic State had extended to Najd on the east, to the Red Sea on the west, to Syria on the north and to Makkah on the south. This set-back which the Muslims had suffered at Uhd had not broken their determination. It had rather spurred them to action. As a result of their continuous struggle and unparalleled sacrifices, the power of. the surrounding clans, within a radius of 200 miles or so, had been broken. The Jews in the other parts of Hijaz had-become tributaries of the State of Al-Madinah. The last effort of the Quraish to suppress Islam had been thwarted in the Battle of the Ditch. Now Islam was not merely a creed which ruled over the minds and hearts of the people but had also become a State which dominated over every aspect of the life of the people who lived within its boundaries. This had enabled the Muslims to live their lives without let or hindrance, in accordance with their beliefs.

The continuity of the subject shows that most probably the whole of the surah was revealed as a single discourse at one and the same time. It is also possible that some of its verses were revealed at a later period and inserted in this Surah at different places where they fitted in. But there appears to be not the least gap anywhere in the surah to show that it might have comprised two or more discourses.

This Surah deals with the following three main topics:

1. Commandments and instructions about the religious, cultural and political life of the Muslims.

2. Admonition to the Muslims of Mecca .

3. Admonition to the Jews and the Christians of Mecca.


It is addressed to a specific group at a specific time in history, not a commandment for eternity.

"It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteous is the one who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and gives away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask and to set slaves free and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in distress and affliction and in the time of conflict. These are they who are truthful; and these are they who keep their duty." Ch. 2:177
samcdkey said:
All I can say is he must be extra sensitive. The Saudis in the Taif region (close to Mecca) are black as coal- if they stared at him for his brown skin, it was probably because he was whiter than them; and all the shopkeepers are of African or Asian origin with very few of Arab origin. So who was staring at him? And the Hajj is so very crowded, any one with racial problems or a sensitive nose had better stay at home. It's hard enough to walk or talk let alone gaze at the skin color of people next to you.

Have you any idea at all how many people go for Haj? More than two million.

Check out this pic.

You'll be lucky if you can see your feet most of the time.

Very sensitive I guess ...........
I see that you are starting to change/delete your posts - samcdkey.
Do you have something to hide ?
You just deleted the post , where you wanted to place a boot in my ass !!

Should I report you for that one too ??
Ahmed Osman said:
Quran 5:51,

O ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends of each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (in friendship) is of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry - no Paradise of Allah for you , samcdkey - bad luck !!

Than you Ahmed, for letting us know.

You just deleted the post , where you wanted to place a boot in my ass !!
:D i wish i'd seen that one.
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John99 said:
Sam the two posts in question are on the same page, if you want to change the first one now go ahead. As anyone can see they are distinctly dissimilar, therefore you and the guy who reported you to th moderators (who you called a moron) share fundamental commonalities.

whoa he also banished you to hell...i think.

What is fundamental about feeling kinship with someone who shares similar ideas or values? I feel kinship with women (as I am a woman), scientists (as I am a scientist), Muslims (as I am a Muslim), Indians (as I am Indian), book lovers (as I am one) and people who like cats (as I do too!).

Does not mean I am blind to their faults. If I meet a Muslim, I may feel kinship similar to one I feel with an Indian, but if either of them is an ass or behaves rudely with a non-Muslim or a non-Indian who is a dear friend, I'll give them a solid kick in the ass. Hard!!!!

Feeling kinship is different from bias; I may make a greater effort, but I'll also feel greater embarassment if they are asses.
Ahmed Osman said:
Very sensitive I guess ...........
I see that you are starting to change/delete your posts - samcdkey.
Do you have something to hide ?
You just deleted the post , where you wanted to place a boot in my ass !!

Should I report you for that one too ??

I deleted the post WHERE I WANTED TO KICK YOU IN THE ASS ( there, now everyone can see it), because I CALLED YOU A MORON INSTEAD!!!!
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John99 said:
Than you Ahmed O ye, for letting us know.

:D i wish i'd seen that one.

No problem , John99 !!

You can still see some of the deleted post written by samcdkey , you
just have to look at my reply made at the time 1:20
(I quoted part of her post )
Ahmed Osman said:
No problem , John99 !!

You can still see some of the deleted post written by samcdkey , you
just have to look at my reply made at the time 1:20
(I quoted part of her post )

Here is your kick from me: :cool:
samcdkey said:
You poor ignorant kid. Stick around, you might even learn something.

This Surah deals with the following three main topics:

1. Commandments and instructions about the religious, cultural and political life of the Muslims.

2. Admonition to the Muslims of Mecca .

3. Admonition to the Jews and the Christians of Mecca.


It is addressed to a specific group at a specific time in history, not a commandment for eternity.

"It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteous is the one who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and gives away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask and to set slaves free and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in distress and affliction and in the time of conflict. These are they who are truthful; and these are they who keep their duty." Ch. 2:177

I now realise that you do not even comprehend the meaning of the Holy Quran - I feel sorry for you.

Allah will make the final verdict over you .

You also have quite a temperament -
scolding other people without inhibitions !!!

For that I also feel sorry for you .....
Ahmed Osman said:
No problem , John99 !!

You can still see some of the deleted post written by samcdkey , you
just have to look at my reply made at the time 1:20
(I quoted part of her post )

Thanks Ahmed, I love it when hot chicks get tough. :)
Ahmed Osman said:
Very qute :)

Nice to be kicked by a kafir ...................
I think this reveal yourself to Allah very well .

I still feel sorry for you .....

Ah! but even though you are an ass, I will pray that God will have mercy on you

"As for his calling Muslims 'unbelievers,' a hadith ash-Sharif declares, 'If a person calls a Muslim an "unbeliever," one of the two becomes an unbeliever. If the accused is a Muslim, the one who accuses becomes an unbeliever.' Al-Imam ar-Rafii (rahmat-Allahi 'alaih), with reference to Tuhfa, wrote in his book Ash-sharh al-kabir, 'The one who calls a Muslim a disbeliever but is unable to explain it away becomes a disbeliever himself, for he will have called Islam disbelief.' Al-Imam an-Nawawi, too, wrote the same in his book Rawda. Abu Ishaq al-Isfaraini, al-Halimi, an-Nasr Al-Muqaddasi, al-Ghazali, Ibn Daqiqi 'l-Id and many other 'ulama' said that he becomes a disbeliever whether he is able to explain it away or not.
Ahmed Osman said:
I guess calling other people for an ass - is not considered rude in your
vocabulary .....

You have very nice manners ......

I am older and wiser than you, it is my duty to kick you in the ass when you behave like one.

And to inform you that you are one :D
samcdkey said:
Ah! but even though you are an ass, I will pray that God will have mercy on you

I like it when you are quoting a Hadith in stead of the Holy Quran - especially
when you discredited Hadiths in one of your former posts for beeing inaccurate - LOL ...

You are really becoming desperate now - aren´t you ;)