A heart valve replacement will change someone's biology. Specifically it changes how their heart works.
A sex change operation will change someone's biology. Specifically which sex (i.e. phenotype) they are.
You are not saying somethingwith real value, just a complete nonsense.
A heart replacement might change the fuctional work of the heart but such won't change the structure of the rest of the body.Like you change the valves of a car more and the engineand rest of the car my have a difference in its performance, but won't transform it into a heavy truck or a motorcycle.
Same as well, a cosmetic surgery replacing the sexual organ parts of a person won't change the sex of the individual. A man removing his sexual organs and making cosmetic work to make it appear like woman's body won't change his genetic map, won't make him have monthly period, less a vagina and chances to get pregnant, etc. It's just a cosmetic surgery. You must understand that.
Yep, she is indeed a woman, even if you don't like it.
I apply science and science has no feelings.
By no means a cosmetic surgery will change your sex. Sex is not the physical appearance but a structure of the body.
In animals, females taking on male roles (and vice versa) is common. Hawks have polygamous relationships. In hynenas, the females are larger than the males and do most of the fighting. In bonobos, women are in charge. Female lions lead their pride - and occasionally grow manes and mount other females..
The behavior of the animals mentioned by you won't make the females to come males, it is a behavior. And those cases have been already explained in another topic where the eplanation given discards your assumption that females lead over males.
So no, there is no one way for females (or males) to behave in nature - and they don't always behave differently.
Of course no one can control the behavior of individuals, in humans or in other species, but you must prove with evidence that those species behave that way because the feel they belong to the opposite sex, and here is when all your argument is debunked.
We have created models after observing nature. It doesn't have to show complete accuracy but models are helpfull for doing studies. "Normal" is humans born with two ears, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two arms, two legs, five digits in hands and feet, etc. etc.
A baby is bornwith one eye, thaqt is not "normal".
You can argue that for the body of the child to be born with one eye only is the "normal" of his body, but we in the chart his one eye status will catalogue it as "birth defect". You might say such is offensive, but that is how science studies will catalogue the one eye baby.
And science is right, because one eye is a sign of mutation, and reagrdless of the silly claims of the theory of evolution, the body of that baby has suffered a degeneration, this is to say, has lost an organ and also lost partially a functional performance.
Gender can be whatever you want since it's defined by society.
That is correct, society can define gender, but sex is definitively defined by nature, and nature says that a man believing he is a woman is not a woman.
In society, in base of gender, and applying correctly the term
gender, a man who believes he is a woman is just an effeminate man, no more than that.
(Effeminate: -with reference to a man- having characteristics and ways of behaving traditionally associated with women and regarded as inappropriate for a man.)
If she is biologically a woman, she can be. There are tens of thousands of women in the US who have XY (male) chromosomes, for example. They have breasts and vaginas, and have had these since birth. They are women. Simple as that.
Again, what you are mentioning are cases where they were born that way. Read carefully, they were born that way. Your amount of "tens of thousands" must be pulled from statistics made by someone. You better provide such statistics, and please do not mention Google alone but show the statistics and who made the research.
And it not "as simple as that".
You see the two examples I posted because the confusion of the woron application of the terms
sex and
And I am avoiding news from different sources, showing for example two women pushing out a man from a women's bathroom. That man was hit badly by these two women in a McDonalds. He was applying wrongly his sexual status believing he was a woman when he was just an effeminate man, on the other hand these two womwn enfroced with their own hands their right of privacy in a bathroom for women.
Authorities, believing perhaps that they can impoose whatever they want, have applied wrongly the terms sex and gender, and have made injustice in both ways. Now several individuals believe they now belong to the opposite sex rather than belonging solely to the opposite gender. Official documents, if those ask for "gender"then the answer to be given is
masculine and
femenine, not so male or female or man and woman; and so forth.
And better is to ask for
sex and no
gender, because this will clear up once and for all the current confusion, because
sex rules.