Science and Philosophy


Registered Senior Member
Science seems to deal with facts, while philosophy is dealing with speculations. This superficial view is shared by many people, but it is wrong.

Speculations are the motivation and motor for science, although the probability for success of an individual speculation is not higher than on the stock market. There would be no science without speculations.

It is a fact, that each answer to a scientific question creates several new questions. Therefore science has today the most solid knowledge since ever by firmly answered questions, but there are even more questions known where is no answer yet.

I hate the glorification of science where scientists are guilty for. I would wish, that scientists and especially scientific journalists would tell the public more about what is not known today than about scientific speculations.

Science is no religion and no world outlook (weltanschauung). For the development of our own weltanschauung we have a huge freedom of thinking, which is just restricted by a few scientific facts as I have described on my website:
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hey all

hermann! :) i am not sure i completely understand your last sentence but feel most strongly about what i percieve from it as a social dillema-
most people seem to think science creates bounderies rather than explaining a psycho-social density of astrometric reference.

gotta make ya wonder just how they manage to think of what to
have for dinner as much as anythig more indepth :D

great topic
groove on :)

Please describe what you mean by "science explains a psycho-social density of astronomic reference".
we all want to be king of the world; we are bio-chemical-electric;
on earth in the milky way.

and thats about it

things we know but science says we dont-
we vibrate at a certain frequency.
we have psychic abilities.
some how we are connected to all time and matter.
a majority of the earths population is too mentaly ill to co-exist with the rest.
greed is one of our biggest sicknesses which is rife in the leaders of the countrys of the world.

does that make sence?

groove on all :)

Your statements make sense and I see them as another believable belief, which is not in conflict with science, but also not based on science. I have no objections, when science creates some limits as proved facts, which have to be considered by everyone.
My point is just to say, that we have no reason to worship science as an "almighty" discipline, although some scientists seem to like it. We have a huge freedom of thinking without getting in conflict with science, which we should use and which may result into your or into my weltanschauung.
my point is that i agree with what you are saying in that regard :)
science to date can tell us how the brain makes the body drive a car, but cannot explain why the brain chooses not to do so with relative care :D

groove on all :)