Sex and gender, and when to apply them.

Sure there is. Surgery can change one's biology. (Ask anyone who has a heart valve replaced if modern medicine can change how their biological form works.)

Better if you expand your point, because I don't see how blood in a persion will change the sex identification because a hearth valve replacement. Blood is not produced in the hearth valve. Unless you show the contrary.

Behavior? No. Society? Yes. In our society, since we believe in personal freedom, we give that decision to the individual. I imagine in countries with limited personal freedom they probably just assign one.

Very good, we have the freedom to behave the way we want. A man is free to behave as a woman, he can dress as a woman, he can think as a woman, he can even have cosmetic surgeries to appear and feel he is a woman, but he is not a woman.

Man and woman, boy and girl, are identifications of sex, same as male and female, which are words used to identify the sex in other species, like male whale and female whale, male spider and female spider.

And here is when we obtain that the words to identify gender is masculine and feminine.

Gender is how man acts in accord to his sex. Then, the common understanding is that a man will be masculine.

Same as well, gender is how woman acts in accord to her sex. Then, the common understanding is that woman will be feminine.

Why "a common understanding"? This is because since man lived in society and in accord to our biology, the behavior of both sexes are different.

Even in animals, males and females do behave different.

Such is called a "normal", "a supposed to be".

Of course, we can only change the behavior in ourselves, in our minds we can believe we are members of the opposite sex even when our genes, or internal organs or body in general says that is not true.

Gender can be changed, modified, and men and women can become masculine of feminine at their will without followinmg the common behavior that correspoonds to their sex at birth.

However, gender is not sex, and a man who believes he is woman, he can't be called "a woman". Simple as that.
humans are incapable from being both fully functional genders with reproductive organs
there has only been a very small number with dual functioning organs
1 of which got themself pregnant apparently
but the pregnancy was aborted.

so all humans born with both sexual organs always have surgery to allow them to function in one gender range in the hope they will be capable of breeding or being capable of participating sexually with other people.

you should know this type of stuff already if your debating the subject

your tone i find offensive toward transgender & wonder if their is discrimination against LGBTQ behind that

your sentence reads as if your attempting to set up false facts to assert as your base for reasoning.

maybe you can provide a different example that is more specifically related & not a massive jump with no reasoning in between

what is the sub-narrative your running ?
that hormones do not make a difference to brain function or long term development ?
or they do ?
which ?

i am almost offended but not quite
& realize my tone is slightly harsh.
not personal
I posted in the beginning that the purpose is to clarify what is sex and what is gender, and how these terms have been used and how laws have been established in accord to them.

If you feel this is an attack to LGTB and now a Q has been added, I'm not familiar what the last initial means, but if the application of those terms sex and gender have been in accord to what their meaning is, then why do you feel making a review will offend you?

If I was to do a same topic using the word "handicap" to be reviewed, will I expect veterans of war and others who are born or loose parts of the body be offended as well?

Is this review of meaning of words and their applications against the law? And because you say it offends you, is this a reason for not to talk about it anywhere in the world? Has the LGBTQ obtained the copyrights of these words to be used only by their consent?

As far as the thread is going, best is to review and have a conversation, discussion, debate, but keeping the rules, without insults.

From your opinion, lets see what you say, what is sex, what is gender, what are the differences between these two words. Your opnion is very inportant because you seem to have a different concept of those words.
Take note that you can't call to this status as normal.

Well given the person's situation it is normal for them. Should that not be the focus?

I have no knowledge of hermaphrodites having children, do you?

If you trust me yes I read there have been cases but I don't have a link

If you do not trust me I am sure Mr Google can help if you ask

If so, did the children inherited the same status of hermaphrodite?


humans are incapable from being both fully functional genders with reproductive organs

Not so. As per above hermaphrodites can have both male and female sexual organs, both sets functional and, from memory in one case, the hermaphrodite person father and mothered their own child. Nature and biology are very strange beast on some rear occasions like this

so all humans born with both sexual organs always have surgery to allow them to function in one gender range in the hope they will be capable of breeding or being capable of participating sexually with other people.
Not sure this would be correct. In the popular magazines I did read of a apparently fairly famous, royal person even, going through life as a hermaphrodite, no surgery, with a bias to act the female role when
participating sexually with other people but not exclusively

Blood is not produced in the hearth valve

Bone marrow

Such is called a "normal", "a supposed to be".
What is normal? How do you know what is supposed to be? I think normal is just what we as a society accept. What use to be normal 500 yrs ago would not be accepted as normal today. The whole gender issue is simply a case where society is changing what is normal and change is a little scary.
What is normal? How do you know what is supposed to be? I think normal is just what we as a society accept. What use to be normal 500 yrs ago would not be accepted as normal today. The whole gender issue is simply a case where society is changing what is normal and change is a little scary.
I don't see it as "scary" but as confused or confusing.

Gender can be changed at he will of the individual, but the law can't recognize gender change as a sex change. It simply can't.

Here is where ethics, morality and justice will confront one to another because such confusion caused by the bad interpreation of the meaning of sex and gender.

Watch the video and check what the restaurant attendant said, he asked for the ID checking if the indiviual was a "female"in order to enter to the restroom with a woman. The individual refused such requierement.

Later, the news reporter says the owner of the restaurant says that in Washington DC the person uses the restroom that matches with the "gender" in the ID.

The news reporter, of course, mentions as "she" to the man who is dressed as a woman.

The indiviudal who dresses as a woman wants to go to court and to make a "correction" and people to understand how laws work in refernce to the LGBTQ community.(?)

The owner of the restaurant said he was going to call police because the man dressed as a woman insisted in using the women's bathroom.

The individual dressed as a woman encouraged the manager to do so.

The manager and rerstaurant attendant put the man dressed as a woman out to the street. The man dressed as a woman called the police and police gave him the reason.

No apology was given by the manager.

The man dressed as a woman says he was humilliated.

Later, the restaurant manager in Twitter presented the apologies and said he will follow DC rulkes.

I can bet the owner has received threats from DC authorities and has no other choice but to comply with the confusion.

I will tell the next: Washington DC has a public swimming pool in NW side of the city. Over there there are changing rooms for men and for women.

Lets try the following.

A man who dresses as a woman, getting inside the women's changing room and be naked in front of little girls, teenagers and women.

Just because this man believes he is a woman, does he have the right to enter to that changing room and expose himfself naked to women and he be able to see naked girls, teenagers and women as well?

What do you think?

Is DC right with such a law?

Check the brothers' opinion when a similar situation happens in a spa.

No, men dressed as a woman are not women. A conflict between women's rights and LGTBQ rights?

The people have talked.

But apparently the authorities want to impose " a different language.

Is this "ethical"?
Better if you expand your point, because I don't see how blood in a persion will change the sex identification because a hearth valve replacement.
A heart valve replacement will change someone's biology. Specifically it changes how their heart works.
A sex change operation will change someone's biology. Specifically which sex (i.e. phenotype) they are.
Very good, we have the freedom to behave the way we want. A man is free to behave as a woman, he can dress as a woman, he can think as a woman, he can even have cosmetic surgeries to appear and feel he is a woman, but he is not a woman.
Yep, she is indeed a woman, even if you don't like it.
Even in animals, males and females do behave different.
In animals, females taking on male roles (and vice versa) is common. Hawks have polygamous relationships. In hynenas, the females are larger than the males and do most of the fighting. In bonobos, women are in charge. Female lions lead their pride - and occasionally grow manes and mount other females..

So no, there is no one way for females (or males) to behave in nature - and they don't always behave differently.
Such is called a "normal", "a supposed to be".
Not according to nature.
Gender can be changed, modified, and men and women can become masculine of feminine at their will without followinmg the common behavior that correspoonds to their sex at birth.
Gender can be whatever you want since it's defined by society.
However, gender is not sex, and a man who believes he is woman, he can't be called "a woman". Simple as that.
If she is biologically a woman, she can be. There are tens of thousands of women in the US who have XY (male) chromosomes, for example. They have breasts and vaginas, and have had these since birth. They are women. Simple as that.
and they must decide -if they want to- what sex to keep as their identity, they do have a biological justification for such decision

why do you feel making a review will offend you?


hermaphrodites are not born with 2 complete sets of fully functioning sexual organs

thus to state hey have a freedom of choice to choose a gender
like picking a new pair of cheap shoes
is not a review
but an out n out insult to empathy

the suffering they must endure is considerable
suggesting they are in fact lucky & are in a position of exceptional privilege is obscene

but such comments only hurt those who have feelings to be hurt
if you have been raised as a materials sociopath with psychopathic personality base
your moral application of empathy is class based with no common moral of equal human rights

the obvious question is
to you
how big do you think a personality is ?
sexual self definition is a scale
your staring at black & white
while ignoring all the other colours
while 99% of all people transition through gay bi hetro & acclimate to from & through male & female aspects

note my question about your jung adaptation

are you rendering diversity & creativity into a cult like mentality ?

here we seem to have same/same

i have the advantage of living among working with & being friends with people from a vastly diverse range of self expressions
LGBTQ is normal in my world view
& gender assignment & transition is as simple as the moon
it sits there undeniabley in existence

your complaints of people being too complicated for YOU to understand
is not a mandate o demand they bend o your will

are you looking to learn & understand & discuss ?

confine, demand & reduce ?
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If you feel this is an attack to LGTB and now a Q has been added,
I'm not familiar what the last initial means,

the last character is officially +
& the correct term is
(+) nonbinary (inclusive of other lesser know variants)

you need to at least school yourself on the basic perimeters of the reality before you start to discuss its absolute values

Queer is a nature of generic sexual range to include a fluid sexuality which is non binary bound
& may also include cross dressing as a sexual personality expression
this also includes fetish range sexual orientation associations

(it is an English word from the English language with English meaning)
i feel like im talking to a child
A heart valve replacement will change someone's biology. Specifically it changes how their heart works.
A sex change operation will change someone's biology. Specifically which sex (i.e. phenotype) they are.

You are not saying somethingwith real value, just a complete nonsense.

A heart replacement might change the fuctional work of the heart but such won't change the structure of the rest of the body.Like you change the valves of a car more and the engineand rest of the car my have a difference in its performance, but won't transform it into a heavy truck or a motorcycle.

Same as well, a cosmetic surgery replacing the sexual organ parts of a person won't change the sex of the individual. A man removing his sexual organs and making cosmetic work to make it appear like woman's body won't change his genetic map, won't make him have monthly period, less a vagina and chances to get pregnant, etc. It's just a cosmetic surgery. You must understand that.

Yep, she is indeed a woman, even if you don't like it.

I apply science and science has no feelings.

By no means a cosmetic surgery will change your sex. Sex is not the physical appearance but a structure of the body.

In animals, females taking on male roles (and vice versa) is common. Hawks have polygamous relationships. In hynenas, the females are larger than the males and do most of the fighting. In bonobos, women are in charge. Female lions lead their pride - and occasionally grow manes and mount other females..

The behavior of the animals mentioned by you won't make the females to come males, it is a behavior. And those cases have been already explained in another topic where the eplanation given discards your assumption that females lead over males.

So no, there is no one way for females (or males) to behave in nature - and they don't always behave differently.

Of course no one can control the behavior of individuals, in humans or in other species, but you must prove with evidence that those species behave that way because the feel they belong to the opposite sex, and here is when all your argument is debunked.

Not according to nature.

We have created models after observing nature. It doesn't have to show complete accuracy but models are helpfull for doing studies. "Normal" is humans born with two ears, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two arms, two legs, five digits in hands and feet, etc. etc.

A baby is bornwith one eye, thaqt is not "normal".

You can argue that for the body of the child to be born with one eye only is the "normal" of his body, but we in the chart his one eye status will catalogue it as "birth defect". You might say such is offensive, but that is how science studies will catalogue the one eye baby.

And science is right, because one eye is a sign of mutation, and reagrdless of the silly claims of the theory of evolution, the body of that baby has suffered a degeneration, this is to say, has lost an organ and also lost partially a functional performance.

Gender can be whatever you want since it's defined by society.

That is correct, society can define gender, but sex is definitively defined by nature, and nature says that a man believing he is a woman is not a woman.

In society, in base of gender, and applying correctly the term gender, a man who believes he is a woman is just an effeminate man, no more than that.

(Effeminate: -with reference to a man- having characteristics and ways of behaving traditionally associated with women and regarded as inappropriate for a man.)

If she is biologically a woman, she can be. There are tens of thousands of women in the US who have XY (male) chromosomes, for example. They have breasts and vaginas, and have had these since birth. They are women. Simple as that.

Again, what you are mentioning are cases where they were born that way. Read carefully, they were born that way. Your amount of "tens of thousands" must be pulled from statistics made by someone. You better provide such statistics, and please do not mention Google alone but show the statistics and who made the research.

And it not "as simple as that".

You see the two examples I posted because the confusion of the woron application of the terms sex and gender.

And I am avoiding news from different sources, showing for example two women pushing out a man from a women's bathroom. That man was hit badly by these two women in a McDonalds. He was applying wrongly his sexual status believing he was a woman when he was just an effeminate man, on the other hand these two womwn enfroced with their own hands their right of privacy in a bathroom for women.

Authorities, believing perhaps that they can impoose whatever they want, have applied wrongly the terms sex and gender, and have made injustice in both ways. Now several individuals believe they now belong to the opposite sex rather than belonging solely to the opposite gender. Official documents, if those ask for "gender"then the answer to be given is masculine and femenine, not so male or female or man and woman; and so forth.

And better is to ask for sex and no gender, because this will clear up once and for all the current confusion, because sex rules.

hermaphrodites are not born with 2 complete sets of fully functioning sexual organs

thus to state hey have a freedom of choice to choose a gender
like picking a new pair of cheap shoes

Then, those are cases of birth defect. And I don't think that for them choosing what gender to follow is not just "picking a new pair of cheap shoes"

is not a review
but an out n out insult to empathy

the suffering they must endure is considerable
suggesting they are in fact lucky & are in a position of exceptional privilege is obscene

Again, individuals are to choose freely what gender to follow, but such is not an indication that such will automatically made them members of the opposite sex.
but such comments only hurt those who have feelings to be hurt
if you have been raised as a materials sociopath with psychopathic personality base
your moral application of empathy is class based with no common moral of equal human rights

Can't you notice that men believing they are a woman actually offend women when they go inside a bathroom for women? What about woman's rights?

the obvious question is
to you
how big do you think a personality is ?
sexual self definition is a scale
your staring at black & white
while ignoring all the other colours
while 99% of all people transition through gay bi hetro & acclimate to from & through male & female aspects

The transition you are talking is about gender. And such term "transition" is not even accurate because the proper term is "decision".

Even if you find a gene that push you to become homosexual, you still have the choice if following or not. This is similar to children born with alcoholic tendencies inherited in their genes because alcoholic parents. At the end of the day, it is the decision of the individual to follow the push of the genes or to avoid becoming an alcoholic.

Same is with gender or tendecies to become a homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, etc. It is a decision.

note my question about your jung adaptation

are you rendering diversity & creativity into a cult like mentality ?

No idea where do you want to go with such words.

here we seem to have same/same
i have the advantage of living among working with & being friends with people from a vastly diverse range of self expressions

Well, in that case, my point of view fits greatly in such a "diversity".

LGBTQ is normal in my world view
& gender assignment & transition is as simple as the moon
it sits there undeniabley in existence

I agree, you are talking about gender and that is correct.

your complaints of people being too complicated for YOU to understand
is not a mandate o demand they bend o your will

are you looking to learn & understand & discuss ?

confine, demand & reduce ?

You didn't understand a single word of my point.

I never said that I am confused, I said the current situation is confused because the incorrect use and abuse of the terms sex and gender.

Look, authorities given you green light when recognizing you as a woman just because you being a man you say you are a woman, the authorities are the ones confusing YOU, because what they say is based on ignorance. Neither the proper application of languge nor the application of biological studies will assign you the status of being a woman.

The authorities are the ones insulting you, they are the ones pulling your legs, because in reality you are born man and regardless of what you do to change that, you will die with the status of man.

The expression "sex change" is just that, an expression, like to say, the sun "sets" when evening comes, or "rises up" early at mornings, expresiones based in illusions, not based in reality. (Earth's rotation causing the illusion the sun sets and rises up at horizon)

You just can't take seriously that kind of expressions.
A heart replacement might change the fuctional work of the heart but such won't change the structure of the rest of the body.
It absolutely will.

It will change your lungs. Heart disease causes higher blood pressure in your lungs, resulting in edema (fluid) collecting in your lungs, and leading to infection, swelling and hypoxia.
It will change your kidneys. Reduced blood pressure will reduce the efficiency of your kidneys, and waste products can back up in your nephritic tubules, causing kidney disease.
It will change your body shape. Reduced effectiveness of pumping will cause edema everywhere. People's faces will get puffy, their ankles will swell and their bodies will bloat.

Like you change the valves of a car more and the engineand rest of the car my have a difference in its performance, but won't transform it into a heavy truck or a motorcycle.
Changing the valves of a car is not the same as changing out a heart valve. You wouldn't go to your mechanic to change out your heart valve, would you?

Same as well, a cosmetic surgery replacing the sexual organ parts of a person won't change the sex of the individual. A man removing his sexual organs and making cosmetic work to make it appear like woman's body won't change his genetic map, won't make him have monthly period, less a vagina and chances to get pregnant, etc. It's just a cosmetic surgery. You must understand that.
What you don't understand is that there are tens of thousands of women in the US with AIS. They are women. They are genetically male.

You seem to base most of your opinions on ignorance. I know that is popular with people of your ilk, but it also makes it very easy to defeat you in debate.
I apply science and science has no feelings.
Great! So she's a woman. The fact that you feel bad about it means absolutely nothing.
(Effeminate: -with reference to a man- having characteristics and ways of behaving traditionally associated with women and regarded as inappropriate for a man.)
"Inappropriate?" Sounds like your feelings are hurt again!

Let's review - "science has no feelings." So it doesn't matter if it hurts your feelings or you think it's inappropriate.
Again, what you are mentioning are cases where they were born that way. Read carefully, they were born that way.
Ah! So you admit that if someone is PHENOTYPICALLY female, they are ACTUALLY female even if they are genetically male. Great! Problem solved. We will go with that from here on out.
Then, those are cases of birth defect. And I don't think that for them choosing what gender to follow is not just "picking a new pair of cheap shoes"

all human hermaphrodites are developmental defects or mutations
NOT birth defects

'birth defect' is 1900 language

hermaphrodites choose the least worst of a bad situation
which is a physical & hormonal issue

i am attempting to be very polite & educational about your flaming of people born with genital issues

as if they are lucky

& then comparing that liberal freedom of good fortune & personal wealth to compare it to gender & trans issues

made them members of the opposite sex


binary reality

your standing on a soap box demanding that there is no such things a fluid gender

a lot of people share your opinion

that doesn't mean it is correct or polite/non offensive

like ... if i was to start going on like a nazi demanding genocide of people
& then claiming it as my right to have an opinion
it is an act of abuse

Can't you notice that men believing they are a woman actually offend women when they go inside a bathroom for women? What about woman's rights?

so you see this as an act of abuse against women
by those whom are not born 100% as a woman to go into a womens bathroom's & live & act like a woman
you think this choice is offensive to other women ?

have you worked & socialized with LGBTQ+ people ?

i personally have the social skills to walk into mens or womens bathrooms to use them & not have any issues
if i need to & not offend anyone
but that takes interest in understanding people & how they think & feel
etc etc
i have lost count how many times i as a male dressed as a male have stood & chatted to a women in the womens rest rooms as other women come in to use the toilets & do their make up

there is a different reality
that you are not aware of
it only comes with learning about people
it requires effort & sacrifice

the real world is not black & white

this whole sexual predator validation of trans men using womens rest rooms is right wing religious propaganda hate speech

drumming up fear of trans people to use as a weapon to mind control xenophobic people

it offends me on many levels
but i am very interested in reading your opinion
& learning how you rationalize things

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My proposal is starting with de proper definitions of those words, Later, how to apply those in minors and adults, and so forth.

Why is gender reassignment surgery limited to making only males and females?

Why no clowns?