Not only members.
I will not get tired of playing this card.
actually we are all just one big happy familyaccording to this thread its been falling apart for years, and yet here we are.
Yep, and the members suck because any with an original thought are inevitably weeded out by moderators/admins.Sciforums is only what its members make it.
People don't get inspiration from restraint and censorship. And uninspired posts aren't interesting to anyone.
No I'm not...?But you are already very familiar with at least one counterexample that disproves your own theory.
That there is precisely what I want.Others want intellectual stimulation, or access to views that don't often make it to the mainstream media.
I never really flamed people that much, I didn't avoid flaming people (and don't think anyone should) but flaming certainly didn't comprise the bulk of my contributions or anything close.A "flame wars" forum may be what you want - a place where people insult each other, and that stops you being "bored" and provokes an emotional reaction from you that you enjoy.
No I don't, what forum?And yet, you choose to frequent another forum where the standard posts are insults and obscenities posted by true "rebels without a cause".
You complain about "nothing posts dominating the board". And yet, you choose to frequent another forum where the standard posts are insults and obscenities posted by true "rebels without a cause". If you really consider that what is here is "nothing", while you find that what is there is valuable, then the difference is as obvious as chalk and cheese, and you should make the obvious choice of where you wish to be, rather than carrying on a campaign of complaint in a futile attempt to turn this place into a carbon copy of that place.
I find it interesting that so many disgruntled ex-members of sciforums seem desperate to keep "contributing" here, despite their constant whinging about how this forum does not meet their personal wishes for what a forum ought to be.
I've been mostly gardening and playing basketball since I was banned from here, if you're really that interested.
Mostly gardening and basketball, MOSTLY.No carrots in cornholes or group masturbation?
Not really.Is basketball big in Australia?
Bang on.Lunatic said:Don't get me wrong, good posters can happen to be inoffensive and not contraversial, but the contraversial and offensive posters bring out the best in them.
Do you genuinely prefer sanitary small talk amongst the small minded?
If someone says something offensive about jews (for example), why not wait for jews to come and argue against the horrible biggot, or argue against them yourself on behalf of jews like the enlightened compassionate superman that you are.
Right now sciforums has a huge group of people who agree anti-semitism is awful, and there are racist forums that have a huge group of people who agree jews are awful.
Both are equally worthless.
I never really flamed people that much, I didn't avoid flaming people (and don't think anyone should) but flaming certainly didn't comprise the bulk of my contributions or anything close.
I would say you flame more than me, with passive aggression and less curse words, but you definately pick on people with intent to bring them down and make them feel bad much more commonly than I ever did.
I expect that from most people, I'm not deluded enough to think people are on the edge of their swivel seats peering deep into the abyss of my literary significance.
But it's irritating that the person with the power to delete my posts and permaban my account for what I say has no fucking idea what I'm saying, and an itchy trigger finger to boot.
Banning people doesn't make their ideas disappear, open discussion has the potential to do so much more, and there's absolutely no denying this.
But, over the years, I grew accustomed to sciforums and became a part of the community.
I'd rather try to fix my broken community than go to one where I can swear at people. I want to swear at THESE people, is that so hard to understand?
bwhahahahaha! :roflmao:for you I will make one last post, since you were one of the great members of sciforums.
bwhahahahaha! :roflmao:
I remember when sciforums was a glistening meadow of sweet free open thoughts. Many disgusting and offensive, but that just comes with the territory of an environment that nurtures quality posts.
You have to let people speak their minds, feel free to spill whatever is inside them out, if you want the place flowing organically.