Satan: Virtuous

shaytaan (satan), or his real name iblis (diablos), is the avowed enemy of mankind. Cursed by God and all of creation, because of his disobedience of God and the laws of God. He is an entity, whose only influence over man is the power of suggestion (whispering). God has made man too powerful to be controlled by the devil, unless if man himself freely follows his suggestions. Thus, God allows the shaytaan some spite, as His will is to test man's power of self-control and righteousness. shaytaan represents evil, wickedness, disobedience to God, perversion, injustice, deception, immorality, slavery of self (ego), false pride, racism, and other social and personal ills. In the end, both shaytaan and those humans who follow him, will both be punished. shaytaan like evil men, will be a denizen and sufferer of hell (jahannum), not its master as some believe. Indeed, a terrible and fitting end for a vile creature and avowed enemy of man.

Thanks for the superstitious reply, DH.

Satan is simply the answer to questions of theists gods deficiencies, inadequacies, hypocrisies and contradictions.
If an almighty god made another god do something or allowed it to do something, the ALMIGHTY god is responsible.

that is because you wish to hold no accounting on the people.

DO you actually believe God made thermonuclear weapons or did mankind make them?

God ain't the one that pulls the trigger!
God is already in the naughty corner..
Could you guys please just leave him the hell alone ?

It isn't 'we the people that damages God, it is the people who cannot be responsible for their actions and use God or devil as the causation to each persons actions that does.

It is the 'religious' that abuse God!
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
If an almighty god made another god do something or allowed it to do something, the ALMIGHTY god is responsible. ”

that is because you wish to hold no accounting on the people.

DO you actually believe God made thermonuclear weapons or did mankind make them?

God ain't the one that pulls the trigger!

You don't understand almighty, do you???
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
If an almighty god made another god do something or allowed it to do something, the ALMIGHTY god is responsible. ”

when you can serve an 'almighty' with a supena, then you can blame fault on what ever it is you call almighty....

such that, other than within a religious text, NO ONE can find God as a separate entity.

You don't understand almighty, do you???

Sure i do, you have the almighty right to kill yourself based on fibbing like a sailor in heat and not even your created "thrown sitting" mighty man, can stop you!
An omnipotent god can be abused by humans???

Omnipotence DOES NOT EXIST!

Never has, never will....................... that is unless you go back to the funny pages and read about superman, super-zeus or even super shiva with more arms than the utter gods.

This is 2009.... not the days of Egyptian or Mayan serpants!

Keep your feet on the ground!

If you perhaps thought of God as 'all of existence'.......... then you can know the 'creator'... the master of 'the garden'............ the beginning/ending....alpha/omega..............the BOSS!

Then you can put the picture together but don't ever think God is some dude on a thrown with a magic wand that gets pissed at some, but forgives da utters......

Time is what allows the over-all judgement. As good choices we do for life, live, and we each live longer in them choices. The bad goes extinct;

see how GOD works?

'we the people' are of choice...........

see Gen 3

21And Jehovah God doth make to the man and to his wife coats of skin, and doth clothe them.

22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

Now what did the opening of that 'seal' tell you?
OH! I see now!
You're not talking about God. So WHY are you calling it that???

because to observe enough 'religion' then perhaps you would be able to say the same thing.

You're talking about IPU!!!
not sure what that is but i suggest observe the 'name' as the big ToE...... defining the 'process'

the name is simply defining a process

and with that, then the last word to ALL arguments is the name of the boss (existence itself/nature/all mass, energy, time: the trinity.....God)

nothing encumbers 'the boss'....... nor takes anything away but adds UNDERSTANDING to who/what/where and even why............we even exist!

I call the last chapter the ultimate Honor to existence; the revealing of life, that enables mankind to actually know GOD!

Imagine if every soul knew that each action they cause to exist, by choice, is an action to God himself!

Talk about of responsibility as then NON will do bad, as they will know their 'life' depends on what they do!
Enmos, we posted at the exact same time and i also copied the word Satan to add up to six. this was all coincidental.

edit:rather seven.