Science in " NON-Science " forums .

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And well responded to by me .

BB is not " THE " Absolute theory on the Universe .

An absolute theory never has any questions .

The Theory of BB , as being the Absolute theory of the Universe , has been Questioned for decades . By Many Very Intelligent People . As any theory of the Universe should be .

My point is that BB is Not an unquestionable theory on our Existence . Hence should not be considered the absolute understanding of the Universe .

No one ever said the BB was "THE" absolute theory of the Universe, or was unquestionable or that it wasn't questioned by very intelligent people. That kind of response would show you have a poor understanding of how science works.


If true , then explain my limited response access to the first , 10 (ten) threads titles in the forums section of this site ?
Then you will no longer post in this thread , I assume then ? That is up to you .

Why are you still posting here? You do a lot of complaining, you even said your goodbyes and left for a short period of time claiming you wouldn't come back. Yet, here you are complaining. Why should anyone care?
Why are you still posting here? You do a lot of complaining, you even said your goodbyes and left for a short period of time claiming you wouldn't come back. Yet, here you are complaining. Why should anyone care?

Because I'm still here .

Lets get this straight , I consider discussion important . To limit anyones, me specificily , discussion ability , in any forums on this site , is really about censorship .

If this site continues to limit my areas of where I can post , then what is the point of me being here ?
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Because I'm still here .

Lets get this straight , I consider discussion important . To limit anyones, me specificily , discussion ability , in any forums on this site , is really about censorship .

It's been explained to you that this site, among many others, does not allow free speech. What is it about this you don't understand?

If this site continues to limit my areas of where I can post , then what is the point of being here ?

That's entirely on you and the illusion that you are allowed to have free speech here.

Because I'm still here .

Lets get this straight , I consider discussion important . To limit anyones, me specificily , discussion ability , in any forums on this site , is really about censorship .

It's been explained to you that this site, among many others, does not allow free speech. What is it about this you don't understand?

Why .
If this site continues to limit my areas of where I can post , then what is the point of being here ?

That's entirely on you and the illusion that you are allowed to have free speech here.


No , that's not entirely on me . Its really about why free speech is disallowed .

No , that's not entirely on me . Its really about why free speech is disallowed .

The reasons are obvious, this is private site owned by people who have put rules in place, those rules are something you agreed upon when you signed up here. If you don't like the rules, then you should leave and start your own site where you can make up the rules as you please or have none at all. To question why there is no free speech is to question why rules exist anywhere.


No , that's not entirely on me . Its really about why free speech is disallowed .

The reasons are obvious, this is private site owned by people who have put rules in place, those rules are something you agreed upon when you signed up here. If you don't like the rules, then you should leave and start your own site where you can make up the rules as you please or have none at all. To question why there is no free speech is to question why rules exist anywhere.


So you have stretched these rules . If you hadn't , stretched these rules , then I certainly would not still be here .
What do you really want from this site foghorn ?
I'll answer instead. Discussion of science. Some discussion of non-science by people willing to learn about science. Some political discussions - again with a base in science.

If the mods sometimes have to ban people who want to talk about woo, and who get angry and abusive when their woo is questioned, I am all for that.
I'll answer instead. Discussion of science. Some discussion of non-science by people willing to learn about science. Some political discussions - again with a base in science.

If the mods sometimes have to ban people who want to talk about woo, and who get angry and abusive when their woo is questioned, I am all for that.

Agreed to your last statement billvon .

But thats not problem billvon , to your last statement . The Real problem is when these some " people of science " , Big Bang supporters , are the actual ones who get angry and abusive .
No one ever said the BB was "THE" absolute theory of the Universe, or was unquestionable or that it wasn't questioned by very intelligent people. That kind of response would show you have a poor understanding of how science works.

Not only was Halton Arp a loonie, but his assertions didn't fit the evidence, he was simply wrong. But, since you appear to not even know the basics of how science works, it's unlikely you would understand that.
Well put. Let me add though as someone who has dealt with river's nonsensical and crazy notions, he obviously suffers from psychotic delusions of grandeur. Some of the stuff he has suggested as "gospel" along with some of the basic ignorance he has shown with the most basic of scientific facts are *Alien species having an Atomic war on Mars...a belief and exceptance of any and all ghost and goblin stories, along with Alien piloted UFO myths...ignorance of the Moon revolving on its axis...a dark side of the Moon...gravity waves [when he means gravitational waves] denial of the spacetime framework, [akin to denying gravity and the universe itself. That's just off the top of my head.

This is why in some of those cases, and as advised by others I have started threads in the appropriate science forums, where thankfully he is banned, and the thread/s are able to maintain some semblance of logic, common sense and reasonability, under the auspices of the scientific method.

The really sad part about him, is that while many people are ignorant of many things, when they are confronted with that subject, most make at least some attempt to learn. River refuses to learn, and instead then starts trolling.
Well put. Let me add though as someone who has dealt with river's nonsensical and crazy notions, he obviously suffers from psychotic delusions of grandeur. Some of the stuff he has suggested as "gospel" along with some of the basic ignorance he has shown with the most basic of scientific facts are *Alien species having an Atomic war on Mars...a belief and exceptance of any and all ghost and goblin stories, along with Alien piloted UFO myths...ignorance of the Moon revolving on its axis...a dark side of the Moon...gravity waves [when he means gravitational waves] denial of the spacetime framework, [akin to denying gravity and the universe itself. That's just off the top of my head.

This is why in some of those cases, and as advised by others I have started threads in the appropriate science forums, where thankfully he is banned, and the thread/s are able to maintain some semblance of logic, common sense and reasonability, under the auspices of the scientific method.

The really sad part about him, is that while many people are ignorant of many things, when they are confronted with that subject, most make at least some attempt to learn. River refuses to learn, and instead then starts trolling.

What book have you debunked pad ? About BB ( big- bang never happened ) .

None .

I then think of your actual integrity , pad . I question your integrity . Because your claims , your claims , are not true .
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