Sea level rise-it's complicated


Valued Senior Member
A bigger effect will come from changes in prevailing winds, which can push water consistently toward the land or keep it at bay. The trade winds that blow west across the tropical Pacific, for example, move water in the same direction, boosting average sea levels by as much as 24 inches on the western side of the ocean — in places such as the Philippines — compared with those in northern South America. If those winds shift with climate change, so would local sea levels.
for more, see:

but wait, there's more
gravity comes into play
"A coastal mountain range pulls the water in its direction, raising sea level nearby. So do the massive icecaps that smother Greenland and Antarctica. Indeed, Antarctica’s polar ice sheet is so massive that it is three miles thick in places and covers an area one-and-one-half times the size of the United States, including Alaska.
These polar ice caps are Stouffer’s gorillas. They keep sea level higher than it would otherwise be for thousands of kilometers around both land masses, and correspondingly lower elsewhere.

If the polar ice sheets shrink, though — as they’re currently doing, especially in Grenland and West Antarctica — their gravitational pull weakens and so does their hold on the surrounding water."
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A bigger effect will come from changes in prevailing winds, which can push water consistently toward the land or keep it at bay. The trade winds that blow west across the tropical Pacific, for example, move water in the same direction, boosting average sea levels by as much as 24 inches on the western side of the ocean — in places such as the Philippines — compared with those in northern South America. If those winds shift with climate change, so would local sea levels.
for more, see:

but wait, there's more
gravity comes into play
"A coastal mountain range pulls the water in its direction, raising sea level nearby. So do the massive icecaps that smother Greenland and Antarctica. Indeed, Antarctica’s polar ice sheet is so massive that it is three miles thick in places and covers an area one-and-one-half times the size of the United States, including Alaska.
These polar ice caps are Stouffer’s gorillas. They keep sea level higher than it would otherwise be for thousands of kilometers around both land masses, and correspondingly lower elsewhere.

If the polar ice sheets shrink, though — as they’re currently doing, especially in Grenland and West Antarctica — their gravitational pull weakens and so does their hold on the surrounding water."

I am a firm believer that sea level rise is coming within decades.... if not within a few years.

I am guessing that the land based Greenland Ice Pack will begin to crack and slide at faster levels soon if the images I find when I do a search for "Global Warming Arctic" are indicating the release of methane from the permafrost up north.

gravity comes into play

imagine if south America is cut off from north America from sea level rise

some Asian low lying countrys may feel quite a squeeze

Suez canal will be opened up for free
some countrys will economically collapse from the shift in money
one comment i read some years back suggests millions e.g Bangladesh etc will be turned into refugees

hundreds of millions of refugees looking to take other peoples land & food
etc etc
over throwing governments by sheer with of numbers etc

its just simple cause & effect logic

i imagine that is 1 very good reason why india is pushing to reform its system to gain better farming efficiency as fast as possible
very hard job

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It's happening right now.

True.... but the amount of H2O that has been ADDED TO the central region of Antarctica has kept the whole formula
much more stable than might have been the case otherwise.

"At a symposium of the Union of Geodesy and geophysics, Dr. Pyyotor Shoumsky reported that the south polar ice cap was growing at a minimum rate of 293 cubic miles of ice annually. To put that number in perspective, Lake Erie contains only 109 cubic miles of water. Thus, a volume of ice forms on top of the existing ice at Antarctica each year which is almost three times the volume of water in Lake Erie!" (Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory, Gershom Gale, Expanded Discussion on the HAB Theory.)

"Let us consider Antarctica for a moment.
We have already seen that it is big. It has a land area of 5.5
million square miles, and is presently covered by something in excess of seven million cubic miles of ice weighing an estimated 19 quadrillion tons (19 followed by 15 zeros). What worries the theorists of earth-crust displacement is that this vast ice-cap is remorselessly increasing in size and weight:'at the rate of 293 cubic miles of ice each year--almost as much as if Lake Ontario were frozen solidly annually and added to it." (Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods, page 480)

The possible rapid cracking and sliding of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet does concern me.

Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater
It ain't gonna happen without over 26 meters of sea level rise.

fact has been established that melt cycle turns all ice to mostly water
total capacity is roughly 60 meters

as you mention equator will take a larger proportion due to gravitational rotation etc
not to mention the larger flood tides that ill be created with a larger body of water

i think your 26 meters will be achieved with little difficulty
it appears to be a question of when not if
fact has been established that melt cycle turns all ice to mostly water
total capacity is roughly 60 meters

as you mention equator will take a larger proportion due to gravitational rotation etc
not to mention the larger flood tides that ill be created with a larger body of water

i think your 26 meters will be achieved with little difficulty
it appears to be a question of when not if

not to worry
greenland ice ain't completely melted for well over a million years(some claim 7 million years), and much longer for the east antarctic ice sheet---most likely, 34 million years---hard to tell
the ice will most likely mostly remain until we exit this ice age

we do not know why we are in this ice age
and do not know when it will end
absent that knowledge
all is a guess
a little (macabre?) humor
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we do not know why we are in this ice age

i will come back to this
memory serves its the wobble plus solar system cycle
combined with greenhouse balance

humans have completely destroyed the green house balance
plus sea level warming from massive phosphate run off & acidification(massive amount of chemicals dumped into the sea for over 100 years creating an acidic warming with acidification).

absent that knowledge

knowledge im almost 100% sure is not so much absent
but repeatable scientific proof is impossible without a spare earth & 8 billion people to sacrifice for practice

note with the perfect balance it was something as small as a 2 to 4 % variance chance on a 26,000 year cycle

but with humans tilting the balance to load the dice
it makes no difference to the other collective impacts when 2 primary causes are being driven
sea acidification
sea warming
atmosphere CO2 loading/warming

while the deniers and fascists are demanding 4 value scientific results modeled as outcomes
they are deliberately skewing the science so people dont know what to be looking at
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knowledge im almost 100% sure is not so much absent
WOW you know how and why we entered this ice age??????????
You gotta share that knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and, meanwhile,
here is another wrinkle
it seems that the ocean highstands for (at least) mis 11 and mis 5 occurred and the end of those interglacials ---------so first we have the flood and then the ice
(thanx god?)
WOW you know how and why we entered this ice age??????????
You gotta share that knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(what difference would that make if i did?) = none

the last glacial period
The Last Glacial Period (LGP) occurred from the end of the Eemian to the end of the Younger Dryas, encompassing the period c. 115,000 – c. 11,700 years ago. The LGP is part of a larger sequence of glacial and interglacial periods known as the Quaternary glaciation which started around 2,588,000 years ago and is ongoing.[1] The definition of the Quaternary as beginning 2.58 million years ago is based on the formation of the Arctic ice cap. The Antarctic ice sheet began to form earlier, at about 34 Ma, in the mid-Cenozoic (Eocene–Oligocene extinction event). The term Late Cenozoic Ice Age is used to include this early phase.[2]

During this last glacial period there were alternating episodes of glacier advance and retreat. Within the last glacial period the Last Glacial Maximum was approximately 22,000 years ago.

An ice age is a long period of reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental and polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Earth's climate alternates between ice ages and greenhouse periods, during which there are no glaciers on the planet. Earth is currently in the Quaternary glaciation, known in popular terminology as the Ice Age.[1] Individual pulses of cold climate within an ice age are termed glacial periods (or, alternatively, glacials, glaciations, glacial stages, stadials, stades, or colloquially, ice ages), and intermittent warm periods within an ice age are called interglacials or interstadials.[2]

In the terminology of glaciology, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in both northern and southern hemispheres.[3] By this definition, we are in an interglacial period—the Holocene. The amount of heat-trapping gases emitted into Earth's oceans and atmosphere is predicted to prevent the next glacial period, which otherwise would begin in around 50,000 years, and likely more glacial cycles.[4][5]

everything is melting
we have ice

do we still call it an ice age since the ice is now melting and the temperature is going up ?

interesting question for thought

how much of the global deforestation and plant life have been removed by humans ?
how does that effect the glacial and ice age ?

my thought is since everything is melting and the USA is not covered in ice you can argue it being inter-glacial but the generic imputes tends to suggest a transition
if we are in that transition and thus melting
we are moving out of it

the ice will most likely mostly remain until we exit this ice age

sea level rise ...

i have listened to scientists debate(documentary's) the amount of potential ice melt at its highest melt point against marginal melt positions.
the collective interpretation is sea level rise will be sufficient to put those finer details into the rubbish bin when it comes to roughly 70% of the worlds population.

  • speculation as to the total eventual melt rate is irrelevant according to them to the point that sea level rise will be sufficient before then and there is insufficient data to accurate account for sudden massive melting.
  • the err stands on the side of attempting to find why there is sudden massive fast melting in the worlds natural state before most of the plants were removed by humans.
now when the basic question is asked
how will massive human climate change impact on that sudden massive melting which has not yet been figured out
is quite a considerable concern
could that be the ocean moving under the antarctic ice sheet ?
if that was a natural sudden change
the human species as poured rocket fuel into the engine
inclusive of the other variable question of sea temperature warming

  • sea temperature warming has also had rocket fuel poured into it on discovery of ocean acidification being a massive potential accelerant to ocean warming
the scientists are soo worried they have been trying to find ways to explain it without freaking people out

excuse my tone at what appears to me to be evasive quibbling on your part & some other of my personal irl stuff intervening.

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sculptor said:
WOW you know how and why we entered this ice age??????????
You gotta share that knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(what difference would that make if i did?) = none
you would be the only one to know how and why we entered this ice age.
knowing how and why could help in planing for the future
we do not know why we are in this ice age
and do not know when it will end
absent that knowledge
all is a guess
Some guesses are based on thousands of feet of ice cores, hundreds of years of accumulated biological and geological evidence, and well-vetted theory in several scientific disciplines. Others are based on the immediate needs of Republican Party campaign strategists.

The most likely effects of the current unprecedented rapid atmospheric CO2 boosting are calculations based on research, established laws of physics and chemistry and biology, and careful reasoning about the implications of continually modified and verified hypotheses.

Meanwhile, we do have some likely and solidly supported explanations for "why" we are (or were) in this ice age (orbital cycles, continental configurations, solar evolution, etc) including why we are experiencing unique trends in the global climate - in particular, why we are not well into the cooling phase of the common geologically represented ice cycles but instead globally warming more rapidly than at any other known time in the entire geological record.
it seems that the ocean highstands for (at least) mis 11 and mis 5 occurred and the end of those interglacials ---------so first we have the flood and then the ice
The fact that the polar ice caps melted in the warm times "before" refreezing in the cold times is not normally considered a mystery.
greenland ice ain't completely melted for well over a million years(some claim 7 million years),

"Global" and "Greenland" are of course not synonymous - odd how often that has needed repetition on this forum.
Some guesses are based on thousands of feet of ice cores, hundreds of years of accumulated biological and geological evidence, and well-vetted theory in several scientific disciplines. Others are based on the immediate needs of Republican Party campaign strategists.
One of the most popular angles for such strategists is the angle we see here - the "we don't know everything so therefore we don't know anything" angle. Whataboutism, FUD creation, and astroturf "just common sense" campaigns are other ways to support that angle.
(what difference would that make if i did?) = none

the last glacial period


everything is melting
we have ice

do we still call it an ice age since the ice is now melting and the temperature is going up ?

interesting question for thought

how much of the global deforestation and plant life have been removed by humans ?
how does that effect the glacial and ice age ?

my thought is since everything is melting and the USA is not covered in ice you can argue it being inter-glacial but the generic imputes tends to suggest a transition
if we are in that transition and thus melting
we are moving out of it

sea level rise ...

i have listened to scientists debate(documentary's) the amount of potential ice melt at its highest melt point against marginal melt positions.
the collective interpretation is sea level rise will be sufficient to put those finer details into the rubbish bin when it comes to roughly 70% of the worlds population.

  • speculation as to the total eventual melt rate is irrelevant according to them to the point that sea level rise will be sufficient before then and there is insufficient data to accurate account for sudden massive melting.
  • the err stands on the side of attempting to find why there is sudden massive fast melting in the worlds natural state before most of the plants were removed by humans.
now when the basic question is asked
how will massive human climate change impact on that sudden massive melting which has not yet been figured out
is quite a considerable concern
could that be the ocean moving under the antarctic ice sheet ?
if that was a natural sudden change
the human species as poured rocket fuel into the engine
inclusive of the other variable question of sea temperature warming

  • sea temperature warming has also had rocket fuel poured into it on discovery of ocean acidification being a massive potential accelerant to ocean warming
the scientists are soo worried they have been trying to find ways to explain it without freaking people out

excuse my tone at what appears to me to be evasive quibbling on your part & some other of my personal irl stuff intervening.

I appreciate your concern
I consider at least some of it to be ill-founded
I often reference Marine Isotopic Stage 11/Marine Isotope Stage 11/mis 11
during which the ice sheet covering Wilkes Basin in East Antarctica may have receded as much as 400 odd miles, raising sea levels by up to 13 feet.
plan on that
The proposed 400 odd year solar cycle is accurate
Then we are in a "superinterglacial"
and should expect a repeat of the last superinterglacial(mis 11)
and all
without the activities of your species
you can add a definitive number on top of the natural number
we may be able to understand our species and world's future

interesting never the less
and should expect a repeat of the last superinterglacial(mis 11)
and all
without the activities of your species
We are already experiencing a warming (and other effects) significantly different from that of mis 11, and have observed the initial operations of a mechanism - a cause of this unique warming - not available at that time.

If we are also going to be dealing with a repeat of the influences that resulted in mis 11, they will be in addition to the observed and likely consequences of the anthropogenic CO2 boost, which are likely to be more dramatic in themselves than mis 11 in several ways - for example, much more rapid in onset and therefore probably more damaging and less likely to be easily tolerated or handled by us or other affected living beings.
One of the most popular angles for such strategists is the angle we see here - the "we don't know everything so therefore we don't know anything" angle. Whataboutism, FUD creation, and astroturf "just common sense" campaigns are other ways to support that angle.
What's FUD?