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i know, but if an animal is aggressive, there isnt much alternative.. Shelters for animals will not adopt out an aggressive dog, and noone wants an aggressive dog. there are some areas in the states that dont allow pit bulls or rottweilers in some citys because some people dont feel the need to train them, and they gert out of control and aggressive. if a person feels the need for a dog, obedience is a must.

if the pet has killed another pet.. it needs to be put down.. its not in the wild. it gets food daily.. it should have no need for it.
When we first moved in, the dog would snap at my daughter(she was 1 when we moved into this house) growl at her, and would do the same to me if i went to get her away from the fence... She is better at that now, but it still shouldnt happen...
If a dog is aggressive the owners have failed. I say they should set up a shelter for aggressive and unmanageable dogs where they try to rehabilitate the dogs. The former owners will have to pay for it all as their punishment and, if the dog cannot be rehabilitated, for life.

Also, the same neighbors dont even have the money to take the animals to the Vet to get any of them fixed. Last time the dogs went to the vet, they found out the female has heart worms, and they are doing nothing about it.. so now, I wont allow my daughter in the back yard (the heart worm parasite is extremely dangerous to children)
If you don't have money to take care of a dog properly, don't get a dog.
Also, I cannot believe that they can't pay up for the dogs treatment. Seems to me that they just don't want to because they will have to give up something that they like (more than their dog) in order to be able to pay. Do they smoke, drink, drive a car, etc?
If a dog is aggressive the owners have failed. I say they should set up a shelter for aggressive and unmanageable dogs where they try to rehabilitate the dogs. The former owners will have to pay for it all as their punishment and, if the dog cannot be rehabilitated, for life.

If you don't have money to take care of a dog properly, don't get a dog.
Also, I cannot believe that they can't pay up for the dogs treatment. Seems to me that they just don't want to because they will have to give up something that they like (more than their dog) in order to be able to pay. Do they smoke, drink, drive a car, etc?

that is a good idea!!!

and they do.. the son(owner of the dogs) blows most his money on his truck, and his dirt bike. he has a great paying job and still lives at home with mom and dad.. he makes his mom pay to take care of the dogs and I am just like WTF man!! he has money to blow to get his truck brand new top of the line parts, but not enuff for his dog?!
that is a good idea!!!

and they do.. the son(owner of the dogs) blows most his money on his truck, and his dirt bike. he has a great paying job and still lives at home with mom and dad.. he makes his mom pay to take care of the dogs and I am just like WTF man!! he has money to blow to get his truck brand new top of the line parts, but not enuff for his dog?!

See? They are not worthy..
Inform the authorities.
See? They are not worthy..
Inform the authorities.

they wont do anything..the dogs have a warm dry place to sleep, and are fed... people where i live do things ass backwards... they even allow people who use drugs and beat their children to keep their kids, yet try to tell me that I am emotionally abusive to my daughter(well, i was accused of that when I first had her) and that they dont think I can rase her properly... yet, she is 3 now, very smart, loves trying new things.. never had anything marjorly wrong with her besides the bumps and dings that go along with being a toddler.. its fun trying to explaine that you are not emotionally abusive to anyone but yourself! haha... my daughter is a cute dork tho.. hahhaaa.. I need to get her down for a nap so we can go to a carnival tonight
they wont do anything..the dogs have a warm dry place to sleep, and are fed... people where i live do things ass backwards... they even allow people who use drugs and beat their children to keep their kids, yet try to tell me that I am emotionally abusive to my daughter(well, i was accused of that when I first had her) and that they dont think I can rase her properly... yet, she is 3 now, very smart, loves trying new things.. never had anything marjorly wrong with her besides the bumps and dings that go along with being a toddler.. its fun trying to explaine that you are not emotionally abusive to anyone but yourself! haha... my daughter is a cute dork tho.. hahhaaa.. I need to get her down for a nap so we can go to a carnival tonight

A dork? lol
Moving away is no option?
A dork? lol
Moving away is no option?

she is weird, I cant explain it.. lol... she is weird?
and so far I am not being harassed by anyone about anything. and I am trying to move, but that takes money I dont have right this moment.
This is a dork:


Enmos what happen to ur 2 lil kittens? u didnt eat them by any chance, cause u aint showin them, y that brother?