Sexual promiscuity

Originally posted by Xev
I don't get why divorce is seen as a bad thing.
People are fuckwits.

Hehe, I think ONE divorce is fine... more divorces after that you're just an idiot. As long as you know that, that's fine too. :)
Actually, I think the institution of marriage is fucking STUPID unless you have kids, desperately need a tax shelter or there is some other convenience behind it.
"But for all those who just want an independent and no-bonds life, it is a convenience to enjoy. But isn't it also the life of frustration and confusion beyond a point?"

Why would it be frustrating of confusing? Or more exactly; why would anyone who's chosen this life be likely to find it so?
Originally posted by jds999
Love will always confound the cynics. ;-)


why would you equate love and marriage? you've had your eyes sewn shut?
well, it's pretty subjective, so if that's the way you see it for you, fine. :)

Eh, it's a noble thought you've got there. I've been extremely lucky in love myself and well, you've seen my opinion. If you are childlike enough to make it to your deathbed with that same opinion, then lucky ignorant you. That is sweet though that you think that.
Originally posted by Binary
If your such an adult, tell me what is the difference between you and you as a child?

I assume you're typing to me...

Uh about 23 years.. *shrug* hmm... well... many years of college, a degree, children, marriage, two wars (was in the army for 4 years), world wide travel, drugs, illness, happiness, elation, innumerable reflections on innumerable things, years of developing a particular perspective... well, sheez... more stuff than I can list.
Originally posted by Xevious
If you think marrage is so stupid, why did you get married?

knocked up my chick.

turns out she's amazing (I suspected as such, but had only known her for three months prior to her turning up preggo).

i'm an incredibly lucky bastard.

two kids now (gerlz, one 6mo, one 2.5yrs) ;)

they are super mega sweeties... :) loves me my punkins..
*sports the warm fuzzy*
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I think love is pretty damned badass, neuro-chemical trick or not... it's fucking cool. I don't even have a single part of a problem with monogomy. It's just that well, it's not NECESSARY. It's just possible, likely probable... but definately not certain.
Originally posted by Tyler
Why would it be frustrating of confusing? Or more exactly; why would anyone who's chosen this life be likely to find it so?

Well, a promiscuous person wouldn't be building any great relationships. So after all the years of sexual pleasure and enjoyment, what would his/her goal in life be? Money, bills, travel and what beyond?

Where as for a family person, there would be certain responsibilities and needs for which he needs to endeavour. These might appear as constraints on the surface, but would exercise a kind of beneficial control and keep the mind in a positive direction. And along with it would come the pleasure of the cushioning the family offers, in countering any external frustrations and pressures that may arise in life. (btw, I have had the opportunity to experience the bliss that a joint family offers!)
You must have read that a person's blood pressure is always lower when with one's family, so much so they say, 'if you have to worry, worry at home'!

Without the cushion, these small feelings might escalate in full blown frustration and confusion, the effects of which are a different matter altogether.

Then, of course, is the unwritten rule: 'You care for me now, and I will for you later'.

In essence, what I am saying is that a family person would have a direction and a cushion. All said, I am not talking about the American marriages with open options, rather the marriages-for-life.
Originally posted by Adam
How do you view someone who is sexually promiscuous (a slut, or sleaze, whatever)? Do you have any problems with such behaviour? If so, what are they? If not, why not? Would you date a guy/girl who was sexually promicuous in the past?

As I've mentioned in one of my posts, we cannot judge a person unless we know him/her fully...long term. However, I count myself as one of those who think that sexually promiscuous individuals are in deep longing (just a thought)

Actually, I did date a guy who was sexually promiscuous in the past. He actually became my boyfriend. His active sex life is due to his dependence on drugs in the past. But I loved him so much that I was redy to accept all of that. "Loved"...we decided to separate ways. :(
Originally posted by Xev
No. I expect any man I date to remain a virgin until marriage. [/B]

Wow! I didn't know someone would also share my conviction. But ya know, when love strikes you, it strikes you...and you are willing to accept the whole person no matter what because of love. Love will conquer both heart and mind. Something I didn't know can actually happen to me. I thought I was too rational.
you know what, i was being kind of negative before. what a dick. I suppose the institution does have value after all. At least in that it IS sometimes advantagious in multiple ways to the couple.... and if you're IN the couple, well, you get advantages. So hey, cool. Also it's kind of neat to be married to someone you really dig, even on the merit of the stupid little label. It's just a societal status thing, but I don't know, and can't believe it.. but I've really enjoyed being married so far. Right on.

so, it's gooder than I thought. :)

the glass is both half full and half empty you know.

oh- I should credit my neighbor for swaying me.

my only reservation is that I like to give people the credit (or fault I suppose) for making their relationships what the are, rather than an institution.
Any institution is only as solid as the individuals committed to it.
Wishing you a lasting love...